Started by user Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Running on Jenkins in /home/hudson/genie.microprofile/.jenkins/jobs/Test Releases/workspace [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Tool Install) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Checkout) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] git No credentials specified Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > /usr/local/bin/git init /home/hudson/genie.microprofile/.jenkins/jobs/Test Releases/workspace # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > /usr/local/bin/git --version # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > /usr/local/bin/git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > /usr/local/bin/git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 11b82720a876978c4382ce8689b348698b74fcd1 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > /usr/local/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git checkout -f 11b82720a876978c4382ce8689b348698b74fcd1 > /usr/local/bin/git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10 > /usr/local/bin/git checkout -b master 11b82720a876978c4382ce8689b348698b74fcd1 Commit message: "[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration" First time build. Skipping changelog. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Execute Full Release) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + mvn -s /opt/public/hipp/homes/genie.microprofile/.m2/settings-deploy-ossrh.xml package Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx2G [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] MicroProfile [pom] [INFO] MicroProfile Specification [pom] [INFO] [INFO] ---------------< org.eclipse.microprofile:microprofile >---------------- [INFO] Building MicroProfile 3.1-SNAPSHOT [1/2] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] -------------< org.eclipse.microprofile:microprofile-spec >------------- [INFO] Building MicroProfile Specification 3.1-SNAPSHOT [2/2] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- asciidoctor-maven-plugin:1.5.6:process-asciidoc (generate-pdf-doc) @ microprofile-spec --- [WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] Rendered /jobs/genie.microprofile/Test Releases/workspace/spec/src/main/asciidoc/microprofile-spec.asciidoc [INFO] [INFO] --- asciidoctor-maven-plugin:1.5.6:process-asciidoc (output-html) @ microprofile-spec --- [WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] Rendered /jobs/genie.microprofile/Test Releases/workspace/spec/src/main/asciidoc/microprofile-spec.asciidoc [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for MicroProfile 3.1-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] MicroProfile ....................................... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s] [INFO] MicroProfile Specification ......................... SUCCESS [ 13.828 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 14.279 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-07-06T19:13:49-04:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Copy Specs) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + mkdir -p /home/data/httpd/ [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] fileExists [Pipeline] sh + cp -r spec/target/generated-docs/images spec/target/generated-docs/microprofile-spec-3.1-SNAPSHOT.html spec/target/generated-docs/microprofile-spec-3.1-SNAPSHOT.pdf /home/data/httpd/ [Pipeline] fileExists [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] fileExists [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] archive The archive step is deprecated, please use archiveArtifacts instead." [Pipeline] deleteDir [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS