Class RowGroupUtils


public final class RowGroupUtils extends Object
The utility methods in this class bridge the divide between the world of row indexes and positions and row objects used the model.
Stefan Bolton, Matt Biggs
  • Method Details

    • getRowGroupForRowIndex

      public static <T> IRowGroup<T> getRowGroupForRowIndex(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int rowIndex)
    • getOwnRowGroupForRowIndex

      public static <T> IRowGroup<T> getOwnRowGroupForRowIndex(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int rowIndex)
    • isPartOfAGroup

      public static <T> boolean isPartOfAGroup(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int rowIndex)
    • isInTheSameGroup

      public static <T> boolean isInTheSameGroup(int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, IRowGroupModel<T> model)
    • isCollapsed

      public static <T> boolean isCollapsed(IRowGroupModel<T> model, IRowGroup<T> group)
      model - The IRowGroupModel the given IRowGroup belongs to.
      group - The IRowGroup to check.
      true if the given row group or one of its parent groups is collapsed.
    • isAnyParentCollapsed

      public static <T> boolean isAnyParentCollapsed(IRowGroup<T> group)
      group - The IRowGroup to check.
      true if any of the groups parent groups is collapsed.
    • sizeOfGroup

      public static <T> int sizeOfGroup(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int bodyRowIndex)
      model - The IRowGroupModel to check.
      bodyRowIndex - The index of a row whose row group should be inspected.
      The number of rows in the row group to which the given bodyRowIndex belongs to.
    • getTopMostParentGroup

      public static <T> IRowGroup<T> getTopMostParentGroup(IRowGroup<T> rowGroup)
      rowGroup - The IRowGroup to check.
      the top-most parent group of the given group or the group specified if it has no parents.
    • isStaticRow

      public static <T> boolean isStaticRow(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int bodyRowIndex)
      model - The IRowGroupModel to check.
      bodyRowIndex - The index of a row whose row group should be inspected.
      true if bodyRowIndex is contained in the list of static rows of the row group this index belongs to
    • isRowIndexHiddenInUnderLyingLayer

      public static boolean isRowIndexHiddenInUnderLyingLayer(int rowIndex, ILayer layer, IUniqueIndexLayer underlyingLayer)
    • getRowPositionsInGroup

      public static List<Integer> getRowPositionsInGroup(IUniqueIndexLayer layer, Collection<Integer> bodyRowIndexes)
      Helper method to get the row positions for a specified layer If a row is currently invisible (-1) it will not be returned within the collection
      layer - The layer for which the position transformation should be performed.
      bodyRowIndexes - The row indexes for which the positions are requested.
      Unmodifiable list of the row positions for the given layer
    • getRowIndexesInGroup

      public static <T> List<Integer> getRowIndexesInGroup(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int rowIndex)
      model - The IRowGroupModel to check.
      rowIndex - The index of a row whose row group should be inspected.
      Unmodifiable list of row indexes and static row indexes in the same group as this index
    • getRowIndexesInGroup

      public static <T> List<Integer> getRowIndexesInGroup(IRowGroupModel<T> model, IRowGroup<T> group, boolean includeStatic)
      Return the row indexes of the rows that belong to a group.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the objects in the backing data.
      model - The IRowGroupModel to check.
      group - The IRowGroup to check.
      includeStatic - true if static rows should be included, false if not.
      The row indexes of the rows that belong to the given group.
    • getRowPositionsInGroup

      public static int[] getRowPositionsInGroup(IUniqueIndexLayer layer, int... bodyRowIndexes)
      Helper method to get the row positions for a specified layer If a row is currently invisible (-1) it will not be returned within the collection
      layer - The layer for which the position transformation should be performed.
      bodyRowIndexes - The row indexes for which the positions are requested.
      The row positions for the given layer.
    • getRowIndexesInGroupAsArray

      public static <T> int[] getRowIndexesInGroupAsArray(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int rowIndex)
      model - The IRowGroupModel to check.
      rowIndex - The index of a row whose row group should be inspected.
      The row indexes and static row indexes in the same group as this index.
    • getRowIndexesInGroupAsArray

      public static <T> int[] getRowIndexesInGroupAsArray(IRowGroupModel<T> model, IRowGroup<T> group, boolean includeStatic)
      Return the row indexes of the rows that belong to a group.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the objects in the backing data.
      model - The IRowGroupModel to check.
      group - The IRowGroup to check.
      includeStatic - true if static rows should be included, false if not.
      The row indexes of the rows that belong to the given group.
    • getRowGroupNameForIndex

