Class DisplayConverter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultBooleanDisplayConverter, DefaultCharacterDisplayConverter, DefaultDateDisplayConverter, DefaultDisplayConverter, FilterRowRegularExpressionConverter, FormulaResultDisplayConverter, NumericDisplayConverter, PercentageDisplayConverter, PricingTypeBeanDisplayConverter, SummaryDisplayConverter

public abstract class DisplayConverter extends Object implements IDisplayConverter
  • Constructor Details

    • DisplayConverter

      public DisplayConverter()
  • Method Details

    • canonicalToDisplayValue

      public abstract Object canonicalToDisplayValue(Object canonicalValue)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplayConverter
      Convert backing data value to value to be displayed. Typically converts to a String for display.
      Specified by:
      canonicalToDisplayValue in interface IDisplayConverter
      canonicalValue - The data value from the backing data.
      The converted value to display.
    • displayToCanonicalValue

      public abstract Object displayToCanonicalValue(Object displayValue)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplayConverter
      Convert from display value to value in the backing data structure.

      The type the display value is converted to must match the type in the setter of the backing bean/row object

      Specified by:
      displayToCanonicalValue in interface IDisplayConverter
      displayValue - The display value that should be converted to the data value that matches the backing data.
      The converted value to put to the backing data.
    • canonicalToDisplayValue

      public Object canonicalToDisplayValue(ILayerCell cell, IConfigRegistry configRegistry, Object canonicalValue)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplayConverter
      Convert backing data value to value to be displayed. Typically converts to a String for display. Use this method for contextual conversion.

      Note that on returning a different type than String, toString() will be called on the returned object to render the value for displaying.

      Specified by:
      canonicalToDisplayValue in interface IDisplayConverter
      cell - The ILayerCell whose canonical value should be converted.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry of the NatTable to which the ILayerCell belongs.
      canonicalValue - The data value from the backing data.
      The converted value to display.
    • displayToCanonicalValue

      public Object displayToCanonicalValue(ILayerCell cell, IConfigRegistry configRegistry, Object displayValue)
      Description copied from interface: IDisplayConverter
      Convert from display value to value in the backing data structure.

      The type the display value is converted to must match the type in the setter of the backing bean/row object Use this method for contextual conversion.

      Specified by:
      displayToCanonicalValue in interface IDisplayConverter
      cell - The ILayerCell whose canonical value should be converted.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry of the NatTable to which the ILayerCell belongs.
      displayValue - The display value that should be converted to the data value that matches the backing data.
      The converted value to put to the backing data.