GitHub pull request #7296 of commit a6e711a06f9929a3ea63c685fe0aa4ab8eaac481, no merge conflicts. Setting status of a6e711a06f9929a3ea63c685fe0aa4ab8eaac481 to PENDING with url and message: 'Build started for merge commit.' Using context: continuous-integration/eclipse-omr/pr/linux_riscv64_cross Checking out git into /var/jenkins/workspace/PullRequest-linux_riscv64_cross@script/f1b4e3a3353e2a04b36d7c5a888d95b6fe1db22d26c47e5585ae4003ac51b37e to read buildenv/jenkins/omrbuild.groovy The recommended git tool is: git No credentials specified Wiping out workspace first. Cloning the remote Git repository Avoid fetching tags Honoring refspec on initial clone Cloning repository > git init /var/jenkins/workspace/PullRequest-linux_riscv64_cross@script/f1b4e3a3353e2a04b36d7c5a888d95b6fe1db22d26c47e5585ae4003ac51b37e # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.43.0' > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/7296/merge:refs/remotes/origin/pr/7296/merge # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/pull/7296/merge:refs/remotes/origin/pr/7296/merge # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/7296/merge^{commit} # timeout=10 JENKINS-19022: warning: possible memory leak due to Git plugin usage; see: Checking out Revision d39818c41e3849d854bdfe435768c787ee9b6f1d (refs/remotes/origin/pr/7296/merge) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f d39818c41e3849d854bdfe435768c787ee9b6f1d # timeout=10 Commit message: "Merge a6e711a06f9929a3ea63c685fe0aa4ab8eaac481 into e4471dab59f99aa1fd94807662190e5abd7d9b6e" First time build. Skipping changelog. [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] timestamps [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout [2024-05-15T15:17:21.433Z] Timeout set to expire in 8 hr 0 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Queue) [Pipeline] echo [2024-05-15T15:17:21.460Z] custom option matcher: null [Pipeline] echo [2024-05-15T15:17:21.461Z] [compile:riscv64:cross] [Pipeline] echo [2024-05-15T15:17:21.462Z] run in docker: true [Pipeline] node [2024-05-15T15:17:36.463Z] Still waiting to schedule task [2024-05-15T15:17:36.464Z] All nodes of label ‘compile:riscv64:cross’ are offline [2024-05-15T23:17:21.434Z] Cancelling nested steps due to timeout [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timestamps [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Timeout has been exceeded org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.actions.ErrorAction$ErrorId: 7967650a-dd2a-4f61-8787-130705e1d97f Setting status of a6e711a06f9929a3ea63c685fe0aa4ab8eaac481 to FAILURE with url and message: 'Build finished. ' Using context: continuous-integration/eclipse-omr/pr/linux_riscv64_cross Finished: ABORTED