GitHub pull request #7344 of commit d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138, no merge conflicts. Setting status of d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138 to PENDING with url and message: 'Build started for merge commit.' Using context: continuous-integration/eclipse-omr/pr/osx_aarch64 Checking out git into /var/jenkins/workspace/PullRequest-osx_aarch64@script/f1b4e3a3353e2a04b36d7c5a888d95b6fe1db22d26c47e5585ae4003ac51b37e to read buildenv/jenkins/omrbuild.groovy The recommended git tool is: git No credentials specified Wiping out workspace first. Cloning the remote Git repository Avoid fetching tags Honoring refspec on initial clone Cloning repository > git init /var/jenkins/workspace/PullRequest-osx_aarch64@script/f1b4e3a3353e2a04b36d7c5a888d95b6fe1db22d26c47e5585ae4003ac51b37e # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.43.2' > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/7344/merge:refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/pull/7344/merge:refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision ceb1474b282eb3b2743877cd21b342e905f8f042 (refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f ceb1474b282eb3b2743877cd21b342e905f8f042 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Merge d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138 into e32d21b256728bc90598eb68fddfebbf52f8b740" First time build. Skipping changelog. [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] timestamps [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.530Z] Timeout set to expire in 8 hr 0 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Queue) [Pipeline] echo 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.543Z] custom option matcher: null [Pipeline] echo 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.544Z] [compile:amac] [Pipeline] echo 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.545Z] run in docker: false [Pipeline] node 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.548Z] Running on mac13-aarch64-08 in /Users/omr/workspace/PullRequest-osx_aarch64 [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.563Z] customWorkspace: /Users/omr/workspace/Build [Pipeline] ws 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.568Z] Running in /Users/omr/workspace/Build [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.573Z] Timeout set to expire in 2 hr 0 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo 15:52:10 [2024-05-24T19:52:10.588Z] env vars: [GTEST_FILTER=-*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest*, PATH+CCACHE=/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec, GTEST_COLOR=0] [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] + printenv 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullId=7344 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE=eef858ab-3015-4060-bc5c-80d1fe6090de 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullLink= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] BUILD_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] SHELL=/bin/bash 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE=c3663d0c112c2ee2 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbSourceBranch=master 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] STAGE_NAME=Queue 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] TMPDIR=/var/folders/r1/nbzr_fc90bjc28fxv3_dhr7w0000gq/T/ 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] SSH_CLIENT= 46264 22 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] BUILD_TAG=jenkins-PullRequest-osx_aarch64-306 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullAuthorLogin=dmitripivkine 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] GTEST_COLOR=0 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JOB_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] WORKSPACE=/Users/omr/workspace/Build 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullDescription=GitHub pull request #7344 of commit d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138, no merge conflicts. 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbAuthorRepoGitUrl= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] USER=omr 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbTriggerAuthorLoginMention=@babsingh 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] OPENJ9_JAVA_COMMAND_LINE=java -Xmx1g -Xdump:system:none -Xdump:heap:none -Xdump:java:none -Xdump:snap:none -Xdump:system:events=gpf+abort+traceassert+corruptcache -Xdump:java:events=gpf+user+abort+traceassert+corruptcache -Xdump:snap:events=gpf+abort+traceassert+corruptcache -jar remoting.jar 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_41590=hudson.remoting.Launcher 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] RUN_ARTIFACTS_DISPLAY_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbCommentBody=jenkins build all 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F7:0:0 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullTitle=Use top-down direction for heap allocation on zLinux 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JENKINS_HOME=/var/jenkins 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] PATH=/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:/Users/omr/jdk-11.0.18+10/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] RUN_DISPLAY_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] _=/usr/bin/printenv 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention=@dmitripivkine 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] PWD=/Users/omr/workspace/Build 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] HUDSON_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] LANG=en_US.UTF-8 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JOB_NAME=PullRequest-osx_aarch64 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] GITLAB_OBJECT_KIND=none 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] sha1=origin/pr/7344/merge 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME=#306 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JENKINS_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] BUILD_ID=306 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbActualCommit=d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JOB_BASE_NAME=PullRequest-osx_aarch64 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] RUN_TESTS_DISPLAY_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] SHLVL=3 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] HOME=/Users/omr 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] GIT_BRANCH=master 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] CI=true 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] WORKSPACE_TMP=/Users/omr/workspace/Build@tmp 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE=durable-ed80c4f6fa14121234df94be23f149e5d8eb4a839bc1ab34ecad064bdb33b97f 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] NODE_LABELS=aarch64 compile:amac OSX mac13-aarch64-08 UNB 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] LOGNAME=omr 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbTriggerAuthor=Babneet Singh 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] HUDSON_HOME=/var/jenkins 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] SSH_CONNECTION= 46264 22 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbPullLongDescription=Current heap allocation direction for zLinux is bottom-up. The motivation for this is on Z platforms shift operation executes faster for smaller shift value. However with bottom-up direction object heap takes all available memory below 4G bar. This does not allow Suballocator to expand if necessary and might lead to OOM below 4G bar. The intention for this fix is to improve this situation. Switching to top-down increases chances that less memory below 4G bar is going to be used (but worst case scenario still be the same as now). In order to keep smaller shift performance benefit an allocation shift scheme should stay 0-1-2-3-4. All other platforms still use 0-3-4. The behaviour for all other platforms has not been changed. 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] NODE_NAME=mac13-aarch64-08 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbTargetBranch=master 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] GTEST_FILTER=-*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] JOB_DISPLAY_URL= 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] BUILD_NUMBER=306 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] BUILDSPEC=osx_aarch64 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] HUDSON_COOKIE=2c57d7c1-38cb-4148-8bfe-d493d5dc9046 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbTriggerAuthorLogin=babsingh 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbCredentialsId=github-bot-token 15:52:35 [2024-05-24T19:52:35.673Z] ghprbGhRepository=eclipse/omr [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Get Sources) [Pipeline] retry [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] checkout 15:52:37 [2024-05-24T19:52:37.976Z] The recommended git tool is: git 15:54:23 [2024-05-24T19:54:23.913Z] No credentials specified 15:54:25 [2024-05-24T19:54:25.248Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository 15:54:24 [2024-05-24T19:54:24.000Z] > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /Users/omr/workspace/Build/.git # timeout=10 15:54:47 [2024-05-24T19:54:47.925Z] > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 15:54:51 [2024-05-24T19:54:51.587Z] Checking out Revision ceb1474b282eb3b2743877cd21b342e905f8f042 (refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge) 15:54:48 [2024-05-24T19:54:48.755Z] Fetching upstream changes from 15:54:48 [2024-05-24T19:54:48.756Z] > git --version # timeout=10 15:54:48 [2024-05-24T19:54:48.774Z] > git --version # 'git version 2.38.1' 15:54:48 [2024-05-24T19:54:48.775Z] > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/pull/7344/merge:refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge # timeout=30 15:54:51 [2024-05-24T19:54:51.379Z] > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/7344/merge^{commit} # timeout=10 15:54:51 [2024-05-24T19:54:51.865Z] > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 15:54:51 [2024-05-24T19:54:51.885Z] > git checkout -f ceb1474b282eb3b2743877cd21b342e905f8f042 # timeout=10 15:55:08 [2024-05-24T19:55:08.484Z] Commit message: "Merge d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138 into e32d21b256728bc90598eb68fddfebbf52f8b740" [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // retry [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Build) [Pipeline] echo 15:55:08 [2024-05-24T19:55:08.674Z] Output CCACHE stats before running and clear them [Pipeline] sh 15:55:12 [2024-05-24T19:55:12.556Z] + ccache -s -z 15:55:12 [2024-05-24T19:55:12.556Z] Local storage: 15:55:12 [2024-05-24T19:55:12.556Z] Cache size (GiB): 0.0 / 5.0 ( 0.00%) 15:55:12 [2024-05-24T19:55:12.556Z] Statistics zeroed [Pipeline] dir 15:55:13 [2024-05-24T19:55:13.267Z] Running in /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] echo 15:55:13 [2024-05-24T19:55:13.273Z] Configure... [Pipeline] sh 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] + cmake -Wdev -C../cmake/caches/Travis.cmake .. 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] loading initial cache file ../cmake/caches/Travis.cmake 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Starting with CMake version 3.24.2 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- OMR: The CPU architecture is aarch64 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- OMR: The OS is osx 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- OMR: The tool configuration is gnu 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- OMR: The target data size is 64 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- OMR: trace root is '/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build' 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Creating static library for jitbuilder 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Adding PRIVATE compiler options to jitbuilder for jitbuilder. 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] CMake Warning at fvtest/porttest/CMakeLists.txt:221 (message): 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] Excluded omrport tests: --gtest_filter=-PortMemTest.mem_test7_allocate32 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Creating static library for testcompiler 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Adding PRIVATE compiler options to testcompiler for testcompiler. 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Adding INTERFACE compiler options to testcompiler for testcompiler. 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Adding PUBLIC compiler options to tril for testcompiler. 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Configuring done 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Generating done 15:55:17 [2024-05-24T19:55:17.803Z] -- Build files have been written to: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build [Pipeline] echo 15:55:18 [2024-05-24T19:55:18.544Z] Compile... [Pipeline] sh 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] + make -j4 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target pugixml 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target trace 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 0%] Built target header_check 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omr_ddr_ir 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 1%] Built target pugixml 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target ddrgentest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 2%] Built target trace 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrtestutil 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target ddrgentest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target omr_ddr_ir 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrGtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target omrtestutil 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target sltestlib 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target invalidAgentMissingOnLoad 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target invalidAgentMissingOnUnload 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target omrGtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target sltestlib 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target invalidAgentMissingOnLoad 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target invalidAgentMissingOnUnload 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target invalidAgentReturnError 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target sampleSubscriber 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target subscriberAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target subscriberAgentWithJ9thread 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target invalidAgentReturnError 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target sampleSubscriber 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target subscriberAgentWithJ9thread 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] [ 3%] Built target subscriberAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target traceOptionAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.897Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target tracegen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target tracemerge 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 3%] Built target traceOptionAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 4%] Built target tracegen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 4%] Built target tracemerge 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target hookgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omr_ddr_macros 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omr_ddr_scanner 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 5%] Built target hookgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 5%] Built target omr_ddr_macros 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target bindthreadagent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 6%] Built target omr_ddr_scanner 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target memorycategoriesagent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 7%] Built target bindthreadagent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target traceagent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 7%] Built target memorycategoriesagent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target traceNotStartedAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 7%] Built target traceagent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target cpuLoadAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 7%] Built target traceNotStartedAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 7%] Built target cpuLoadAgent 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 7%] Built target trc_omr_test 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_omrport 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_j9thr 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_avl 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_hashtable 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_omrutil 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_j9hook 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_j9utilcore 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_pool 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_omrti 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_omrvm 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_j9mm 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_omrmm 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target trc_j9vgc 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrgc_tracegen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target j9pool 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target omrgc_tracegen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target j9pool 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target j9avl 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 8%] Built target j9avl 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target j9thr_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrutil_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrport_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 10%] Built target j9thr_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 12%] Built target omrutil_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target j9hook_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 12%] Built target omrgc_hookgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 12%] Built target j9hook_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 16%] Built target omrport_obj 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omr_ddr_blobgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 16%] Built target run_tracegen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 16%] Built target omrutil 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 17%] Built target omr_ddr_blobgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 17%] Built target run_tracemerge 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target j9hashtable 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrcore 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 17%] Built target j9hashtable 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 18%] Built target omrcore 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrsig 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrutiltest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 18%] Built target j9thrstatic 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 18%] Built target omrsig 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 18%] Built target omrutiltest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 18%] Built target omrport 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrtrace 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omr_blob_reader 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 19%] Built target j9hookstatic 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 20%] Built target omrtrace 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 20%] Built target omr_blob_reader 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omr_ddrgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 20%] Built target omr_ddrgen 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrporttest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 23%] Built target omrporttest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Scanning dependencies of target testcompiler 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target testcompiler 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrgc 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 24%] Building CXX object gc/CMakeFiles/omrgc.dir/base/MemoryManager.cpp.o 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 24%] Building CXX object gc/CMakeFiles/omrgc.dir/base/modronapicore.cpp.o 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 46%] Built target testcompiler 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 46%] Linking CXX static library libomrgc.a 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target compilertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target tril 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 46%] Built target tril 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 48%] Built target compilertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target tril_dumper 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target tril_compiler 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 48%] Built target tril_dumper 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 49%] Built target tril_compiler 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 64%] Built target omrgc 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target incordec 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target triltest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target mandelbrot 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 64%] Built target incordec 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 64%] Built target mandelbrot 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 64%] Built target triltest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrvmstartup 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 65%] Built target omrvmstartup 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target compunittest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target gcexample 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Scanning dependencies of target jitbuilder 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target jitbuilder 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 65%] Built target compunittest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 65%] Linking CXX executable gcexample 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omralgotest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target