GitHub pull request #6918 of commit ec1a379147bbb723e87f3e7c50568d118b0d8be6, no merge conflicts. Setting status of ec1a379147bbb723e87f3e7c50568d118b0d8be6 to PENDING with url and message: 'Running' Using context: Copyright Check Obtained buildenv/jenkins/copyrightCheck.groovy from git [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 6 hr 0 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Copyright Check) [Pipeline] node Running on proxy in /home/jenkins/jenkins-agent/workspace/CopyrightCheck [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timestamps [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] checkout [2023-03-06T19:28:22.134Z] The recommended git tool is: git [2023-03-06T19:28:22.269Z] No credentials specified [2023-03-06T19:28:22.340Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository [2023-03-06T19:28:22.304Z] > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /home/jenkins/jenkins-agent/workspace/CopyrightCheck/.git # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:22.374Z] > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:22.444Z] Fetching upstream changes from [2023-03-06T19:28:22.445Z] > git --version # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:22.447Z] > git --version # 'git version 2.25.1' [2023-03-06T19:28:22.447Z] > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/6918/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/6918/* +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:23.238Z] Checking out Revision 406f6b9af058b83e8f39244b583b44b8983517a7 (refs/remotes/origin/pr/6918/merge) [2023-03-06T19:28:23.420Z] Commit message: "Merge ec1a379147bbb723e87f3e7c50568d118b0d8be6 into d5af8d16e93cc591fffb779b4cfa328ec7e0327f" [Pipeline] sh [2023-03-06T19:28:23.200Z] > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/6918/merge^{commit} # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:23.271Z] > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:23.275Z] > git checkout -f 406f6b9af058b83e8f39244b583b44b8983517a7 # timeout=10 [2023-03-06T19:28:24.279Z] + git diff -C --diff-filter=ACM --name-only origin/master HEAD [Pipeline] echo [2023-03-06T19:28:24.546Z] gc/base/standard/ParallelGlobalGC.cpp [2023-03-06T19:28:24.546Z] gc/base/standard/Scavenger.cpp [Pipeline] sh [2023-03-06T19:28:25.401Z] + date +%Y [Pipeline] fileExists [Pipeline] readFile [Pipeline] echo [2023-03-06T19:28:25.808Z] Checking file: 'gc/base/standard/ParallelGlobalGC.cpp' [Pipeline] sh [2023-03-06T19:28:26.662Z] + grep -qE Copyright \(c\) ([0-9]{4}), 2023 gc/base/standard/ParallelGlobalGC.cpp [Pipeline] echo [2023-03-06T19:28:26.864Z] Copyright date in file: appears to be correct [Pipeline] echo [2023-03-06T19:28:26.890Z] Checking file: 'gc/base/standard/Scavenger.cpp' [Pipeline] sh [2023-03-06T19:28:27.742Z] + grep -qE Copyright \(c\) ([0-9]{4}), 2023 gc/base/standard/Scavenger.cpp [Pipeline] echo [2023-03-06T19:28:27.943Z] Copyright date in file: appears to be correct [Pipeline] echo [2023-03-06T19:28:27.945Z] All modified files appear to have correct copyrights [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timestamps [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Setting status of ec1a379147bbb723e87f3e7c50568d118b0d8be6 to SUCCESS with url and message: 'Copyrights appear to be correct ' Using context: Copyright Check Finished: SUCCESS