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Started 1 yr 9 mo ago
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#1043 (Jul 5, 2022, 2:38:09 AM)

Build Artifacts
mapping-tck-document-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar435.80 KB view
mapping-tck-document-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar21.39 KB view
mapping-tck-document-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar47.00 KB view
mapping-tck-document-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom1.83 KB view
  1. Update getter and setter in the tck-entities (commit: 5feecc4) (details)
  2. Create test to inheritance document (commit: 6f7f46a) (details)
  3. Add static import on document entity (commit: d7e01e7) (details)
  4. Update inheritance document entity (commit: c411464) (details)
  5. Update tck test to inheritance (commit: a748dc5) (details)
  6. Update to explore an agnostic nameclature on tck mappger (commit: 84cae9a) (details)
  7. Update tck mapping test (commit: 5ac22e1) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. mapping-tck-entities #1042#1043 (detail)
  2. mapping-document #1042#1043 (detail)
  3. communication-document #1042#1043 (detail)
  4. communication-core #1042#1043 (detail)
  5. mapping-core #1042#1043 (detail)
  6. mapping-tck-test #1042#1043 (detail)
  7. communication-query #1042#1043 (detail)