comptest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 66%] Linking CXX executable omralgotest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 68%] Built target comptest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target TestBytes 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 68%] Linking CXX executable TestBytes 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 68%] Built target gcexample 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 70%] Built target omralgotest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Built target jitbuilder 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target TestTypeTraits 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target TestIntrusiveList 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Built target TestBytes 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Linking CXX executable TestIntrusiveList 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Linking CXX executable TestTypeTraits 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrrastest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrsubscribertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Linking CXX executable omrrastest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Linking CXX executable omrsubscribertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Built target TestTypeTraits 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Built target TestIntrusiveList 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrsigtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrtraceoptiontest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Linking CXX executable omrtraceoptiontest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 91%] Linking CXX executable omrsigtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 92%] Built target omrsubscribertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Built target omrrastest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrthreadextendedtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Linking CXX executable omrthreadextendedtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Built target omrsigtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrthreadtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrvmtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Linking CXX executable omrthreadtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Linking CXX executable omrvmtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Built target omrtraceoptiontest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target omrgctest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 93%] Linking CXX executable omrgctest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 94%] Built target omrthreadextendedtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target jitbuildertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 96%] Built target jitbuildertest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 96%] Built target omrthreadtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target conditionals 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target isSupportedType 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 96%] Built target isSupportedType 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 96%] Built target conditionals 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target nestedloop 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target iterfib 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 96%] Built target omrvmtest 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 96%] Built target nestedloop 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 97%] Built target iterfib 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target pow2 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target simple 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target worklist 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 97%] Built target pow2 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target power 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 97%] Built target simple 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 98%] Built target worklist 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [ 98%] Built target power 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] warning: no debug symbols in executable (-arch arm64) 15:55:21 [2024-05-24T19:55:21.898Z] [100%] Built target omrgctest [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] echo 15:55:24 [2024-05-24T19:55:24.081Z] Output CCACHE stats after running [Pipeline] sh 15:55:29 [2024-05-24T19:55:29.692Z] + ccache -s 15:55:29 [2024-05-24T19:55:29.692Z] Local storage: 15:55:29 [2024-05-24T19:55:29.692Z] Cache size (GiB): 0.0 / 5.0 ( 0.00%) [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Test) [Pipeline] echo 15:55:31 [2024-05-24T19:55:31.036Z] Sanity Test... [Pipeline] dir 15:55:31 [2024-05-24T19:55:31.037Z] Running in /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] + ctest -V 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/DartConfiguration.tcl 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/DartConfiguration.tcl 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Test project /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Constructing a list of tests 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Done constructing a list of tests 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Updating test list for fixtures 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Checking test dependency graph... 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Checking test dependency graph end 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 1 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 1: gcexample 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/example/gcexample 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/example 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: VM/GC INITIALIZED 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: configuration is MM_ConfigurationFlat 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: collector interface is MM_CollectorLanguageInterfaceImpl 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: garbage collector is MM_ParallelGlobalGC 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: allocation interface is MM_TLHAllocationInterface 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: thread allocated 1048392 tlh bytes, 0 non-tlh bytes, from 43683 allocations before NULL 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1: ALL TESTS PASSED 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 1/30 Test #1: gcexample ......................... Passed 0.53 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 2 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 2: TestJitBuilderAPIGenerator 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: Test command: /opt/homebrew/bin/python3.11 "" 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/jitbuilder/apigen 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: ................................................................................................../Users/omr/workspace/Build/jitbuilder/apigen/test/ DeprecationWarning: Please use assertRegex instead. 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: self.assertRegexpMatches(self.generator.generate_allocator_decl(class_desc), 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: ......................................s..s..s... 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: Ran 146 tests in 0.008s 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: OK (skipped=3) 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2: warning: The package 'jsonschema' is not installed so certain tests will be skipped 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 2/30 Test #2: TestJitBuilderAPIGenerator ........ Passed 0.08 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 3 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 3: conditionals_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/conditionals 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Step 2: define type dictionary 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Step 4: invoke compiled code 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3: ALL TESTS PASSED 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 3/30 Test #3: conditionals_example_as_test ...... Passed 0.01 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 4 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 4: isSupportedType_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/isSupportedType 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 1: test signed integral types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 2: test unsigned integral types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 3: test language primitive signed integral types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 4: test language primitive unsigned integral types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 5: test floating point types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 6: test cv qualified types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 7: test void type 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 8: test pointer to primitive types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 9: test pointer to pointer to primitive types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: Step 10: test unsupported types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4: PASS 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 4/30 Test #4: isSupportedType_example_as_test ... Passed 0.00 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 5 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 5: iterfib_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/iterfib 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Step 2: define type dictionary 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Step 4: invoke compiled code 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 0) = 0 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 1) = 1 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 2) = 1 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 3) = 2 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 4) = 3 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 5) = 5 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 6) = 8 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 7) = 13 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 8) = 21 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib( 9) = 34 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(10) = 55 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(11) = 89 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(12) = 144 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(13) = 233 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(14) = 377 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(15) = 610 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(16) = 987 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(17) = 1597 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(18) = 2584 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: fib(19) = 4181 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5: PASS 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 5/30 Test #5: iterfib_example_as_test ........... Passed 0.01 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 6 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 6: nestedloop_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/nestedloop 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Step 2: define relevant types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Step 4: invoke compiled code 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 0) = 0 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 1) = 1 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 2) = 64 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 3) = 729 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 4) = 4096 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 5) = 15625 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 6) = 46656 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 7) = 117649 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 8) = 262144 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop( 9) = 531441 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(10) = 1000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(11) = 1771561 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(12) = 2985984 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(13) = 4826809 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(14) = 7529536 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(15) = 11390625 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(16) = 16777216 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(17) = 24137569 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(18) = 34012224 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: nested_loop(19) = 47045881 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6: PASS 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 6/30 Test #6: nestedloop_example_as_test ........ Passed 0.07 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 7 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 7: pow2_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/pow2 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Step 2: define relevant types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Step 4: invoke compiled code 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: pow2(45) is 35184372088832 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7: PASS 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 7/30 Test #7: pow2_example_as_test .............. Passed 0.11 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 8 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 8: simple_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/simple 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Step 2: define type dictionary 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: SimpleMethod::buildIL() running! 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Step 4: invoke compiled code and print results 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: increment(0) == 1 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: increment(1) == 2 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: increment(10) == 11 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: increment(-15) == -14 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 8/30 Test #8: simple_example_as_test ............ Passed 0.01 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 9 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 9: worklist_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/worklist 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Step 2: define type dictionary 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: WorklistMethod::buildIL() running! 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: step 4: invoke compiled code and print results 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Failed tests: 0 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: Passed tests: 20 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9: ALL PASSED 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 9/30 Test #9: worklist_example_as_test .......... Passed 0.01 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 10 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 10: power_example_as_test 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release/power 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/jitbuilder/release 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Step 1: initialize JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Step 2: define relevant types 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Step 3: compile method builder 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Step 4: invoke compiled code 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: 2 power 5 is 32 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: 3 power 4 is 81 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: 2 power 10 is 1024 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: Step 5: shutdown JIT 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10: PASS 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 10/30 Test #10: power_example_as_test ............. Passed 0.01 sec 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] test 11 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] Start 11: algotest 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/algotest/omralgotest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/algotest/omralgotest-results.xml" "-avltest:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/algotest/avltest.lst" 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/algotest 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [==========] Running 168 tests from 5 test cases. 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 2 tests from OmrAlgoTest 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Testing hookable interface... 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Finished testing hookable interface. 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: Algorithm Test Finished 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: total tests: 59 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: total passes: 59 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: total failures: 0 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: ALL TESTS PASSED. 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 2 tests from OmrAlgoTest (0 ms total) 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 58 tests from OmrAlgoTest/AVLTest 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 58 tests from OmrAlgoTest/AVLTest (0 ms total) 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 24 tests from OmrAlgoTest/PoolTest 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 24 tests from OmrAlgoTest/PoolTest (4 ms total) 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 14 tests from OmrAlgoTest/HashtableTest 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 14 tests from OmrAlgoTest/HashtableTest (1081 ms total) 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: 15:55:37 [2024-05-24T19:55:37.496Z] 11: [----------] 70 tests from OmrAlgoTest/CollisionResilientHashtableTest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 11: [----------] 70 tests from OmrAlgoTest/CollisionResilientHashtableTest (3989 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 11: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 11: [==========] 168 tests from 5 test cases ran. (5074 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 11: [ PASSED ] 168 tests. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 11: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 11/30 Test #11: algotest .......................... Passed 5.21 sec 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] test 12 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] Start 12: TestBytes 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestBytes "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestBytes-results.xml" 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [==========] Running 17 tests from 1 test case. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [----------] 17 tests from TestBytes 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.CompareZeroToZero 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.CompareZeroToZero (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToBytes 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToBytes (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToSmallerUnit 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToSmallerUnit (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.IsPow2 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.IsPow2 (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignedUnsafe 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignedUnsafe (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.Aligned 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.Aligned (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignToZero 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignToZero (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignToOne 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignToOne (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignToTwo 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignToTwo (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignToFour 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.336Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignToFour (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignToEight 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignToEight (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.SaneAlignmentMaximums 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.SaneAlignmentMaximums (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignToMaximumAlignment 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignToMaximumAlignment (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.TautologicalAlign 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.TautologicalAlign (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignAndOverflow 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignAndOverflow (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignMaximumSizeFor16byteAlignment 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignMaximumSizeFor16byteAlignment (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ RUN ] TestBytes.AlignPointers 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ OK ] TestBytes.AlignPointers (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [----------] 17 tests from TestBytes (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [==========] 17 tests from 1 test case ran. (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ PASSED ] 17 tests. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 12/30 Test #12: TestBytes ......................... Passed 0.13 sec 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] test 13 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] Start 13: TestIntrusiveList 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestIntrusiveList "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestIntrusiveList-results.xml" 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [==========] Running 10 tests from 1 test case. