Demonstration that the current OCL tests run on a 2019-12 platform false hudson.model.Item.ExtendedRead:anonymous hudson.model.Item.Read:anonymous hudson.model.Item.Workspace:anonymous 7 7 -1 -1 false false BRANCH_NAME Specify a bug branch name for example: (origin/bug/353403) 5b024840-09fe-4af6-8262-32436914acdf PT_BRANCH * .* NONE origin/master NONE false 5 2 git:// ${BRANCH_NAME} false migration false false false false oracle-jdk8-latest H 17 * * 0 false --show-version clean verify -P2019-12 apache-maven-3.5.4 tests/org.eclipse.ocl.compatibility.tests/pom.xml true true tests/*.test*/target/surefire-reports/*/*/*.xml true 1.0 false false false 30 true true