Specification: MicroProfile Context Propagation
Version: 1.4-SNAPSHOT
Status: Final
Release: November 12, 2021

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Microprofile Context Propagation

MicroProfile Context Propagation Specification


The MicroProfile Context Propagation specification introduces APIs for propagating contexts across units of work that are thread-agnostic. It makes it possible to propagate context that was traditionally associated to the current thread across various types of units of work such as CompletionStage, CompletableFuture, Function, Runnable regardless of which particular thread ends up executing them.


When using a reactive model, execution is cut into small units of work that are chained together to assemble a reactive pipeline. The context under which each unit of work executes is often unpredictable and depends on the particular reactive engine used. Some units might run with the context of a thread that awaits completion, or the context of a previous unit that completed and triggered the dependent unit, or with no/undefined context at all. Existing solutions for transferring thread context, such as the EE Concurrency Utilities ContextService, are tied to a specific asynchrony model, promotes usage of thread pools, is difficult to use and require a lot of boilerplate code. This specification makes it possible for thread context propagation to easily be done in a type-safe way, keeping boilerplate code to a minimum, as well as allowing for thread context propagation to be done automatically for many types of reactive models.

We distinguish two main use-cases for propagating contexts to reactive pipelines:

  • Splitting units of work into a sequential pipeline where each unit will be executed after the other. Turning an existing blocking request into an async request would produce such pipelines.

  • Fanning out units of work to be executed in parallel on a managed thread pool. Launching an asynchronous job from a request without waiting for its termination would produce such pipelines.


  • Pluggable context propagation to the most common unit of work types.

  • Mechanism for thread context propagation to CompletableFuture and CompletionStage units of work that reduces the need for boilerplate code.

  • Full compatibility with EE Concurrency spec, such that proposed interfaces can seamlessly work alongside EE Concurrency, without depending on it.


This specification introduces two interfaces that contain methods that can work alongside EE Concurrency, if available.

The interface, org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ManagedExecutor, provides methods for obtaining managed instances of CompletableFuture which are backed by the managed executor as the default asynchronous execution facility and the default mechanism of defining thread context propagation. Similar to EE Concurrency’s ManagedExecutorService, the MicroProfile ManagedExecutor also implements the Java SE java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface, using managed threads when asynchronous invocation is required. It is possible for a single implementation to be capable of simultaneously implementing both ManagedExecutor and ManagedExecutorService interfaces.

A second interface, org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ThreadContext, provides methods for individually contextualizing units of work such as CompletionStage, CompletionFuture, Runnable, Function, Supplier and more, without tying them to a particular thread execution model. This gives the user finer-grained control over the capture and propagation of thread context by remaining thread execution agnostic. It is possible for a single implementation to be capable of simultaneously implementing both ThreadContext and ContextService interfaces.


Instances of ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext can be constructed via builders with fluent API, for example,

    ManagedExecutor executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()

    ThreadContext threadContext = ThreadContext.builder()
        .propagated(ThreadContext.APPLICATION, ThreadContext.CDI)

Applications should shut down instances of ManagedExecutor that they build after they are no longer needed. The shutdown request serves as a signal notifying the container that resources can be safely cleaned up.

Example usage

For managed executor,

    CompletableFuture<Long> stage = executor.newIncompleteFuture()

Or similarly for thread context,


Sharing Instances

The definition of CDI producers at application scope, combined with injection, is a convenient mechanism for sharing instances across an application.

    @Produces @ApplicationScoped @SecAndAppContextQualifier
    ManagedExecutor executor1 = ManagedExecutor.builder()
        .propagated(ThreadContext.SECURITY, ThreadContext.APPLICATION)

    ... // in some other bean
    void setCompletableFuture(@SecAndAppContextQualifier ManagedExecutor executor2) {
        completableFuture = executor2.newIncompleteFuture();

    ... // in yet another bean
    @Inject @SecAndAppContextQualifier
    ManagedExecutor executor3;

    // example qualifier annotation
    @Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
    public @interface SecAndAppContextQualifier {}

Specifying Defaults via MicroProfile Config

MicroProfile Config properties can be used to specify defaults for configuration attributes that are not otherwise configured on ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext instances. Here is an example that includes all of the available attributes that can be defaulted:



Builders for ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext

The MicroProfile Context Propagation spec defines a fluent builder API to programmatically obtain instances of ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext. Builder instances are obtained via static builder() methods on ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext.