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [----------] 10 tests from TestIntrusiveList 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.Empty 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.Empty (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.ConvertIterToConstIter 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.ConvertIterToConstIter (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.AddOne 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddOne (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateOne 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateOne (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateTwo 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateTwo (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.AddThenRemoveOne 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddThenRemoveOne (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveFirst 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveFirst (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveSecond 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveSecond (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBoth 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBoth (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ RUN ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBothInReverse 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBothInReverse (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [----------] 10 tests from TestIntrusiveList (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [==========] 10 tests from 1 test case ran. (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ PASSED ] 10 tests. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 13/30 Test #13: TestIntrusiveList ................. Passed 0.12 sec 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] test 14 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] Start 14: TestTypeTraits 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestTypeTraits "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestTypeTraits-results.xml" 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/coretest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [==========] Running 17 tests from 1 test case. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [----------] 17 tests from TestTypeTraits 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IntegralConst 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IntegralConst (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.BooleanConstant 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.BooleanConstant (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsSame 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsSame (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.TypeAlias 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.TypeAlias (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveConst 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveConst (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveVolatile 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveVolatile (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCv 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCv (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveReference 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveReference (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCvRef 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCvRef (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.RemovePointer 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemovePointer (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsReference 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsReference (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsPointer 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsPointer (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsVoid 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsVoid (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsIntegral 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsIntegral (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsFloatingPoint 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsFloatingPoint (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.IsArithmetic 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsArithmetic (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ RUN ] TestTypeTraits.EnableIf 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ OK ] TestTypeTraits.EnableIf (0 ms) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [----------] 17 tests from TestTypeTraits (1 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [==========] 17 tests from 1 test case ran. (1 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ PASSED ] 17 tests. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 14/30 Test #14: TestTypeTraits .................... Passed 0.17 sec 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] test 15 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] Start 15: porttest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/porttest/omrporttest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/porttest/omrporttest-results.xml" "--gtest_filter=-PortMemTest.mem_test7_allocate32" 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/porttest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: Note: Google Test filter = -PortMemTest.mem_test7_allocate32 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [==========] Running 247 tests from 21 test cases. 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from PortInitializationTest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from PortInitializationTest (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from PortFileTest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from PortFileTest (1 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from PortHeapTest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from PortHeapTest (234 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from PortTest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from PortTest (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 10 tests from PortMemTest 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 10 tests from PortMemTest (0 ms total) 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: 15:55:41 [2024-05-24T19:55:41.337Z] 15: [----------] 5 tests from PortDumpTest 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 5 tests from PortDumpTest (21587 ms total) 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 4 tests from PortErrorTest 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 4 tests from PortErrorTest (0 ms total) 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 41 tests from PortFileTest2 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: $ 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: ¢ 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: € 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: 𤭢 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: �� 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************€ 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 41 tests from PortFileTest2 (10271 ms total) 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 14 tests from PortFileStreamTest 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 14 tests from PortFileStreamTest (9 ms total) 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from PortIntrospectTest 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from PortIntrospectTest (0 ms total) 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: 15:56:12 [2024-05-24T19:56:12.349Z] 15: [----------] 15 tests from PortMmapTest 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 15 tests from PortMmapTest (1040 ms total) 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from PortSignalExtendedTests 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from PortSignalExtendedTests (1 ms total) 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 13 tests from PortSigTest 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 13 tests from PortSigTest (99 ms total) 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 3 tests from PortSlTest 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 3 tests from PortSlTest (0 ms total) 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 21 tests from PortStrTest 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 21 tests from PortStrTest (3 ms total) 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: [----------] 6 tests from PortTimeTest 15:56:15 [2024-05-24T19:56:15.344Z] 15: Test is invalid since the host machine reports more than one CPU (time may differ across CPUs - makes test results useless - re-enable if we develop thread affinity support) 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: [----------] 6 tests from PortTimeTest (12475 ms total) 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from PortTtyTest 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: TTY printf, check check 1 2 3 check ... 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: New line 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from PortTtyTest (0 ms total) 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: [----------] 19 tests from PortVmemTest 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: **Could not find 0x4000 bytes available with page size 0x4000 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: ***Did not find enough memory available on system, not running test omrvmem_testReserveMemoryExStrictAddress 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: NUMA not available 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: [----------] 19 tests from PortVmemTest (308 ms total) 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: [----------] 40 tests from PortSysinfoTest 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: originalSoftLimit=61440 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: originalHardLimit=61440 15:56:25 [2024-05-24T19:56:25.350Z] 15: soft set to hard limit=61440 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: Some textSome text[----------] 40 tests from PortSysinfoTest (20453 ms total) 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from CgroupTest 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [----------] 8 tests from CgroupTest (0 ms total) 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [----------] 19 tests from PortSockTest 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [----------] 19 tests from PortSockTest (1009 ms total) 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [==========] 247 tests from 21 test cases ran. (67494 ms total) 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [ PASSED ] 247 tests. 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: YOU HAVE 3 DISABLED TESTS 15:56:47 [2024-05-24T19:56:47.018Z] 15: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 15: Some textSome text 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 15/30 Test #15: porttest .......................... Passed 67.53 sec 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] test 16 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] Start 16: rastest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrrastest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrrastest-results.xml" 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [==========] Running 38 tests from 11 test cases. 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 3 tests from RASAgentNegativeTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 3 tests from RASAgentNegativeTest (2 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 2 tests from RASAgentTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 2 tests from RASAgentTest (0 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from RASMemoryCategoriesTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Negative path: get categories with an undersized buffer 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: written_count=16, total_categories=17 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: RUNTIME 289448 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: VM 289448 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Threads 285560 bytes / 32 allocations (Shallow: 23416 bytes / 31 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Native Stack 262144 bytes / 1 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Port Library 2496 bytes / 9 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: OMRTI 416 bytes / 2 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Positive path: get and validate categories 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: written_count=17, total_categories=17 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: RUNTIME 289448 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: VM 289448 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Threads 285560 bytes / 32 allocations (Shallow: 23416 bytes / 31 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Native Stack 262144 bytes / 1 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Port Library 2496 bytes / 9 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: OMRTI 416 bytes / 2 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Positive path: get and validate categories and total_categories is null 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: written_count=17 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: RUNTIME 289448 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: VM 289448 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Threads 285560 bytes / 32 allocations (Shallow: 23416 bytes / 31 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Native Stack 262144 bytes / 1 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Port Library 2496 bytes / 9 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: OMRTI 416 bytes / 2 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Positive path: get and validate categories with oversized max_categories and oversized buffer 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: written_count=17, total_categories=17 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: RUNTIME 289512 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: VM 289512 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Threads 285560 bytes / 32 allocations (Shallow: 23416 bytes / 31 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Native Stack 262144 bytes / 1 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Port Library 2560 bytes / 9 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: OMRTI 416 bytes / 2 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Positive path: get and validate categories with oversized buffer and total_categories is null 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: written_count=17, total_categories=17 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: RUNTIME 289512 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: VM 289512 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Threads 285560 bytes / 32 allocations (Shallow: 23416 bytes / 31 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Native Stack 262144 bytes / 1 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Port Library 2560 bytes / 9 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: OMRTI 416 bytes / 2 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Positive path: get and validate categories with oversized max_categories, oversized buffer and total_categories is null 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: written_count=17 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: RUNTIME 289512 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: VM 289512 bytes / 50 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Threads 285560 bytes / 32 allocations (Shallow: 23416 bytes / 31 allocations) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Native Stack 262144 bytes / 1 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Port Library 2560 bytes / 9 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: OMRTI 416 bytes / 2 allocations 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from RASMemoryCategoriesTest (1 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 5 tests from RASMethodDictionaryTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 5 tests from RASMethodDictionaryTest (0 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 9 tests from TraceLifecycleTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceLifecycleTest.cpp:544 OMR_Thread_Init(&testVM->omrVM, NULL, &vmthread, "attachDetachHelper") failed, rc=10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceLifecycleTest.cpp:544 OMR_Thread_Init(&testVM->omrVM, NULL, &vmthread, "attachDetachHelper") failed, rc=10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceLifecycleTest.cpp:544 OMR_Thread_Init(&testVM->omrVM, NULL, &vmthread, "attachDetachHelper") failed, rc=10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceLifecycleTest.cpp:544 OMR_Thread_Init(&testVM->omrVM, NULL, &vmthread, "attachDetachHelper") failed, rc=10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceLifecycleTest.cpp:544 OMR_Thread_Init(&testVM->omrVM, NULL, &vmthread, "attachDetachHelper") failed, rc=10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 9 tests from TraceLifecycleTest (11 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from TraceLogTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from TraceLogTest (4 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: omr_trc_startup: failed to set trace options, rc=9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: omr_trc_startup error, rc=9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceagent.c:262 Free physical memory size (in bytes): 4521345024, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceagent.c:272 Process virtual memory size (in bytes): 418474573824, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/fvtest/rastest/traceagent.c:281 Process physical memory size (in bytes): 4243456, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceMetaLength=252 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x600003c98020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=0x600003c98020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x600003c80020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=0x600003c80020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceTest (213 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 6 tests from InvalidAgentOpts/RASAgentNegativeTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 6 tests from InvalidAgentOpts/RASAgentNegativeTest (3 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 6 tests from TraceNotStartedAgentOpts/RASAgentTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0x600003c8c020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0x600003c8c020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="abc") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0x600003c8c020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0x600003c8c020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0x600003c8c020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="abc") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0x600003c8c020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 6 tests from TraceNotStartedAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (4 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 2 tests from CpuLoadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="<NULL>") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0000600003C8C020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Test GetProcessCpuLoad() 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.124985 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.124991 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.125036 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.999959 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: GetProcessCpuLoad() passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Test GetSystemCpuLoad() 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: GetSystemCpuLoad() passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="<NULL>") 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x0000600003C80020 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Test GetProcessCpuLoad() 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.124990 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.125033 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.124965 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 1.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: GetProcessCpuLoad() passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: Test GetSystemCpuLoad() 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful ! 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: GetSystemCpuLoad() passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnUnload 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 2 tests from CpuLoadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (1275 ms total) 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: 15:56:48 [2024-05-24T19:56:48.712Z] 16: [----------] 2 tests from BindThreadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x600003c80020 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=0x600003c80020 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x600003c80110 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=0x600003c80110 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x600003c88110 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=0x600003c88110 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x600003c8c020 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=0x600003c8c020 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: [----------] 2 tests from BindThreadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (421 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: [==========] 38 tests from 11 test cases ran. (1936 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: [ PASSED ] 38 tests. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: YOU HAVE 2 DISABLED TESTS 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 16/30 Test #16: rastest ........................... Passed 2.15 sec 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] test 17 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] Start 17: subscribertest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrsubscribertest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrsubscribertest-results.xml" 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [==========] Running 3 tests from 2 test cases. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [----------] 1 test from RASSubscriberTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [----------] 1 test from RASSubscriberTest (4 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [----------] 2 tests from RASSubscriberForkTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [----------] 2 tests from RASSubscriberForkTest (9 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [==========] 3 tests from 2 test cases ran. (15 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [ PASSED ] 3 tests. