All Implemented Interfaces:
ILayer, ILayerListener, IPersistable

public class CornerLayer extends DimensionallyDependentLayer
Layer for the top left header corner of the grid layer
  • Constructor Details

    • CornerLayer

      public CornerLayer(IUniqueIndexLayer baseLayer, ILayer horizontalLayerDependency, ILayer verticalLayerDependency)
      Creates a corner header layer using the default configuration and painter
      baseLayer - The data provider for this layer
      horizontalLayerDependency - The layer to link the horizontal dimension to, typically the row header layer
      verticalLayerDependency - The layer to link the vertical dimension to, typically the column header layer
    • CornerLayer

      public CornerLayer(IUniqueIndexLayer baseLayer, ILayer horizontalLayerDependency, ILayer verticalLayerDependency, boolean useDefaultConfiguration, ILayerPainter layerPainter)
      baseLayer - The data provider for this layer
      horizontalLayerDependency - The layer to link the horizontal dimension to, typically the row header layer
      verticalLayerDependency - The layer to link the vertical dimension to, typically the column header layer
      useDefaultConfiguration - If default configuration should be applied to this layer (at moment none)
      layerPainter - The painter for this layer or null to use the painter of the base layer
  • Method Details

    • getCellByPosition

      public ILayerCell getCellByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the cell for the given coordinates on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getCellByPosition in interface ILayer
      getCellByPosition in class AbstractLayer
      columnPosition - The column position of the requested cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the requested cell.
      The ILayerCell for the given coordinates in this layer or null if the coordinates are invalid on this layer.