Example ManagedExecutor Builder Usage

import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletConfig;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ManagedExecutor;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ThreadContext;

public class ExampleServlet extends HttpServlet {
    ManagedExecutor executor;

    public void init(ServletConfig config) {
        executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
       completionStage = executor.runAsync(task1)

    public void destroy() {

Applications are encouraged to cache and reuse ManagedExecutor instances. It is the responsibility of the application to shut down ManagedExecutor instances that are no longer needed, so as to allow the container to efficiently free up resources.

Example ThreadContext Builder Usage

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletConfig;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ThreadContext;

public class ExampleServlet extends HttpServlet {
    ThreadContext threadContext;

    public void init(ServletConfig config) {
        threadContext = ThreadContext.builder()
                            .propagated(ThreadContext.APPLICATION, ThreadContext.SECURITY)

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
        Function<Long, Long> contextFn = threadContext.contextualFunction(x -> {
            ... operation that requires security & application context
            return result;

        // By using java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.supplyAsync rather
        // than a managed executor, context propagation is unpredictable,
        // except for the contextFn action that we pre-contextualized using
        // ThreadContext above.
        stage = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(supplier)

Reuse of Builders

Instances of ManagedExecutor.Builder and ThreadContext.Builder retain their configuration after the build method is invoked and can be reused. Subsequent invocations of the build() method create new instances of ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext that operate independently of previously built instances.

CDI Injection

In order to use ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext as CDI beans, define producer for them as @ApplicationScoped so that instances are shared and reused. In most cases, more granular and shorter-lived scopes are undesirable. For instance, having a new ManagedExecutor instance created per HTTP request typically does not make sense. In the event that a more granular scope is desired, the application must take care to supply a disposer to ensure that the executor is shut down once it is no longer needed. When using application scope, it is optional to supply a disposer because the specification requires the container to automatically shut down ManagedExecutor instances when the application stops.

Example Producer for ManagedExecutor

Example qualifier,

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import jakarta.inject.Qualifier;

@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public @interface SecurityAndCDIContext {}

Example producer and disposer,

import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ManagedExecutor;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ThreadContext;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Produces;

public class MyFirstBean {
    @Produces @ApplicationScoped @SecurityAndCDIContext
    ManagedExecutor executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()
        .propagated(ThreadContext.SECURITY, ThreadContext.CDI)

    void disposeExecutor(@Disposes @SecurityAndCDIContext ManagedExecutor exec) {

Example injection point,

import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ManagedExecutor;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;

public class MySecondBean {
    @Inject @SecurityAndCDIContext
    ManagedExecutor sameExecutor;

Example Producer for ThreadContext

Example qualifier,

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import jakarta.inject.Qualifier;

@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public @interface AppContext {}

Example producer method,

import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ThreadContext;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Produces;

public class MyFirstBean {
    @Produces @ApplicationScoped @AppContext
    createAppContextPropagator() {
        return ThreadContext.builder()
               .cleared(ThreadContext.SECURITY, ThreadContext.TRANSACTION)

Example injection point,

import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.ThreadContext;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;

public class MySecondBean {
    Function<Integer, Item> findItem;

    protected void setFindItem(@AppContext ThreadContext appContext) {
        findItem = appContext.contextualFunction(i -> {
            try (Connection con =
                 ((DataSource) InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/ds1")).getConnection();
                 PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql)) {
                stmt.setInt(1, i);
                return toItem(stmt.executeQuery());
            } catch (Exception x) {
                throw new CompletionException(x);

Establishing default values with MicroProfile Config

If a MicroProfile Config implementation is available, MicroProfile Config can be used to establish default values for configuration attributes of ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext. This allows the application to bypass configuration of one or more attributes when using the builders to create instances.

For example, you could specify MicroProfile Config properties as follows to establish a set of defaults for ManagedExecutor,


With these defaults in place, the application can create a ManagedExecutor instance without specifying some of the configuration attributes,

executor = ManagedExecutor.builder().maxAsync(5).build();

In the code above, the application specifies only the maxAsync attribute, limiting actions and tasks requested to run async to at most 5 running at any given time. The other configuration attributes are defaulted as specified in MicroProfile config, with no upper bound on queued tasks, Transaction context cleared, and all other context types propagated.

As another example, the following MicroProfile Config properties establish defaults for ThreadContext,


With these defaults in place, the application can create a ThreadContext instance without specifying some of the configuration attributes,

cdiContextPropagator = ThreadContext.builder()

In the code above, the application specifies only the propagated attribute, indicating that only CDI context is propagated. The other configuration attributes inherit the defaults, which includes clearing Security and Transaction context and leaving all other thread context types unchanged.