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: YOU HAVE 1 DISABLED TEST 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 17/30 Test #17: subscribertest .................... Passed 0.15 sec 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] test 18 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] Start 18: traceoptiontest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrtraceoptiontest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrtraceoptiontest-results.xml" 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/rastest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceOptionTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceOptionTest (2 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (3 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: [ PASSED ] 1 test. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 18/30 Test #18: traceoptiontest ................... Passed 0.10 sec 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] test 19 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] Start 19: sigtest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 19: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/sigtest/omrsigtest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/sigtest/omrsigtest-results.xml" 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 19: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/sigtest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 19: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 19: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 19: [==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test case. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.048Z] 19: [----------] 7 tests from OmrSigTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 19: [----------] 7 tests from OmrSigTest (96 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 19: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 19: [==========] 7 tests from 1 test case ran. (98 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 19: [ PASSED ] 7 tests. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 19: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 19/30 Test #19: sigtest ........................... Passed 0.18 sec 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] test 20 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] Start 20: threadextendedtest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadextendedtest/omrthreadextendedtest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadextendedtest/omrthreadextendedtest-results.xml" 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadextendedtest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [==========] Running 6 tests from 4 test cases. 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 2 tests from ThreadCpuTime 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 2 tests from ThreadCpuTime (472 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from CpuTimeTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from CpuTimeTest (9 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from ApplicationCpuTimeTest 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from ApplicationCpuTimeTest (9 ms total) 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: 15:56:50 [2024-05-24T19:56:50.049Z] 20: [----------] 2 tests from ThreadExtendedTest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: [----------] 2 tests from ThreadExtendedTest (61539 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: [==========] 6 tests from 4 test cases ran. (62029 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: [ PASSED ] 6 tests. 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: YOU HAVE 1 DISABLED TEST 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 20/30 Test #20: threadextendedtest ................ Passed 62.10 sec 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] test 21 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] Start 21: threadtest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest/omrthreadtest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest/omrthreadtest-results.xml" 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [==========] Running 67 tests from 8 test cases. 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 3 tests from ThreadAbortTest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 3 tests from ThreadAbortTest (1011 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 13 tests from ThreadCreateTest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_destroy(NULL) failed: retVal 14 (e) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_destroy(&attr) failed: retVal 14 (e) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, testname) unsupported: retVal 12 (c) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, testname2) unsupported: retVal 12 (c) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, NULL) unsupported: retVal 12 (c) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_schedpolicy(&attr, omrthread_schedpolicy_LastEnum) failed: retVal 15 (f) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, -1) failed: retVal 15 (f) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, 90) failed: retVal 15 (f) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, 12) failed: retVal 15 (f) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 13 tests from ThreadCreateTest (353 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 8 tests from JoinTest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 8 tests from JoinTest (6021 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 1 test from KeyDestructorTest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 1 test from KeyDestructorTest (0 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 5 tests from LockedMonitorCountTest 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 5 tests from LockedMonitorCountTest (0 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 12 tests from PriorityInterrupt 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 12 tests from PriorityInterrupt (1137 ms total) 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: 15:58:03 [2024-05-24T19:58:03.617Z] 21: [----------] 18 tests from RWMutex 15:58:20 [2024-05-24T19:58:20.889Z] 21: [----------] 18 tests from RWMutex (20181 ms total) 15:58:20 [2024-05-24T19:58:20.889Z] 21: 15:58:20 [2024-05-24T19:58:20.889Z] 21: [----------] 7 tests from SanityTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: [----------] 7 tests from SanityTest (48043 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: [==========] 67 tests from 8 test cases ran. (76747 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: [ PASSED ] 67 tests. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: YOU HAVE 1 DISABLED TEST 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 21/30 Test #21: threadtest ........................ Passed 76.92 sec 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] test 22 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] Start 22: threadSetAttrThreadWeightTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest/omrthreadtest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest/omrthreadtest-results.xml" "--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests" "--gtest_filter=ThreadCreateTest.DISABLED_SetAttrThreadWeight" 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: Note: Google Test filter = ThreadCreateTest.DISABLED_SetAttrThreadWeight 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: [----------] 1 test from ThreadCreateTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: pthread_join(tid, NULL): No such process 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: [----------] 1 test from ThreadCreateTest (30 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (32 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: [ PASSED ] 1 test. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 22/30 Test #22: threadSetAttrThreadWeightTest ..... Passed 0.05 sec 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] test 23 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] Start 23: utiltest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/utiltest/omrutiltest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/utiltest/omrutiltest-results.xml" 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/utiltest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: [----------] 1 test from UtilTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: [----------] 1 test from UtilTest (0 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (0 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: [ PASSED ] 1 test. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 23/30 Test #23: utiltest .......................... Passed 0.01 sec 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] test 24 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] Start 24: vmtest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/vmtest/omrvmtest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/vmtest/omrvmtest-results.xml" 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/vmtest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: [----------] 1 test from ThreadForkResetTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: [----------] 1 test from ThreadForkResetTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (3 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: [ PASSED ] 1 test. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 24/30 Test #24: vmtest ............................ Passed 0.26 sec 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] test 25 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] Start 25: gctest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/gctest/omrgctest "--gtest_filter=gcFunctionalTest*" "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/gctest/omrgctest-results.xml" 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: Note: Google Test filter = gcFunctionalTest* 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: [==========] Running 8 tests from 1 test case. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: [----------] 8 tests from gcFunctionalTest/GCConfigTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: [----------] 8 tests from gcFunctionalTest/GCConfigTest (632 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: [==========] 8 tests from 1 test case ran. (632 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: [ PASSED ] 8 tests. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 25/30 Test #25: gctest ............................ Passed 0.73 sec 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] test 26 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] Start 26: JitBuilderTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/jitbuildertest/jitbuildertest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/jitbuildertest/jitbuildertest-results.xml" 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/jitbuildertest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [==========] Running 58 tests from 14 test cases. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 2 tests from selftest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] selftest.JustReturnTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] selftest.JustReturnTest (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] selftest.BadBuilderTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] selftest.BadBuilderTest (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 2 tests from selftest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 3 tests from UnionTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnionTest.UnionTypeDictionaryTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnionTest.UnionTypeDictionaryTest (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnionTest.TypePunWithEqualTypes 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnionTest.TypePunWithEqualTypes (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnionTest.TypePunWithDifferentTypes 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnionTest.TypePunWithDifferentTypes (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 3 tests from UnionTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 2 tests from FieldAddressTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] FieldAddressTest.StructField 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] FieldAddressTest.StructField (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] FieldAddressTest.UnionField 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] FieldAddressTest.UnionField (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 2 tests from FieldAddressTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from AnonymousTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] AnonymousTest.AnonymousTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] AnonymousTest.AnonymousTest (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from AnonymousTest (0 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from ControlfFlowTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] ControlfFlowTest.DoubleReturnTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] ControlfFlowTest.DoubleReturnTest (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from ControlfFlowTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 6 tests from NegateTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] NegateTest.Int64_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] NegateTest.Int64_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] NegateTest.Int32_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] NegateTest.Int32_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] NegateTest.Int16_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] NegateTest.Int16_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] NegateTest.Int8_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] NegateTest.Int8_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] NegateTest.Float_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] NegateTest.Float_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] NegateTest.Double_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] NegateTest.Double_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 6 tests from NegateTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from SystemLinkageTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SystemLinkageTest.FooTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SystemLinkageTest.FooTest (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from SystemLinkageTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from WorklistTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] WorklistTest.test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] WorklistTest.test (3 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 1 test from WorklistTest (3 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 2 tests from FieldNameTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] FieldNameTest.StructField 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] FieldNameTest.StructField (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] FieldNameTest.UnionField 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] FieldNameTest.UnionField (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 2 tests from FieldNameTest (0 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 4 tests from BitConversionTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] BitConversionTest.Int2Float 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] BitConversionTest.Int2Float (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] BitConversionTest.Float2Int 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] BitConversionTest.Float2Int (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] BitConversionTest.Long2Double 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] BitConversionTest.Long2Double (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] BitConversionTest.Double2Long 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] BitConversionTest.Double2Long (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 4 tests from BitConversionTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 7 tests from SelectTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Int8_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Int8_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Int16_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Int16_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Int32_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Int32_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Int64_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Int64_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Address_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Address_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Float_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Float_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] SelectTest.Double_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] SelectTest.Double_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 7 tests from SelectTest (4 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 20 tests from GlobalTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int64_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int64_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int64_Load_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int64_Load_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int64_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int64_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int32_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int32_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int32_Load_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int32_Load_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int32_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int32_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int16_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int16_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int16_Load_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int16_Load_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int16_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int16_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int8_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int8_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int8_Load_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int8_Load_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Int8_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Int8_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Float_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Float_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Float_Load_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Float_Load_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Float_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Float_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Double_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Double_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Double_Load_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Double_Load_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Double_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Double_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Address_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Address_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] GlobalTest.Address_Store_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] GlobalTest.Address_Store_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 20 tests from GlobalTest (7 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 4 tests from UnsignedDivTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt64_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt64_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt32_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt32_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt16_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt16_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt8_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedDivTest.UInt8_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 4 tests from UnsignedDivTest (2 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 4 tests from UnsignedRemTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt64_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt64_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt32_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt32_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt16_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt16_Test (1 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ RUN ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt8_Test 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ OK ] UnsignedRemTest.UInt8_Test (0 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] 4 tests from UnsignedRemTest (1 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [==========] 58 tests from 14 test cases ran. (25 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ PASSED ] 58 tests. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 26/30 Test #26: JitBuilderTest .................... Passed 0.04 sec 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] test 27 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] Start 27: CompilerTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilertest/compilertest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilertest/compilertest-results.xml" 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilertest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [==========] Running 35 tests from 6 test cases. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [----------] 1 test from JITTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITTest.BuilderTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [ OK ] JITTest.BuilderTest (2 ms) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [----------] 1 test from JITTest (2 ms total) 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [----------] 2 tests from JITILBuilderTest 15:59:15 [2024-05-24T19:59:15.743Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITILBuilderTest.ControlFlowTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITILBuilderTest.ControlFlowTest (6459 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITILBuilderTest.NestedControlFlowLoopTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITILBuilderTest.NestedControlFlowLoopTest (5 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 2 tests from JITILBuilderTest (6464 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 7 tests from JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.UnaryTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.UnaryTest (8 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.IntegerArithmeticTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.IntegerArithmeticTest (11 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.MemoryOperationTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.MemoryOperationTest (2 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.BitwiseTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.BitwiseTest (3 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.CompareTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.CompareTest (38 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.SelectTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.SelectTest (14 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.AddressTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest.AddressTest (3 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 7 tests from JITCrossPlatformsOpCodesTest (79 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 1 test from JITQuxTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] JITQuxTest.QuxTest2 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] JITQuxTest.QuxTest2 (1 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 1 test from JITQuxTest (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 1 test from SimplifierFoldAndTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] SimplifierFoldAndTest.SimplifierFoldAndTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] SimplifierFoldAndTest.SimplifierFoldAndTest (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 1 test from SimplifierFoldAndTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [----------] 23 tests from SingleBitContainerTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest1 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest1 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest2 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest2 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.991Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest3 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest3 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest4 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest4 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest5 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.resetAllTest5 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest1 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest1 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest2 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest2 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest3 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest3 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest4 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest4 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest5 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.setAllTest5 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.intersects 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.intersects (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorEqual 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorEqual (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorNotEqualTest1 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorNotEqualTest1 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.bitOperator 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.bitOperator (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorAndEqualTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorAndEqualTest (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorSubEqualTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.operatorSubEqualTest (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.assignmentTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.assignmentTest (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.emptyTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.emptyTest (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.hasMoreThanOneElementTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.hasMoreThanOneElementTest (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.elementCount 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.elementCount (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.numUsedChunks1 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.numUsedChunks1 (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.numNonZeroChunks 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.numNonZeroChunks (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ RUN ] SingleBitContainerTest.isEmpty 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ OK ] SingleBitContainerTest.isEmpty (0 ms) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [----------] 23 tests from SingleBitContainerTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [==========] 35 tests from 6 test cases ran. (6546 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ PASSED ] 35 tests. 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: YOU HAVE 2 DISABLED TESTS 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 27/30 Test #27: CompilerTest ...................... Passed 6.56 sec 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] test 28 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] Start 28: triltest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/tril/test/triltest "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/tril/test/triltest-results.xml" 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/tril/test 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [==========] Running 84 tests from 12 test cases. 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 16 tests from ASTValueTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 16 tests from ASTValueTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 13 tests from ASTNodeArgumentTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 13 tests from ASTNodeArgumentTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 15 tests from ASTNodeTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 15 tests from ASTNodeTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 14 tests from ParserTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 14 tests from ParserTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 8 tests from MethodInfoTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 8 tests from MethodInfoTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 1 test from IlGenTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 1 test from IlGenTest (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 2 tests from CompileTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 2 tests from CompileTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 2 tests from ParserTest/SingleNodeWithName 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 2 tests from ParserTest/SingleNodeWithName (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 5 tests from ParserTestSingleNodeWithIntArgAsDecValue/SingleNodeWithIntArg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 5 tests from ParserTestSingleNodeWithIntArgAsDecValue/SingleNodeWithIntArg (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 3 tests from ParserTestSingleNodeWithIntArgAsHexValue/SingleNodeWithIntArg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 3 tests from ParserTestSingleNodeWithIntArgAsHexValue/SingleNodeWithIntArg (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 3 tests from ParserTest/SingleNodeWithFloatArg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 3 tests from ParserTest/SingleNodeWithFloatArg (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 2 tests from ParserTest/SingleNodeWithUnnamedArg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [----------] 2 tests from ParserTest/SingleNodeWithUnnamedArg (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [==========] 84 tests from 12 test cases ran. (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [ PASSED ] 84 tests. 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 28/30 Test #28: triltest .......................... Passed 0.02 sec 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] test 29 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] Start 29: comptest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilertriltest/comptest "--gtest_color=yes" "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilertriltest/comptest-results.xml" 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilertriltest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [==========] Running 156911 tests from 173 test cases. 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from PtrTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from PtrTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from TRTestCombineVectorTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from TRTestCombineVectorTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from TRTestCombineBraceInitTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from TRTestCombineBraceInitTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 7 tests from TRTestFilter 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 7 tests from TRTestFilter (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 2 tests from SkipTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Unsupported Feature: Skipping test: SkipIfTrue 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is intentionally skipped to verify that skipping works 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 2 tests from SkipTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from TestWithPortLib 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from TestWithPortLib (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from InvalidCommoningTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Node: BBEnd n2n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Node cannot live across block boundary at n7n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from InvalidCommoningTest (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/0, where TypeParam = int 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/0 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/1, where TypeParam = long long 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/1 (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/2, where TypeParam = float 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/2 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/3, where TypeParam = double 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from SimplifierFoldAbsNegTest/3 (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from SimplifierFoldAndTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from SimplifierFoldAndTest (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 2 tests from VectorTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 2 tests from VectorTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from CallTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: icallOracle 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from CallTest (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from MockStrategyTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from MockStrategyTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from TypeToString 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from TypeToString (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/0, where TypeParam = int 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: InvalidLinkageTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/0 (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/1, where TypeParam = long long 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: InvalidLinkageTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/1 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/2, where TypeParam = float 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: InvalidLinkageTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/2 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/3, where TypeParam = double 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: InvalidLinkageTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing1Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9Arg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 19 tests from LinkageTest/3 (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/0, where TypeParam = int 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/0 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/1, where TypeParam = long long 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.992Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/1 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/2, where TypeParam = float 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/2 (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/3, where TypeParam = double 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToNativeParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing2ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing3ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing4ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing5ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing6ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing7ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing8ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SystemLinkageJitToJitParameterPassing9ArgWithMixedTypes 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from LinkageWithMixedTypesTest/3 (1 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 7 tests from MinimalTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: MeaningOfLife 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: ReturnArgI32 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: MaxIfThen 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: AddArgConst 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: SubArgArg 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Factorial 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: RecursiveFibonnaci 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Test is skipped on AArch64 because calls are not currently supported (see issue #1645) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 7 tests from MinimalTest (0 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 15 tests from ILValidatorTest/IllformedTrees 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: iadd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 1 has unexpected type Int16 (expected Int32) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: sadd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 0 has unexpected type Int32 (expected Int16) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: aiadd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 1 has unexpected type Int64 (expected Int32) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: aladd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 1 has unexpected type Int32 (expected Int64) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: aiadd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 0 has unexpected type Int32 (expected Address) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: aladd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 0 has unexpected type Int64 (expected Address) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: aiadd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: aiadd should not be seen on 64-bit 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: acmpeq n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 0 has unexpected type Int32 (expected Address) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: acmpge n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 0 has unexpected type Int64 (expected Address) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: return n3n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child count 1 does not match expected value of 0 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: ireturn n3n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child count 2 does not match expected value of 1 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: ireturn n3n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child count 2 does not match expected value of 1 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: iconst n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child count 1 does not match expected value of 0 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: iadd n4n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child count 3 does not match expected value of 2 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: *** VALIDATION ERROR *** 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Node: lreturn n3n 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Method: file:line:name 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: Child 0 has unexpected type Int16 (expected Int64) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 15 tests from ILValidatorTest/IllformedTrees (2 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from ILValidatorTest/WellformedTrees 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from ILValidatorTest/WellformedTrees (2 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 512 tests from CommoningValidationTest/CommoningTest 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 512 tests from CommoningValidationTest/CommoningTest (270 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 3072 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int32Arithmetic 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 3072 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int32Arithmetic (730 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 1428 tests from DivArithmeticTest/Int32Arithmetic 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 1428 tests from DivArithmeticTest/Int32Arithmetic (363 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 2160 tests from DivArithmeticTest/UInt32Arithmetic 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 2160 tests from DivArithmeticTest/UInt32Arithmetic (516 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 2916 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int64Arithmetic 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 2916 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int64Arithmetic (694 ms total) 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: 15:59:21 [2024-05-24T19:59:21.993Z] 29: [----------] 1830 tests from DivArithmeticTest/Int64Arithmetic 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 1830 tests from DivArithmeticTest/Int64Arithmetic (446 ms total) 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 1320 tests from DivArithmeticTest/UInt64Arithmetic 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 1320 tests from DivArithmeticTest/UInt64Arithmetic (319 ms total) 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 900 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int16Arithmetic 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 900 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int16Arithmetic (213 ms total) 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 900 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int8Arithmetic 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 900 tests from ArithmeticTest/Int8Arithmetic (212 ms total) 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 4332 tests from ArithmeticTest/FloatArithmetic 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 4332 tests from ArithmeticTest/FloatArithmetic (1024 ms total) 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 1584 tests from ArithmeticTest/AddressInt64Arithmetic 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 1584 tests from ArithmeticTest/AddressInt64Arithmetic (378 ms total) 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: 15:59:23 [2024-05-24T19:59:23.380Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from ArithmeticTest/DoubleArithmetic 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from ArithmeticTest/DoubleArithmetic (1153 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 76 tests from ArithmeticTest/FloatUnaryArithmetic 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 76 tests from ArithmeticTest/FloatUnaryArithmetic (17 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 80 tests from ArithmeticTest/DoubleUnaryArithmetic 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 80 tests from ArithmeticTest/DoubleUnaryArithmetic (18 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 1152 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int32ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 1152 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int32ShiftAndRotate (274 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 1296 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int64ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 1296 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int64ShiftAndRotate (309 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int8ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int8ShiftAndRotate (121 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int16ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int16ShiftAndRotate (121 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt32ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt32ShiftAndRotate (114 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 528 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt64ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 528 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt64ShiftAndRotate (126 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 240 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt8ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 240 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt8ShiftAndRotate (61 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 240 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt16ShiftAndRotate 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 240 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt16ShiftAndRotate (60 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 2772 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt64MaskThenShift 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 2772 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt64MaskThenShift (754 ms total) 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: 15:59:26 [2024-05-24T19:59:26.693Z] 29: [----------] 4536 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int64MaskThenShift 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.013Z] 29: [----------] 4536 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int64MaskThenShift (1239 ms total) 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.013Z] 29: 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.013Z] 29: [----------] 960 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt32MaskThenShift 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.013Z] 29: [----------] 960 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt32MaskThenShift (258 ms total) 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.013Z] 29: 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.013Z] 29: [----------] 768 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int32MaskThenShift 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.014Z] 29: [----------] 768 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int32MaskThenShift (207 ms total) 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.014Z] 29: 15:59:28 [2024-05-24T19:59:28.014Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt16MaskThenShift 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt16MaskThenShift (136 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int16MaskThenShift 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int16MaskThenShift (136 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt8MaskThenShift 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/UInt8MaskThenShift (136 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int8MaskThenShift 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from ShiftAndRotateTest/Int8MaskThenShift (136 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int8ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/18 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/19 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/20 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/21 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/22 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/23 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/24 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/25 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/26 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/27 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/28 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/29 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/30 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/31 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/32 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/33 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/34 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/35 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/36 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/37 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/38 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/39 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/40 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.692Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/41 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/42 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/43 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/44 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/45 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/46 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/47 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/48 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/49 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/50 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/51 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/52 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/53 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/54 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/55 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/56 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/57 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/58 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/59 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/60 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/61 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/62 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/63 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/64 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/65 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/66 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/67 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/68 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/69 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/70 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/71 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/72 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/73 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/74 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/75 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/76 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/77 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/78 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/79 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/80 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/81 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/82 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/83 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/84 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/85 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/86 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/87 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/88 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/89 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/90 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/91 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/92 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/93 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/94 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/95 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/96 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/97 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/98 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/99 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbcmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int8ReductionTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt8ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/18 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/19 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/20 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/21 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/22 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/23 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/24 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/25 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/26 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/27 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/28 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/29 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/30 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/31 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/32 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/33 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/34 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/35 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/36 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/37 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/38 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/39 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/40 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/41 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/42 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/43 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/44 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/45 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/46 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/47 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/48 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/49 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/50 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/51 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/52 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/53 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/54 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/55 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/56 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/57 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/58 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/59 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/60 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/61 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/62 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/63 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/64 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/65 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/66 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/67 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/68 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/69 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/70 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/71 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/72 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/73 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/74 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/75 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/76 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/77 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/78 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/79 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/80 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/81 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/82 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/83 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/84 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/85 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/86 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/87 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/88 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/89 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/90 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/91 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/92 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/93 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/94 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/95 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/96 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/97 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/98 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/99 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifbucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt8ReductionTest (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int16ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.693Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/18 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/19 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/20 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/21 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/22 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/23 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/24 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/25 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/26 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/27 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/28 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/29 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/30 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/31 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/32 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/33 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/34 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/35 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/36 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/37 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/38 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/39 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/40 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/41 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/42 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/43 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/44 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/45 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/46 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/47 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/48 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/49 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/50 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/51 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/52 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/53 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/54 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/55 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/56 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/57 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/58 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/59 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/60 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/61 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/62 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/63 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/64 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/65 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/66 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/67 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/68 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/69 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/70 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/71 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/72 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/73 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/74 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/75 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/76 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/77 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/78 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/79 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/80 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/81 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/82 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/83 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/84 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/85 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/86 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/87 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/88 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/89 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/90 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/91 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/92 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/93 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/94 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/95 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/96 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/97 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/98 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/99 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifscmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int16ReductionTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt16ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/18 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/19 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/20 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/21 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/22 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/23 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/24 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/25 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/26 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/27 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/28 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/29 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/30 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/31 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/32 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/33 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/34 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/35 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/36 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/37 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/38 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/39 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/40 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/41 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/42 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/43 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/44 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/45 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/46 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/47 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/48 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/49 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/50 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/51 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/52 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/53 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/54 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/55 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/56 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/57 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/58 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/59 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/60 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/61 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/62 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/63 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/64 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/65 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/66 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/67 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/68 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/69 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/70 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/71 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/72 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/73 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/74 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/75 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/76 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/77 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.694Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/78 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/79 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/80 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/81 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/82 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/83 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/84 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/85 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/86 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/87 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/88 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/89 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/90 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/91 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/92 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/93 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/94 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/95 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/96 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/97 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/98 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: Reduction/99 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: The AArch64 codegen does not yet support ifsucmpge (see issue #5893) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 100 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt16ReductionTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 256 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int32ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 256 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int32ReductionTest (94 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 400 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt32ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 400 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt32ReductionTest (145 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 324 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int64ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 324 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/Int64ReductionTest (120 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 484 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt64ReductionTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 484 tests from IfxcmpgeReductionTest/UInt64ReductionTest (176 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 156 tests from VectorArithmetic/ParameterizedBinaryVectorArithmeticTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/19 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/20 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/22 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/23 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/25 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/26 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/28 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/29 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/31 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/32 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/34 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/35 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/37 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/38 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/40 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/41 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/43 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/44 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/46 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/47 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/49 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/50 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/52 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/53 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/55 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/56 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/58 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/59 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/61 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/62 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/64 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/65 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/67 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/68 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/70 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/71 