Started by user Running as SYSTEM Agent centos-7-wjjxb is provisioned from template centos-7 --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: annotations: {} labels: jenkins: "slave" jenkins/label: "migration_jipp-migration_centos_centos-7" name: "centos-7-wjjxb" spec: containers: - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.mpc.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "centos-7-wjjxb" - name: "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" value: "" - name: "JNLP_PROTOCOL_OPTS" value: "-showversion -XshowSettings:vm -Xmx256m\ \ -Dorg.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.JnlpProtocol3.disabled=true -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.useSETSID=true" - name: "_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "" - name: "JAVA_OPTS" value: "" - name: "IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle" - name: "OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "centos-7-wjjxb" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.mpc.svc.cluster.local/mpc/" image: "" imagePullPolicy: "Always" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: memory: "4096Mi" cpu: "2000m" requests: memory: "4096Mi" cpu: "1000m" securityContext: privileged: false tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/toolchains.xml" name: "m2-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "toolchains.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.mavenrc" name: "m2-dir" readOnly: true subPath: ".mavenrc" - mountPath: "/opt/tools" name: "volume-0" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" name: "volume-2" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" name: "volume-3" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings-security.xml" name: "m2-secret-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "settings-security.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/wrapper" name: "volume-4" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" name: "m2-secret-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "settings.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.ssh" name: "volume-1" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false workingDir: "/home/jenkins/agent" nodeSelector: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" securityContext: {} volumes: - name: "volume-0" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "tools-claim-jiro-mpc" readOnly: true - name: "m2-secret-dir" secret: secretName: "m2-secret-dir" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-2" - configMap: name: "m2-dir" name: "m2-dir" - configMap: name: "known-hosts" name: "volume-1" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-4" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-3" Building remotely on centos-7-wjjxb (centos-7 jipp-migration migration centos) in workspace /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/epp-mpc-release [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used... [ssh-agent] Looking for ssh-agent implementation... [ssh-agent] Exec ssh-agent (binary ssh-agent on a remote machine) $ ssh-agent SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-j7uE1OjT3lfq/agent.52 SSH_AGENT_PID=54 [ssh-agent] Started. Running ssh-add (command line suppressed) Identity added: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/epp-mpc-release@tmp/private_key_6801122159799409156.key (/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/epp-mpc-release@tmp/private_key_6801122159799409156.key) [ssh-agent] Using credentials genie.mpc (ssh:// Promoting epp-mpc-release #143 [epp-mpc-release] $ /usr/bin/env bash /tmp/ + curl -o % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 2056 100 2056 0 0 12370 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 12385 + unzip Archive: inflating: + . ./ ++ set -e ++ set -x ++ PUBLISH_BASE=/home/data/httpd/ ++ PROMOTE_BASE=/home/data/httpd/ + promote_integration + download_promoted_build + download_promote_package + download_build_archive ./ + + TARGET_PATH=./ + case "$TARGET_PATH" in + test -s ./ + echo './ already exists' ./ already exists + return 0 + unzip ./ Archive: ./ inflating: + . ./ ++ version=1.8.3 ++ qualifier=v20200629-1546 + + download_build_archive ./ + + TARGET_PATH=./ + case "$TARGET_PATH" in + test -s ./ + curl -o ./ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 6885k 100 6885k 0 0 15.0M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 15.0M + . ./ ++ version=1.8.3 ++ qualifier=v20200629-1546 + + promote_remote integration + STAGE=integration + shift + + shift + case "$STAGE" in + echo 'Promoting to integration' Promoting to integration ++ ssh 'mkdir -p /home/data/httpd/ && mktemp -p /home/data/httpd/ -d 1.8.3-XXXXXXXX' + REMOTE_WORKDIR=/home/data/httpd/ + scp + RESULT=0 + ssh 'cd /home/data/httpd/ && unzip && . && promote_integration_remote' Archive: inflating: inflating: ++ PUBLISH_BASE=/home/data/httpd/ ++ PROMOTE_BASE=/home/data/httpd/ + promote_integration_remote + . ./ ++ version=1.8.3 ++ qualifier=v20200629-1546 + do_promote mpc 1.8.3 v20200629-1546 ./ /home/data/httpd/ /home/data/httpd/ + DIST=mpc + VERSION=1.8.3 + QUALIFIER=v20200629-1546 + SRC=./ + ARCHIVE=/home/data/httpd/ + SITE=/home/data/httpd/ + DST=/home/data/httpd/ + '[' -e /home/data/httpd/ ']' Promoting 1.8.3.v20200629-1546 to /home/data/httpd/ + echo Promoting 1.8.3.v20200629-1546 to /home/data/httpd/ + umask 0002 + mkdir -p /home/data/httpd/ + unzip -d /home/data/httpd/ ./ Archive: ./ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ creating: /home/data/httpd/ creating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ inflating: /home/data/httpd/ + cp ./ /home/data/httpd/ + chmod g+rwX -R /home/data/httpd/ + chmod g+rwx /home/data/httpd/ /home/data/httpd/ chmod: changing permissions of `/home/data/httpd/': Operation not permitted + true ++ dirname hipp_shell + cd . ++ pwd + BASE=/home/data/httpd/ + '[' -n /home/data/httpd/ ']' + for i in '"$SITE"' '"$SITE"/*' + '[' -e /home/data/httpd/ ']' + echo 'Updating /home/data/httpd/' Updating /home/data/httpd/ + cd /home/data/httpd/ + update_composite + source composite.index +++ sort -r +++ head -n 10 +++ find ../drops/1.7.2/v20180718-2001/ ../drops/1.7.2/v20180829-1931/ ../drops/1.7.3/v20181107-1820/ ../drops/1.7.3/v20181205-1546/ ../drops/1.7.4/v20190206-1749/ ../drops/1.7.5/v20190206-1908/ ../drops/1.7.5/v20190225-1900/ ../drops/1.7.5/v20190301-1516/ ../drops/1.7.5/v20190313-2005/ ../drops/1.7.6/v20190415-1216/ ../drops/1.7.6/v20190416-1746/ ../drops/1.7.7/v20190521-1752/ ../drops/1.8.0/v20190725-1807/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ -maxdepth 0 ++ DIRS='../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/' ++ NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + '[' '../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/' == '' ']' + '[' 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' == '' ']' ++ date +%s + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + compose compositeArtifacts.xml compositeArtifactRepository org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' 1593449083000 ../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/ + FILE=compositeArtifacts.xml + shift + TAG=compositeArtifactRepository + shift + TYPE=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository + shift + NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + shift + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + shift + cat + COUNT=0 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=1 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=2 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=3 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=4 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=5 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=6 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=7 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=8 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=9 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=10 + sed -i -e s/CHILD_COUNT/10/ compositeArtifacts.xml + cat Wrote 10 entries to compositeArtifacts.xml + echo 'Wrote 10 entries to compositeArtifacts.xml' + compose compositeContent.xml compositeMetadataRepository org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' 1593449083000 ../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/ + FILE=compositeContent.xml + shift + TAG=compositeMetadataRepository + shift + TYPE=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository + shift + NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + shift + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + shift + cat + COUNT=0 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=1 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=2 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=3 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=4 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=5 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=6 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=7 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=8 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=9 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=10 + sed -i -e s/CHILD_COUNT/10/ compositeContent.xml + cat Wrote 10 entries to compositeContent.xml + echo 'Wrote 10 entries to compositeContent.xml' + for i in '"$SITE"' '"$SITE"/*' + '[' -e /home/data/httpd/ ']' + for i in '"$SITE"' '"$SITE"/*' + '[' -e /home/data/httpd/ ']' + for i in '"$SITE"' '"$SITE"/*' + '[' -e /home/data/httpd/ ']' + for i in '"$SITE"' '"$SITE"/*' + '[' -e /home/data/httpd/ ']' Updating /home/data/httpd/ + echo 'Updating /home/data/httpd/' + cd /home/data/httpd/ + update_composite + source composite.index +++ sort -r +++ head -n 1 +++ find ../../drops/1.7.2/v20180718-2001/ ../../drops/1.7.2/v20180829-1931/ ../../drops/1.7.3/v20181107-1820/ ../../drops/1.7.3/v20181205-1546/ ../../drops/1.7.4/v20190206-1749/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190206-1908/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190225-1900/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190301-1516/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190313-2005/ ../../drops/1.7.6/v20190415-1216/ ../../drops/1.7.6/v20190416-1746/ ../../drops/1.7.7/v20190521-1752/ ../../drops/1.8.0/v20190725-1807/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ -maxdepth 0 ++ DIRS=../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ ++ NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + '[' ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ == '' ']' + '[' 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' == '' ']' ++ date +%s + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + compose compositeArtifacts.xml compositeArtifactRepository org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' 1593449083000 ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ + FILE=compositeArtifacts.xml + shift + TAG=compositeArtifactRepository + shift + TYPE=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository + shift + NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + shift + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + shift + cat + COUNT=0 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=1 + sed -i -e s/CHILD_COUNT/1/ compositeArtifacts.xml + cat Wrote 1 entries to compositeArtifacts.xml + echo 'Wrote 1 entries to compositeArtifacts.xml' + compose compositeContent.xml compositeMetadataRepository org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' 1593449083000 ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ + FILE=compositeContent.xml + shift + TAG=compositeMetadataRepository + shift + TYPE=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository + shift + NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + shift + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + shift + cat + COUNT=0 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=1 + sed -i -e s/CHILD_COUNT/1/ compositeContent.xml + cat Wrote 1 entries to compositeContent.xml + echo 'Wrote 1 entries to compositeContent.xml' + cd /home/data/httpd/ + update_composite + source composite.index +++ sort -r +++ head -n 1 +++ find ../../drops/1.7.2/v20180718-2001/ ../../drops/1.7.2/v20180829-1931/ ../../drops/1.7.3/v20181107-1820/ ../../drops/1.7.3/v20181205-1546/ ../../drops/1.7.4/v20190206-1749/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190206-1908/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190225-1900/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190301-1516/ ../../drops/1.7.5/v20190313-2005/ ../../drops/1.7.6/v20190415-1216/ ../../drops/1.7.6/v20190416-1746/ ../../drops/1.7.7/v20190521-1752/ ../../drops/1.8.0/v20190725-1807/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20191106-1317/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20191107-0523/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20191119-1757/ ../../drops/1.8.1/v20200114-1512/ ../../drops/1.8.2/v20200210-1402/ ../../drops/1.8.2/v20200309-0038/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2308/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2319/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200526-2328/ ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ -maxdepth 0 ++ DIRS=../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ ++ NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + '[' ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ == '' ']' + '[' 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' == '' ']' ++ date +%s + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + compose compositeArtifacts.xml compositeArtifactRepository org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' 1593449083000 ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ + FILE=compositeArtifacts.xml + shift + TAG=compositeArtifactRepository + shift + TYPE=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository + shift + NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + shift + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + shift + cat + COUNT=0 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=1 + sed -i -e s/CHILD_COUNT/1/ compositeArtifacts.xml + cat Wrote 1 entries to compositeArtifacts.xml + echo 'Wrote 1 entries to compositeArtifacts.xml' + compose compositeContent.xml compositeMetadataRepository org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository 'EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' 1593449083000 ../../drops/1.8.3/v20200629-1546/ + FILE=compositeContent.xml + shift + TAG=compositeMetadataRepository + shift + TYPE=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository + shift + NAME='EPP Marketplace Client Snapshots' + shift + TIMESTAMP=1593449083000 + shift + cat + COUNT=0 + for i in '"$@"' + echo ' ' + COUNT=1 + sed -i -e s/CHILD_COUNT/1/ compositeContent.xml + cat Wrote 1 entries to compositeContent.xml + echo 'Wrote 1 entries to compositeContent.xml' + ssh 'rm -rf /home/data/httpd/' + return 0 build hudson.tasks.Shell@b57bb30c SUCCESS Marking build to keep forever. build hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.KeepBuildForeverAction@85e05d0c SUCCESS $ ssh-agent -k unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK; unset SSH_AGENT_PID; echo Agent pid 54 killed; [ssh-agent] Stopped. Finished: SUCCESS