Specifying Defaults for Array Properties in MicroProfile Config

When using MicroProfile Config to define defaults for array type properties (propagated, cleared, and unchanged), the following rules apply for config property values:

  • The value can be a single array element, multiple elements (delimited by ,), or the value None, which is interpreted as an empty array of context types.

  • Array elements can be any value returned by a ThreadContextProvider's getThreadContextType() method.

  • Array elements can be any thread context type constant value from ThreadContext (such as Security, Application, or Remaining).

  • The usual rules from the MicroProfile Config specification apply, such as escaping special characters.

As of MicroProfile Config 2.0 and above, the value of None must be used to indicate an empty array. Prior to MicroProfile Config 2.0, an empty string value could be used to specify an empty array. In order to guarantee that empty string config values are interpreted properly, the MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation must interpret both of the following as indicating empty:

  • empty array

  • array containing the empty String as its singular element

This is necessary due to a lack of clarity in the first several versions of the MicroProfile Config specification about how the empty string value is to be interpreted for arrays of String. MicroProfile Config 2.0 removed the ability to configure empty arrays and lists altogether.

Overriding values with MicroProfile Config

MicroProfile Config can also be used in the standard way to enable configuration attributes of the ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext builders to be overridden. For example,

@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public @interface SecurityAndAppContext {}

@Produces @ApplicationScoped @SecurityAndAppContext
ManagedExecutor createExecutor(
    @ConfigProperty(name="exec1.maxAsync", defaultValue="5") Integer a,
    @ConfigProperty(name="exec1.maxQueued", defaultValue="20") Integer q) {
    return ManagedExecutor.builder()
                          .propagated(ThreadContext.SECURITY, ThreadContext.APPLICATION)

MicroProfile Config can be used to override configuration attributes from the above example as follows,


Transaction Context

Implementations of MicroProfile Context Propagation are allowed to provide varying degrees of support for transaction context.

This varies from not supporting transactions at all, to supporting the clearing of transaction context only, to supporting propagation of transactions for serial, or even parallel use. The ThreadContextProvider for transaction context raises exceptions that are defined by the specification to indicate lack of support for the various optional aspects of transaction context propagation.

No Support for Transactions

The ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext builders are allowed to raise IllegalStateException from the build method when a builder is configured to propagate transaction context but transactions are not supported (no provider of transaction context is available). This follows the general pattern defined by the build method JavaDoc concerning unavailable context types.

executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()
                          .build(); // <-- raises IllegalStateException

Propagation of the Absence of a Transaction, but not of Active Transactions

It can be useful to propagate that a completion stage action does not run under a transaction in order to guarantee deterministic behavior and allow the action to manage its own transactional work. This is important in being able to write applications that reliably access completion stage results from within a transaction without risking that the action might run as part of the transaction. For example,

executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()
           .propagated(ThreadContext.TRANSACTION, ThreadContext.APPLICATION)

// propagates the absence of a transaction,
// allowing the action to start its own transaction
stage1 = executor.supplyAsync(supplier);
stage2 = stage1.thenApply(u -> {
    try {
        DataSource ds = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/ds1");
        UserTransaction tx = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");
        try (Connection con = ds.getConnection()) {
            return u + con.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception x) {
        throw new CompletionException(x);

... do transactional work here

updateCount = stage2.join(); // <-- stage2's action is guaranteed to never
                             //     run under this transaction because absence
                             //     of a transaction is propagated to it

... more transactional work

It should be noted that cleared, rather than propagated, transaction context can accomplish the same.

A ThreadContextProvider that supports propagation of the absence of a transaction, but not propagation of an active transaction is allowed to raise IllegalStateException from its currentContext method. The exception flows back to the application on operations such as managedExecutor.supplyAsync(supplier), threadContext.withContextCapture, or threadContext.contextualFunction, indicating the restriction against propagating active transactions. The IllegalStateException should have a meaningful message making it clear to the user that lack of support for the propagation of active transactions is the cause of the error.

For example, the application can expect to see IllegalStateException here if the optional behavior of propagating active transactions to other threads is not supported,

stage = executor.runAsync(action); // <-- raises IllegalStateException

Propagation of Active Transactions for Serial Use, but not Parallel

Some transaction managers and transactional resources may allow for propagation of an active transaction to multiple threads serially, with the limitation that the transaction is active on at most one thread at any given time.

