Class ColumnGroupModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class ColumnGroupModel extends Object implements IPersistable
Tracks: Columns (by index) in a column Group. Does not keep the column indexes in any defined order. Expand/collapse state of the Group. Name of the Column Group (CG)
  • Constructor Details

    • ColumnGroupModel

      public ColumnGroupModel()
  • Method Details

    • registerColumnGroupModelListener

      public void registerColumnGroupModelListener(IColumnGroupModelListener listener)
    • unregisterColumnGroupModelListener

      public void unregisterColumnGroupModelListener(IColumnGroupModelListener listener)
    • notifyListeners

      public void notifyListeners()
    • saveState

      public void saveState(String prefix, Properties properties)
      Description copied from interface: IPersistable
      Saves the state to the given Properties using the specified prefix. Note: The prefix must be prepended to the property key to support multiple states within one Properties instance.
      Specified by:
      saveState in interface IPersistable
      prefix - The prefix to use for the state keys. Is also used as the state configuration name.
      properties - The Properties instance to save the state to.
    • loadState

      public void loadState(String prefix, Properties properties)
      Description copied from interface: IPersistable
      Restore the state out of the given Properties identified by the specified prefix. Note: The prefix must be prepended to the property key to support multiple states within one Properties instance.
      Specified by:
      loadState in interface IPersistable
      prefix - The prefix to use for the state keys. Is also used as the state configuration name.
      properties - The Properties instance to load the state from.
    • addColumnsIndexesToGroup

      public void addColumnsIndexesToGroup(String colGroupName, int... bodyColumnIndexs)
      Creates the column group if one does not exist with the given name and adds the column indexes to it.
      colGroupName - The name of the column group.
      bodyColumnIndexs - The column indexes that should be added to the group.
      See Also:
    • insertColumnIndexes

      public boolean insertColumnIndexes(String colGroupName, int... columnIndexesToInsert)
      This method will add column indexes to an existing group.
      colGroupName - The name of the column group to which the column indexes should be added to
      columnIndexesToInsert - The column indexes to insert.
      FALSE if: The column group is frozen Index is already s part of a column group
    • removeColumnIndexes

      public boolean removeColumnIndexes(String colGroupName, int... columnIndexesToRemove)
      This method will remove column indexes from an existing group.
      colGroupName - The name of the column group from which the column indexes should be removed.
      columnIndexesToRemove - The column indexes to remove.
      true if at least one column was removed from the column group.
    • setStaticColumnIndexesByGroup

      public void setStaticColumnIndexesByGroup(String colGroupName, int[] staticColumnIndexes)
      Add static columns identified by staticColumnIndexes to the given columnGroup colGroupName. Static columns remains visible when a column group is collapsed.
      colGroupName - to add the indexes to
      staticColumnIndexes - the column indexes that should be treated as static columns
    • insertStaticColumnIndexes

      public void insertStaticColumnIndexes(String colGroupName, int... columnIndexesToInsert)
      This method will add static column index(s) to an existing group
      colGroupName - to add the indexes to
      columnIndexesToInsert - the column indexes that should be treated as static columns
    • getColumnGroupByName

      public ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup getColumnGroupByName(String groupName)
    • getColumnGroupByIndex

      public ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup getColumnGroupByIndex(int columnIndex)
    • addColumnGroup

      public void addColumnGroup(ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup columnGroup)
    • removeColumnGroup

      public void removeColumnGroup(ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup columnGroup)
    • isPartOfAGroup

      public boolean isPartOfAGroup(int bodyColumnIndex)
    • isAGroup

      public boolean isAGroup(String cellValue)
      cellValue - the name that should be checked
      true if a group by this name exists
    • clear

      public void clear()
    • size

      public int size()
      Number of column Groups in the model.
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      TRUE if no column groups exist
    • getAllIndexesInGroups

      public List<Integer> getAllIndexesInGroups()
      all the indexes which belong to groups
    • isStaticColumn

      public boolean isStaticColumn(int bodyColumnIndex)
      bodyColumnIndex - the column index to check
      true if bodyColumnIndex is contained in the list of static columns of the column group this index belongs to
    • getCollapsedColumnCount

      public int getCollapsedColumnCount()
      Total number of columns hidden for all the collapsed columns.
    • getColumnGroupPositionFromIndex

      public int getColumnGroupPositionFromIndex(int bodyColumnIndex)
      bodyColumnIndex - the column index to check
      The position of the index within the column group
    • isPartOfACollapseableGroup

      public boolean isPartOfACollapseableGroup(int columnIndex)
      Check if the column at the specified column index belongs to a ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup and if this ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup is collabseable.
      columnIndex - The column index used to retrieve the corresponding column group
      true if the column at the specified column index belongs to a ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup and this ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup is collabseable, false if not.
    • setColumnGroupCollapseable

      public void setColumnGroupCollapseable(int columnIndex, boolean collabseable)
      Set the ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup to which the column and the specified column index belongs to, to be collapseable or not.
      columnIndex - The column index used to retrieve the corresponding column group
      collabseable - true to set the column group collapseable, false to set it not to be collapseable.
    • isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup

      public boolean isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup(int columnIndex)
      Check if the column at the specified column index belongs to a ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup and if this ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup is unbreakable.
      columnIndex - The column index used to retrieve the corresponding column group
      true if the column at the specified column index belongs to a ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup and this ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup is unbreakable, false if not.
    • setColumnGroupUnbreakable

      public void setColumnGroupUnbreakable(int columnIndex, boolean unbreakable)
      Set the ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup to which the column and the specified column index belongs to, to be unbreakable/breakable.
      columnIndex - The column index used to retrieve the corresponding column group
      unbreakable - true to set the column group unbreakable, false to remove the unbreakable state.
    • isDefaultCollapseable

      public boolean isDefaultCollapseable()
      The default value for the collapseable flag of newly created ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup objects.
    • setDefaultCollapseable

      public void setDefaultCollapseable(boolean defaultCollapseable)
      Sets the default value for the collapseable flag when creating ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup objects.
      defaultCollapseable - the default value for ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup.collapseable that should be set on creating ColumnGroupModel.ColumnGroup.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object