      public static <T> String getRowGroupNameForIndex(IRowGroupModel<T> model, int bodyRowIndex)
    • isInTheSameGroup

      public static boolean isInTheSameGroup(RowGroupHeaderLayer layer, int level, int fromPosition, int toPosition)
      Checks if the two given row positions on the given layer belong to the same group at the given level on the given RowGroupHeaderLayer.
      layer - The RowGroupHeaderLayer which is needed to perform the check against.
      level - The grouping level to check.
      fromPosition - The row position to check based on the position layer of the given RowGroupHeaderLayer.
      toPosition - The row position to check based on the position layer of the given RowGroupHeaderLayer.
      true if both given positions belong to the same group, false if not.
    • isBetweenTwoGroups

      public static boolean isBetweenTwoGroups(ILayer natLayer, int startY, int endY, RowGroupHeaderLayer layer, int level)
      Checks if the row positions at the given y coordinates belong to the same group or not.
      natLayer - The layer to which the given positions match. Typically the NatTable itself.
      startY - The y coordinate of the row that should be checked. Typically the drag start y coordinate.
      endY - The y coordinate of the row that should be checked. Typically the drag end y coordinate.
      layer - The RowGroupHeaderLayer which is needed to perform the check against.
      level - The grouping level to check.
      true if there is a row group boundary between startY and endY, false if both positions are in the same group.
    • isBetweenTwoGroups

      public static boolean isBetweenTwoGroups(RowGroupHeaderLayer rowGroupHeaderLayer, int toPosition, boolean reorderToTopEdge, SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection)
      Checks if the edge of a row position is the top-most or the bottom most row on any level of a row group.
      rowGroupHeaderLayer - The RowGroupHeaderLayer to handle the checks.
      toPosition - The position to check. Needs to be related to the positionLayer.
      reorderToTopEdge - true if the check should be performed to the top edge or the bottom edge of the toPosition.
      moveDirection - The direction in which the reordering is performed.
      true if the destination would be between two groups, false if the destination would be inside a group.
    • isBetweenTwoGroups

      public static boolean isBetweenTwoGroups(RowGroupHeaderLayer rowGroupHeaderLayer, int level, int toPosition, boolean reorderToTopEdge, SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection)
      Checks if the edge of a row position for a specific grouping level is the top-most or the bottom most row of a row group.
      rowGroupHeaderLayer - The RowGroupHeaderLayer to handle the checks.
      level - The grouping level on which the check should be performed.
      toPosition - The position to check. Needs to be related to the positionLayer.
      reorderToTopEdge - true if the check should be performed to the top edge or the bottom edge of the toPosition.
      moveDirection - The direction in which the reordering is performed.
      true if the destination would be between two groups, false if the destination would be inside a group.
    • isReorderValid

      public static boolean isReorderValid(RowGroupHeaderLayer rowGroupHeaderLayer, int fromPosition, int toPosition, boolean reorderToTopEdge)
      Checks if a reorder operation is valid by checking the unbreakable states of the groups below the from and the to position.
      rowGroupHeaderLayer - The RowGroupHeaderLayer to get the groups to check.
      fromPosition - The position from which a row should be reordered.
      toPosition - The position to which a row should be reordered.
      reorderToTopEdge - true if the reorder should be performed to the top edge of the toPosition.
      true if the reorder operation would be valid, false if the either the source or the target belongs to an unbreakable group.
    • isReorderValid

      public static boolean isReorderValid(RowGroupHeaderLayer rowGroupHeaderLayer, int level, int fromPosition, int toPosition, boolean reorderToTopEdge)
      Checks if a reorder operation is valid by checking the unbreakable states of the groups below the from and the to position.
      rowGroupHeaderLayer - The RowGroupHeaderLayer to get the groups to check.
      level - The grouping level that should be checked.
      fromPosition - The position from which a row should be reordered.
      toPosition - The position to which a row should be reordered.
      reorderToTopEdge - true if the reorder should be performed to the top edge of the toPosition.
      true if the reorder operation would be valid, false if the either the source or the target belongs to an unbreakable group.
    • isGroupReordered

      public static boolean isGroupReordered(GroupModel.Group fromGroup, int[] fromPositions)
      Check if a complete group is reordered.
      fromGroup - The group to check.
      fromPositions - The positions to check.
      true if the fromPositions are all part of the given group.