For example,

executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()

// Allowed because it limits the transaction to serial use
stage1 = executor.newIncompleteFuture();
try {
    stage3 = stage1.thenApply(updateCount -> {
        try (Connection con = dataSource.getConnection()) {
            return updateCount + con.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql2);
        } catch (SQLException x) {
            throw new CompletionException(x);
    }).thenApply(updateCount -> {
        try (Connection con = dataSource.getConnection()) {
            return updateCount + con.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql3);
        } catch (SQLException x) {
            throw new CompletionException(x);
    }).whenComplete((result, failure) -> {
        try {
            if (failure == null && tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
        } catch (Exception x) {
            if (failure == null)
                throw new CompletionException(x);
} finally {
    // vendor-specific means required to obtain TransactionManager instance

// ... possibly on another thread

A 'ThreadContextProvider' that supports serial use of a propagated transaction, but not parallel use, is allowed to raise IllegalStateException upon attempts to associate a JTA transaction to a second thread when the JTA transaction is already active on another thread. The transaction context provider raises IllegalStateException upon ThreadContextSnapshot.begin, which exceptionally completes the action or task without running it. When rejecting parallel use of a transaction, the transaction context provider should also mark the transaction for rollback. The IllegalStateException should have a meaningful message making it clear to the user that lack of support for the propagation of active transactions for parallel use across multiple threads is the cause of the error.

The application sees the error when requesting the result of the corresponding stage. For example,

try {
    stage = executor.supplyAsync(() -> {
        try (Connection con = dataSource.getConnection()) {
            return con.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql1);
        } catch (SQLException) {
            throw new CompletionException(x);

    try (Connection con = dataSource.getConnection()) {

    stage.join(); // <-- raises CompletionException with a chained
                  //     IllegalStateException indicating lack of support
                  //     for propagating an active transaction to multiple
                  //     threads

} catch (Exception x) {

Propagation of Active Transactions for Parallel Use

An implementation that supports the optional behavior of propagating active transactions for use on multiple threads in parallel may choose whether or not to support commit and rollback operations from dependent stage actions. If unsupported, these operations raise SystemException when invoked from a separate completion stage action. As always, the application is responsible for following best practices to ensure transactions are properly resolved and transactional resources are properly cleaned up under all possible outcomes.

Here is an example of committing the transaction in a dependent stage action,

try {
    stage1 = executor.runAsync(action1);
    stage2 = executor.runAsync(action2);
    stage3 = stage1.runAfterBoth(stage2, (u,v) -> action3)
                   .whenComplete((result, failure) -> {
        try {
            if (failure == null && tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
                tx.commit();   // <-- raises SystemException if unsupported within dependent stage
                tx.rollback(); // <-- raises SystemException if unsupported within dependent stage
        } catch (Exception x) {
            if (failure == null)
                throw new CompletionException(x);
} finally {
    // vendor-specific means required to obtain TransactionManager instance

Here is an example of committing the transaction from the main thread,

try {
    stage1 = executor.runAsync(action1);
    stage2 = executor.runAsync(action2);
    stage3 = CompletableFuture.allOf(stage1, stage2);
} finally {
    if (tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE && !stage3.isCompletedExceptionally())

MicroProfile Context Propagation Examples

This section includes some additional examples of spec usage.

Contextualize a new CompletableFuture and all dependent stages

    executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()
                   .cleared(ThreadContext.TRANSACTION, ThreadContext.SECURITY)

    CompletableFuture<Long> stage1 = executor.newIncompleteFuture();
    stage1.thenApply(function1)      // runs with captured context
          .thenApply(function2);     // runs with captured context
    stage1.completeAsync(supplier1); // runs with captured context

Apply thread context to a CompletionStage and all its dependent stages

    threadContext = ThreadContext.builder()

    stage = threadContext.withContextCapture(invokeSomeMethodThatReturnsUnmanagedCompletionStage());
    stage.thenApply(function1)  // runs with captured context
         .thenAccept(consumer); // runs with captured context

Apply thread context to a single CompletionStage action

    threadContext = ThreadContext.builder()

    Consumer<String> contextualConsumer = threadContext.contextualConsumer(s -> {
            ... do something that requires context

    stage = invokeSomeMethodThatReturnsUnmanagedCompletionStage();
    stage.thenApply(function1)            // context is unpredictable
         .thenAccept(contextualConsumer); // runs with captured context

Reusable Context Snapshot

    threadContext = ThreadContext.builder()
    contextSnapshot = threadContext.currentContextExecutor();

    ... on some other thread,
    contextSnapshot.execute(() -> {
        ... do something that requires the previously captured context

