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Started 2 yr 8 mo ago
Took 15 min on centos-7-lp8cz

#15 (Jan 11, 2022, 7:30:47 PM)

Build Artifacts
  1. bug[TW20024]: Check for NPE in DecisionWorkItemHookIde (details)
  2. bug[TW20022]: Handle duplicate ATS IDs gracefully (details)
  3. bug[TW20022]: Create Duplicate Artifact Id Report (details)
  4. feature[TW19312]: CR - Add DisplayHint.YesNoBoolean and handle (details)
  5. refactor[TW19312]: CR - Rename AtsAttrValCol (details)
  6. refactor[TW19597]: PLE Management - Change .subscribe() functionality to .pipe() (details)
  7. refactor[TW19597]: PLE Management - Update PLConfigUI service to use global UI service (details)
  8. refactor[TW19597]: PLE Management - Update Sidenav to be fixed in viewport (details)
  9. refactor[TW19597]: PLE Management - Add account header to all requests to api (details)
  10. feature[TW19597]: PLE Management - Diff Report Functionality (details)
  11. feature[TW19909]: MIM- Structures/Elements Diff Page (details)

Started by user Andy Jury

This run spent:

  • 7.6 sec waiting;
  • 15 min build duration;
  • 15 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 47a6802cce8c876da2a930ae9695af9ade2e3f9a
  • origin/dev