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/73 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/74 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/76 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/77 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/79 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/80 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/82 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/83 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/85 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/86 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/88 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/89 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/91 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/92 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/94 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/95 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/97 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/98 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/100 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/101 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/103 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/104 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/106 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/107 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/109 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/110 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/112 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/113 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/115 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/116 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/118 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/119 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/121 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/122 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/124 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/125 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/127 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/128 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/130 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/131 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/133 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/134 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/136 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/137 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/139 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/140 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/142 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/143 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/145 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/146 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/148 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/149 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/151 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/152 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/154 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/155 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 156 tests from VectorArithmetic/ParameterizedBinaryVectorArithmeticTest (40 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from VectorTypeParameters/ParameterizedVectorTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VLoadStore/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/16 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: VSplats/17 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from VectorTypeParameters/ParameterizedVectorTest (5 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 9 tests from Byte128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int8Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 9 tests from Byte128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int8Test (3 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 10 tests from Short128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int16Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 10 tests from Short128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int16Test (3 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from Short128ShiftRotateTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int16Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int16Test/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vshlVector128Int16 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int16Test/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vshrVector128Int16 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int16Test/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vrolVector128Int16 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from Short128ShiftRotateTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int16Test (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 10 tests from Int128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int32Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 10 tests from Int128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int32Test (3 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from Int128ShiftRotateTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int32Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int32Test/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vshlVector128Int32 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int32Test/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vshrVector128Int32 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int32Test/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vrolVector128Int32 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from Int128ShiftRotateTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int32Test (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 13 tests from Long128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int64Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 13 tests from Long128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int64Test (5 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 4 tests from Long128ShiftRotateTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int64Test 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int64Test/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vshlVector128Int64 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int64Test/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vshrVector128Int64 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int64Test/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vrolVector128Int64 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector128Int64Test/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Opcode vrolVector128Int64 is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 4 tests from Long128ShiftRotateTest/BinaryDataDriven128Int64Test (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryFloatNaNTest/BinaryDataDrivenFloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryFloatNaNTest/BinaryDataDrivenFloatTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from FloatAbsTest/BinaryDataDrivenFloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from FloatAbsTest/BinaryDataDrivenFloatTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryFloatTest/BinaryDataDrivenFloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryFloatTest/BinaryDataDrivenFloatTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 13 tests from Float128NaNInfReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128FloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 13 tests from Float128NaNInfReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128FloatTest (4 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from Float128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128FloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from Float128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128FloatTest (2 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from Float256NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven256FloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from Float256NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven256FloatTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from Float256ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven256FloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from Float256ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven256FloatTest (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from Float512NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven512FloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.695Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/8 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/9 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/10 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/11 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/12 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/13 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/14 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/15 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 16 tests from Float512NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven512FloatTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from Float512ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven512FloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 1 test from Float512ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven512FloatTest (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from DoubleAbsTest/BinaryDataDrivenDoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from DoubleAbsTest/BinaryDataDrivenDoubleTest (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryDoubleNaNTest/BinaryDataDrivenDoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryDoubleNaNTest/BinaryDataDrivenDoubleTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryDoubleTest/BinaryDataDrivenDoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from BinaryDoubleTest/BinaryDataDrivenDoubleTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 7 tests from Double128NaNInfReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128DoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 7 tests from Double128NaNInfReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128DoubleTest (3 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 10 tests from Double128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128DoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 10 tests from Double128ReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven128DoubleTest (3 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 4 tests from Double256NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven256DoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector256DoubleTest/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 4 tests from Double256NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven256DoubleTest (0 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from Double512NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven512DoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/4 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/5 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/6 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: BinaryVector512DoubleTest/7 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 8 tests from Double512NaNReductionTest/BinaryDataDriven512DoubleTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 12 tests from TarnaryFloatNaNInfTest/TernaryDataDrivenFloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256FloatTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256FloatTest/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512FloatTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512FloatTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512FloatTest/3 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 12 tests from TarnaryFloatNaNInfTest/TernaryDataDrivenFloatTest (2 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from TarnaryFloatTest/TernaryDataDrivenFloatTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512FloatTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 3 tests from TarnaryFloatTest/TernaryDataDrivenFloatTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 9 tests from TarnaryDoubleNaNInfTest/TernaryDataDrivenDoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256DoubleTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512DoubleTest/2 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 9 tests from TarnaryDoubleNaNInfTest/TernaryDataDrivenDoubleTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from TarnaryDoubleTest/TernaryDataDrivenDoubleTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector256DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512DoubleTest/0 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Missing Implementation: Skipping test: TernaryVector512DoubleTest/1 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: Vector length is not supported by the target platform 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 6 tests from TarnaryDoubleTest/TernaryDataDrivenDoubleTest (1 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 864 tests from i2lZerosAroundOnes/i2lLongAndAsRotateTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 864 tests from i2lZerosAroundOnes/i2lLongAndAsRotateTest (257 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from i2lOnesAroundZeros/i2lLongAndAsRotateTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from i2lOnesAroundZeros/i2lLongAndAsRotateTest (143 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 144 tests from i2lInvalidPatterns/i2lLongAndAsRotateTest 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 144 tests from i2lInvalidPatterns/i2lLongAndAsRotateTest (43 ms total) 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: 15:59:31 [2024-05-24T19:59:31.696Z] 29: [----------] 864 tests from iu2lZerosAroundOnes/iu2lLongAndAsRotateTest 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 864 tests from iu2lZerosAroundOnes/iu2lLongAndAsRotateTest (257 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from iu2lOnesAroundZeros/iu2lLongAndAsRotateTest 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 480 tests from iu2lOnesAroundZeros/iu2lLongAndAsRotateTest (143 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 144 tests from iu2lInvalidPatterns/iu2lLongAndAsRotateTest 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 144 tests from iu2lInvalidPatterns/iu2lLongAndAsRotateTest (43 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from LogicalTest/Int16LogicalUnary 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from LogicalTest/Int16LogicalUnary (5 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 96 tests from LogicalTest/Int32LogicalUnary 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 96 tests from LogicalTest/Int32LogicalUnary (21 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1536 tests from LogicalTest/Int32LogicalBinary 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1536 tests from LogicalTest/Int32LogicalBinary (359 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1944 tests from LogicalTest/Int64LogicalBinary 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1944 tests from LogicalTest/Int64LogicalBinary (461 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 72 tests from LogicalTest/Int64LogicalUnary 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 72 tests from LogicalTest/Int64LogicalUnary (16 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1024 tests from MaxMin/Int32MaxMin 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1024 tests from MaxMin/Int32MaxMin (240 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1296 tests from MaxMin/Int64MaxMin 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1296 tests from MaxMin/Int64MaxMin (305 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1444 tests from MaxMin/FloatMaxMin 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1444 tests from MaxMin/FloatMaxMin (343 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1600 tests from MaxMin/DoubleMaxMin 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 1600 tests from MaxMin/DoubleMaxMin (385 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 4608 tests from CompareTest/Int32Compare 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 4608 tests from CompareTest/Int32Compare (1092 ms total) 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: 15:59:34 [2024-05-24T19:59:34.172Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from CompareTest/UInt32Compare 15:59:36 [2024-05-24T19:59:36.415Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from CompareTest/UInt32Compare (1160 ms total) 15:59:36 [2024-05-24T19:59:36.415Z] 29: 15:59:36 [2024-05-24T19:59:36.415Z] 29: [----------] 6804 tests from CompareTest/Int64Compare 15:59:36 [2024-05-24T19:59:36.415Z] 29: [----------] 6804 tests from CompareTest/Int64Compare (1624 ms total) 15:59:36 [2024-05-24T19:59:36.415Z] 29: 15:59:36 [2024-05-24T19:59:36.415Z] 29: [----------] 5808 tests from CompareTest/UInt64Compare 15:59:43 [2024-05-24T19:59:43.379Z] 29: [----------] 5808 tests from CompareTest/UInt64Compare (1387 ms total) 15:59:43 [2024-05-24T19:59:43.379Z] 29: 15:59:43 [2024-05-24T19:59:43.379Z] 29: [----------] 3072 tests from CompareTest/Int32IfCompare 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3072 tests from CompareTest/Int32IfCompare (1090 ms total) 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3200 tests from CompareTest/UInt32IfCompare 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3200 tests from CompareTest/UInt32IfCompare (1137 ms total) 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3888 tests from CompareTest/Int64IfCompare 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3888 tests from CompareTest/Int64IfCompare (1381 ms total) 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3872 tests from CompareTest/UInt64IfCompare 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 3872 tests from CompareTest/UInt64IfCompare (1375 ms total) 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 8664 tests from CompareTest/FloatCompare 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 8664 tests from CompareTest/FloatCompare (2117 ms total) 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: 15:59:44 [2024-05-24T19:59:44.691Z] 29: [----------] 9600 tests from CompareTest/DoubleCompare 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 9600 tests from CompareTest/DoubleCompare (2387 ms total) 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 4332 tests from CompareTest/FloatIfCompare 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 4332 tests from CompareTest/FloatIfCompare (1793 ms total) 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from CompareTest/DoubleIfCompare 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from CompareTest/DoubleIfCompare (2008 ms total) 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 6498 tests from CompareTest/FloatCompareOrUnordered 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 6498 tests from CompareTest/FloatCompareOrUnordered (1589 ms total) 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: 15:59:54 [2024-05-24T19:59:54.478Z] 29: [----------] 7200 tests from CompareTest/DoubleCompareOrUnordered 16:00:01 [2024-05-24T20:00:01.655Z] 29: [----------] 7200 tests from CompareTest/DoubleCompareOrUnordered (1789 ms total) 16:00:01 [2024-05-24T20:00:01.655Z] 29: 16:00:01 [2024-05-24T20:00:01.655Z] 29: [----------] 4332 tests from CompareTest/FloatIfCompareOrUnordered 16:00:01 [2024-05-24T20:00:01.655Z] 29: [----------] 4332 tests from CompareTest/FloatIfCompareOrUnordered (1792 ms total) 16:00:01 [2024-05-24T20:00:01.655Z] 29: 16:00:01 [2024-05-24T20:00:01.655Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from CompareTest/DoubleIfCompareOrUnordered 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.070Z] 29: [----------] 4800 tests from CompareTest/DoubleIfCompareOrUnordered (2008 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.070Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.070Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int8ToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.070Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int8ToInt32 (5 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.070Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.070Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt8ToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt8ToInt32 (4 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int8ToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int8ToInt64 (5 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt8ToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt8ToInt64 (4 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int16ToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int16ToInt32 (5 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt16ToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt16ToInt32 (4 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int16ToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int16ToInt64 (5 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt16ToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 20 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt16ToInt64 (4 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32ToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32ToInt64 (7 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 40 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt32ToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 40 tests from TypeConversionTest/UInt32ToInt64 (9 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64ToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64ToInt32 (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32ToFloat 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32ToFloat (7 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64ToFloat 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64ToFloat (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32ToDouble 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32ToDouble (7 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64ToDouble 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64ToDouble (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 24 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 24 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatToInt32 (6 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 30 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 30 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatToInt64 (6 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 24 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 24 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleToInt32 (6 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleToInt64 (7 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 38 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatToDouble 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 38 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatToDouble (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 40 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleToFloat 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 40 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleToFloat (9 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 33 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatNormalizeNan 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 33 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatNormalizeNan (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 33 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleNormalizeNan 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 33 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleNormalizeNan (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32BitsToFloat 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 32 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int32BitsToFloat (7 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 38 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatBitsToInt32 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: Known Bug: Skipping test: UsingConst/10 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: See issue #5809 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: Known Bug: Skipping test: UsingConst/11 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: See issue #5809 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 38 tests from TypeConversionTest/FloatBitsToInt32 (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64BitsToDouble 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 36 tests from TypeConversionTest/Int64BitsToDouble (8 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 40 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleBitsToInt64 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: Known Bug: Skipping test: UsingConst/10 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: See issue #5809 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: Known Bug: Skipping test: UsingConst/11 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: See issue #5809 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 40 tests from TypeConversionTest/DoubleBitsToInt64 (9 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int8SelectTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int8SelectTest (17 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int16SelectTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int16SelectTest (17 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int32SelectTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int32SelectTest (16 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int64SelectTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/Int64SelectTest (16 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/FloatSelectTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/FloatSelectTest (16 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/DoubleSelectTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 60 tests from SelectTest/DoubleSelectTest (16 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int8SelectInt32CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int8SelectInt32CompareTest (148 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int16SelectInt32CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int16SelectInt32CompareTest (147 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt32CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt32CompareTest (140 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int64SelectInt32CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int64SelectInt32CompareTest (141 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/FloatSelectInt32CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/FloatSelectInt32CompareTest (140 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/DoubleSelectInt32CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/DoubleSelectInt32CompareTest (141 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt8CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt8CompareTest (140 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt16CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt16CompareTest (139 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt64CompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 450 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectInt64CompareTest (139 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 540 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectFloatCompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 540 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectFloatCompareTest (168 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 540 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectDoubleCompareTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 540 tests from SelectCompareTest/Int32SelectDoubleCompareTest (168 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 381 tests from ArraycmpTest/ArraycmpEqualTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 381 tests from ArraycmpTest/ArraycmpEqualTest (115 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 4896 tests from ArraycmpTest/ArraycmpNotEqualTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 4896 tests from ArraycmpTest/ArraycmpNotEqualTest (1533 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 381 tests from ArraycmplenTest/ArraycmplenEqualTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 381 tests from ArraycmplenTest/ArraycmplenEqualTest (117 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 2448 tests from ArraycmplenTest/ArraycmplenNotEqualTest 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [----------] 2448 tests from ArraycmplenTest/ArraycmplenNotEqualTest (776 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [==========] 156911 tests from 173 test cases ran. (44372 ms total) 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [ PASSED ] 156911 tests. 16:00:03 [2024-05-24T20:00:03.071Z] 29: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 29:  16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 29/30 Test #29: comptest .......................... Passed 48.72 sec 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] test 30 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] Start 30: compunittest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: Test command: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilerunittest/compunittest "--gtest_color=yes" "--gtest_output=xml:/Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilerunittest/compunittest-results.xml" 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: Working Directory: /Users/omr/workspace/Build/build/fvtest/compilerunittest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:*DeathTest* 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [==========] Running 2318 tests from 102 test cases. 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from AbsVPValueTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from AbsVPValueTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from AbsOpStackTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from AbsOpStackTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from AbsOpArrayTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from AbsOpArrayTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/0, where TypeParam = unsigned char 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/0 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/1, where TypeParam = unsigned short 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/1 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/2, where TypeParam = unsigned int 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/2 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/3, where TypeParam = unsigned long long 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/3 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/4, where TypeParam = signed char 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/4 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/5, where TypeParam = short 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/5 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/6, where TypeParam = int 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/6 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/7, where TypeParam = long long 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/7 (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/8, where TypeParam = odd_sized_t 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 10 tests from CCDataTest/8 (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 1 test from AllTypesCCDataTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 1 test from AllTypesCCDataTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from MOV/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from MOV/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from FMOV/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from FMOV/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 38 tests from MOVI/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 38 tests from MOVI/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from MVNI/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from MVNI/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from BIC/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from BIC/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from ORR/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from ORR/ARM64Trg1ImmEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from MOVI/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from MOVI/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from MVNI/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from MVNI/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from BIC/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from BIC/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from ORR/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from ORR/ARM64Trg1ImmShiftedEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 8 tests from VectorSQRT/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 8 tests from VectorSQRT/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorABS/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorABS/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMPZERO1/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMPZERO1/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorCMPZERO2/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorCMPZERO2/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorCMPZERO3/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorCMPZERO3/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 40 tests from VectorFCMPZERO0/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 40 tests from VectorFCMPZERO0/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorShiftLeftLongByElementSize/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorShiftLeftLongByElementSize/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorRev/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorRev/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorADDV/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorADDV/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorSADDLV/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorSADDLV/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorUADDLV/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorUADDLV/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorFloatReduceMINMAX/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorFloatReduceMINMAX/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorSignedReduceMINMAX/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorSignedReduceMINMAX/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnsignedReduceMINMAX/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnsignedReduceMINMAX/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from ScalarAddp/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from ScalarAddp/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 8 tests from ScalarFAddp/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 8 tests from ScalarFAddp/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from ScalarFloatMinMaxPairwise/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from ScalarFloatMinMaxPairwise/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorXTN/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorXTN/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorSADDLP/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorSADDLP/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorUADDLP/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorUADDLP/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorCLS/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorCLS/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorCLZ/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorCLZ/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from VectorRBIT/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 4 tests from VectorRBIT/ARM64Trg1Src1EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from VectorMLA/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from VectorMLA/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from VectorMIN/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from VectorMIN/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from VectorMAX/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from VectorMAX/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorLogic/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorLogic/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMP1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMP1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMP2/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMP2/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (3 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMP3/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorCMP3/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from VectorCMP4/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from VectorCMP4/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorFCMP0/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorFCMP0/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorFCMP1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorFCMP1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorSignedShiftLeft/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorSignedShiftLeft/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnsignedShiftLeft/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnsignedShiftLeft/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from VectorBitwise/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from VectorBitwise/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorZip1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorZip1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorZip2/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorZip2/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnzip1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnzip1/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnzip2/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorUnzip2/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorUMLAL/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorUMLAL/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorUMLSL/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorUMLSL/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorUMULL/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 36 tests from VectorUMULL/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorAddp/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 24 tests from VectorAddp/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorFAddp/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 12 tests from VectorFAddp/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorFloatMinMaxPairwise/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorFloatMinMaxPairwise/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorSMAXP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorSMAXP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorSMINP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.081Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorSMINP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorUMAXP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorUMAXP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorUMINP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from VectorUMINP/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 6 tests from SMULH/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 6 tests from SMULH/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 6 tests from UMULH/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 6 tests from UMULH/ARM64Trg1Src2EncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from ScalarFmulElem/ARM64Trg1Src2IndexedElementEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from ScalarFmulElem/ARM64Trg1Src2IndexedElementEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from VectorFmulElem/ARM64Trg1Src2IndexedElementEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 18 tests from VectorFmulElem/ARM64Trg1Src2IndexedElementEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 6 tests from VectorExt/ARM64Trg1Src2ImmEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 6 tests from VectorExt/ARM64Trg1Src2ImmEncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorShiftLeftImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorShiftLeftImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorSignedShiftRightImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorSignedShiftRightImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorUnsignedShiftRightImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorUnsignedShiftRightImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorSignedShiftLeftLongImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorSignedShiftLeftLongImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorUnsignedShiftLeftLongImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorUnsignedShiftLeftLongImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorShiftLeftInsertImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorShiftLeftInsertImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorShiftRightInsertImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 32 tests from VectorShiftRightInsertImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorShiftRightNarrowImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 48 tests from VectorShiftRightNarrowImmediate/ARM64VectorShiftImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from VectorSplatsImm1/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from VectorSplatsImm1/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 35 tests from VectorSplatsImm2/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 35 tests from VectorSplatsImm2/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from VectorSplatsImm3/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from VectorSplatsImm3/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 38 tests from VectorSplatsImm4/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 38 tests from VectorSplatsImm4/ARM64VectorSplatsImmediateEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 44 tests from DUP/ARM64VectorDupElementEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 44 tests from DUP/ARM64VectorDupElementEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from SMOV1/ARM64MovVectorElementToGPREncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from SMOV1/ARM64MovVectorElementToGPREncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from SMOV2/ARM64MovVectorElementToGPREncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 30 tests from SMOV2/ARM64MovVectorElementToGPREncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 44 tests from UMOV/ARM64MovVectorElementToGPREncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 44 tests from UMOV/ARM64MovVectorElementToGPREncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 44 tests from INS/ARM64MovGPRToVectorElementEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 44 tests from INS/ARM64MovGPRToVectorElementEncodingTest (2 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from INS1/ARM64MovVectorElementEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from INS1/ARM64MovVectorElementEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from INS2/ARM64MovVectorElementEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 26 tests from INS2/ARM64MovVectorElementEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMPIMM/ARM64Src1ImmCondEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMPIMM/ARM64Src1ImmCondEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMNIMM/ARM64Src1ImmCondEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMNIMM/ARM64Src1ImmCondEncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMP/ARM64Src2CondEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMP/ARM64Src2CondEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMN/ARM64Src2CondEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 16 tests from CCMN/ARM64Src2CondEncodingTest (1 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 8 tests from CINC/ARM64CINCEncodingTest 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [----------] 8 tests from CINC/ARM64CINCEncodingTest (0 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [==========] 2318 tests from 102 test cases ran. (96 ms total) 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [ PASSED ] 2318 tests. 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30: [ ALL TESTS PASSED ] 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30:  16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 30/30 Test #30: compunittest ...................... Passed 0.16 sec 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 30 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] 16:00:06 [2024-05-24T20:00:06.082Z] Total Test time (real) = 272.18 sec [Pipeline] junit 16:00:08 [2024-05-24T20:00:08.076Z] Recording test results 16:06:05 [2024-05-24T20:06:05.486Z] [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] cleanWs 16:06:09 [2024-05-24T20:06:09.894Z] [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... 16:06:09 [2024-05-24T20:06:09.894Z] [WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used... 16:06:11 [2024-05-24T20:06:11.799Z] [WS-CLEANUP] done [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // ws [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timestamps [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Setting status of d4b0903569f88d1b19535e6f31e0b33064576138 to SUCCESS with url and message: 'Build finished. ' Using context: continuous-integration/eclipse-omr/pr/osx_aarch64 Finished: SUCCESS