Run under the transaction of the executing thread

If you do not want to either propagate or clear a context, you need to explicitly mark it as unchanged. In this example we want to capture and propagate only the application context, but we don’t want to clear the transaction context because we’re going to manually set it up for the new thread where we’re going to use the captured application context:

    threadContext = ThreadContext.builder()

    Callable<Integer> updateDatabase = threadContext.contextualCallable(() -> {
        DataSource ds = InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env/ds1");
        try (Connection con = ds.getConnection()) {
            return con.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);

    ... on some other thread,

    ... do transactional work
    // runs as part of the transaction, but with the captured application scope
    ... more transactional work

Thread Context Providers

The initial release of EE Concurrency assumed a single monolithic implementation of the full set of EE specifications that could thus rely on vendor-specific internals to achieve context propagation. However, in practice, open source implementations of various specs are often pieced together into a comprehensive solution.

The thread context provider SPI is defined to bridge the gap, allowing any provider of thread context to publish and make available the type of thread context it supports, following a standard and predictable pattern that can be relied upon by a MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation, enabling it to facilitate the inclusion of any generic thread context alongside the spec-defined thread context types that it captures and propagates.

With this model, the provider of thread context implements the org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextProvider interface and packages it in a way that makes it available to the ServiceLoader. ThreadContextProvider identifies the thread context type and provides a way to capture snapshots of thread context as well as for applying empty/cleared context to threads.


The following is a working example of a thread context provider and related interfaces. The example context type that it propagates is the priority of a thread. This is chosen, not because it is useful in any way, but because the concept of thread priority is simple, well understood, and already built into Java, allowing the reader to focus on the mechanisms of thread context capture/propagate/restore rather than the details of the context type itself.


The interface, org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextProvider, is the first point of interaction between the MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation and a thread context provider. This interface is the means by which the MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation requests the capturing of a particular context type from the current thread. It also provides a way to obtain a snapshot of empty/cleared context of this type and identifies the name by which the user refers to this context type when configuring a ManagedExecutor or ThreadContext.

package org.eclipse.microprofile.example.context.priority;

import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextProvider;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot;

public class ThreadPriorityContextProvider implements ThreadContextProvider {
    public String getThreadContextType() {
        return "ThreadPriority";

    public ThreadContextSnapshot currentContext(Map<String, String> props) {
        return new ThreadPrioritySnapshot(Thread.currentThread().getPriority());

    public ThreadContextSnapshot clearedContext(Map<String, String> props) {
        return new ThreadPrioritySnapshot(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);


The interface, org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot, represents a snapshot of thread context. The MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation can request the context represented by this snapshot to be applied to any number of threads by invoking the begin method. An instance of org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextController, which is returned by the begin method, stores the previous context of the thread. The ThreadContextController instance provided for one-time use by the MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation to restore the previous context after the context represented by the snapshot is no longer needed on the thread.

package org.eclipse.microprofile.example.context.priority;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextController;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot;

public class ThreadPrioritySnapshot implements ThreadContextSnapshot {
    private final int priority;

    ThreadPrioritySnapshot(int priority) {
        this.priority = priority;

    public ThreadContextController begin() {
        Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
        int priorityToRestore = thread.getPriority();
        AtomicBoolean restored = new AtomicBoolean();

        ThreadContextController contextRestorer = () -> {
            if (restored.compareAndSet(false, true))
                throw new IllegalStateException();


        return contextRestorer;

ServiceLoader entry

To make the ThreadContextProvider implementation available to the ServiceLoader, the provider JAR includes a file of the following name and location,


The content of the aforementioned file must be one or more lines, each specifying the fully qualified name of a ThreadContextProvider implementation that is provided within the JAR file. For our example context provider, this file consists of the following line:


Usage from Application

The following example shows application code that uses a ManagedExecutor that propagates the example context type. If the provider is implemented correctly and made available on the application’s thread context class loader, the async Runnable should report that it is running with a priority of 3.

    ManagedExecutor executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()

    executor.runAsync(() -> {
        System.out.println("Running with priority of " +

Context Manager Provider

A MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation provides an implementation of the org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ContextManagerProvider interface via either of the following mechanisms:

  • By manually registering the implementation via the static register(ContextManagerProvider) method. This register returns a ContextManagerProviderRegistration instance which can be used to unregister.

  • Alternately, via the ServiceLoader, by including a file of the following name and location: META-INF/services/org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ContextManagerProvider. The content of the aforementioned file must a single line specifying the fully qualified name of the ContextManagerProvider implementation that is provided within the JAR file.

