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microProfile-fault-tolerance-api (Apr 14, 2020, 11:23:55 AM)

  1. specify the meaning of overlapping retryOn and abortOn (commit: fd7adbd) (details)
  2. Add skipOn to CircuitBreaker (commit: b494df0) (details)
  3. #417 add fallback enhancement with whitelistand blacklist (commit: 907e38a) (details)
  4. #417 address review comments (commit: 2f3db14) (details)
  5. #417: address review comments (commit: d094c28) (details)
  6. move from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 8 specification artifacts (commit: 8dc5b0f) (details)
  7. #274 RequestScope context should be active on asynchrous method (commit: 0779b4f) (details)
  8. #274 address comments (commit: 0285617) (details)
  9. #485 add javadoc (commit: a1b3945) (details)
  10. Revert "move from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 8 specification artifacts" (commit: f77cb7c) (details)
  11. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1-RC1 (commit: d2d476e) (details)
  12. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: c40501b) (details)
  13. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1-RC2 (commit: 0c93d6f) (details)
  14. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: db33226) (details)
  15. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1 (commit: 1694e7f) (details)
  16. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 33ac7c6) (details)
  17. Refactored instances of <h3> to <h2> (commit: b2b288c) (details)
  18. Typo and grammar corrections (commit: 043f83c) (details)
  19. Revert "Revert "move from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 8 specification (commit: c6dafad) (details)
  20. for each annotation, add a listing of all atributes at the end of main (commit: 11569d7) (details)
  21. #530 update bnd version and baseline version (commit: 9a46678) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. MicroProfile Fault Tolerance #139#147 (detail)