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Started 19 hr ago
Took 1 min 44 sec on basic-0sqtl

#2786 (Sep 7, 2024, 1:42:14 AM)

No changes.

Started by timer

This run spent:

  • 13 sec waiting;
  • 1 min 44 sec build duration;
  • 1 min 58 sec total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 320ee3a0d5209f71a3e6e941f445da5c795f8404
  • refs/remotes/origin/main
Test Result (no failures)

    Module Builds

     MicroProfile JWT Auth API (didn’t run)
     MicroProfile JWT Auth API (didn’t run)
     MicroProfile JWT Auth API23 sec
     MicroProfile JWT Auth20 sec
     MicroProfile JWT Auth Sandbox (didn’t run)
     MicroProfile JWT Auth Specification81 ms
     MicroProfile JWT Auth TCK40 sec
     MicroProfile JWT Auth Parent (didn’t run)
     MicroProfile JWT Auth Specification (didn’t run)
     MicroProfile JWT Auth TCK Harness (didn’t run)