The ContextManagerProvider implementation has one main purpose, which is to supply and maintain instances of ContextManager per class loader. This is done via the getContextManager(ClassLoader) method.

In the case where the ContextManagerProvider is fully integrated with the container, all other methods of ContextManagerProvider are optional, with their default implementations being sufficient.

In the case where the ContextManagerProvider implementation is distinct from the container, several other methods are made available to allow the container to build new instances of ContextManager (via getContextManagerBuilder), register these instances with the ContextManagerProvider per class loader (registerContextManager), and unregister these instances when the class loader is no longer valid (releaseContextManager).

Context Manager

ContextManager’s purpose is to provide builders for `ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext. The builders create instances of ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext where thread context management is based on the ThreadContextProvider’s that are accessible to the `ServiceLoader from the class loader that is associated with the ContextManager instance.

Context Manager Builder

The builder for ContextManager is optional if the ContextManagerProvider is inseparable from the container, in which case there is no need to provide an implementation.

This builder enables the container to create customized instances of ContextManager for a particular class loader. The container can choose to have thread context providers loaded from the class loader (addDiscoveredThreadContextProviders) or manually supply its own (withThreadContextProviders). Similarly, the container can choose to have extensions loaded from the class loader (addDiscoveredContextManagerExtensions) or provide its own (withContextManagerExtensions). The container is responsible for managing registration and unregistration of all ContextManager instances that it builds.

Context Manager Extension

ContextManagerExtension is an optional plugin point that allows you to receive notification upon creation of each ContextManager. This serves as a convenient invocation point for enabling system wide context propagator hooks. After creating each ContextManager, the MicroProfile Context Propagation implementation queries the ServiceLoader for implementations of org.eclipse.microprofile.context.spi.ContextManagerExtension and invokes the setup method of each.

To register a ContextManagerExtension, a JAR file that is accessible from the class loader associated with the ContextManager must include a file of the following name and location,


The content of the aforementioned file must be one or more lines, each specifying the fully qualified name of a ContextManagerExtension implementation that is provided within the JAR file.

Release Notes for MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.3

A full list of changes delivered in the 1.3 release can be found at MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.3 Milestone.

Incompatible Changes


API/SPI Changes


Functional/Specification Changes


Other Changes

  • The TCK and example code are updated to use the jakarta package namespace that was introduced in Jakarta EE 9.

Release Notes for MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.2

A full list of changes delivered in the 1.2 release can be found at MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.2 Milestone.

Incompatible Changes

None, but refer to the Functional/Specification Changes section regarding an incompatible change from MicroProfile Config 2.0 that impacts this specification.

API/SPI Changes

  • API methods for creating context propagation-aware copies of existing completion stages (#173)

  • SPI method to determine thread context type clarified to disallow the None and Remaining values, which have special meaning (#199)

Functional/Specification Changes

  • Application context clarified to include the thread context class loader and namespace for Jakarta/Java EE applications (#192)

  • Introduces the value None for spec-defined MicroProfile Config properties to indicate an empty list of thread context types. Previously, this was configured via an empty value, but an incompatible change in MicroProfile Config 2.0 has switched the meaning of empty value to something else. (#160)

Other Changes


Release Notes for MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.1

The 1.1 release was replaced with the 1.2 release in order to align with the new release process defined by the MicroProfile Working Group. Do not implement or use the 1.1 release.

Release Notes for MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.0

A full list of changes delivered in the 1.0 release can be found at MicroProfile Context Propagation 1.0 Milestone.

Key features:

  • CompletableFuture/CompletionStage implementations with predictable thread context and using managed threads for async actions

  • Ability to contextualize only specific actions/tasks

  • Compatibility with EE Concurrency

  • CDI injection as well as builder pattern

  • Configurable via MicroProfile Config

Use the fluent builder API to construct a ManagedExecutor:

    ManagedExecutor executor = ManagedExecutor.builder()
                       .propagated(ThreadContext.APPLICATION, ThreadContext.CDI)

Then obtain a CompletableFuture or CompletionStage from the ManagedExecutor, and from there use it the same as Java SE:

    CompletableFuture<Integer> cf1 = executor.supplyAsync(supplier1)

Take care to shut down managed executors once the application no longer needs them:


Similarly, you can construct ThreadContext instances and use them to more granularly control thread propagation to individual stages:

    ThreadContext secContext = ManagedExecutor.builder()
    CompletableFuture<Void> stage2 = stage1.thenAccept(secContext.contextualConsumer(consumer1));