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#12 (May 1, 2020, 6:50:49 AM)

  1. creates tck test to document mapper (commit: d156c83) (details)
  2. removes async API (commit: 9933931) (details)
  3. fixes imports (commit: e4a1a86) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. communication-core #11#12 (detail)
  2. tck-parent  ? → (detail)
  3. Jakarta NoSQL  ? → (detail)
  4. mapping-tck-entities #11#12 (detail)
  5. mapping-core #11#12 (detail)
  6. communication-document #11#12 (detail)
  7. mapping-tck-test #11#12 (detail)
  8. mapping-document #11#12 (detail)
  9. communication-query #11#12 (detail)