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Started 4 yr 7 mo ago
Took 2 min 9 sec

#59 (Sep 19, 2019, 4:11:51 AM)

  1. 324967: Hide queries which are not relevant (details)
  2. 545754: OQL syntax highlighting sometimes doesn't highlight keywords (details)
  3. [549845] Update version to 1.9.1 (details)
  4. 277422: Nice if heap parsing was multi-threaded (details)
  5. [550024] Update find_strings query to show detailed progress (details)
  6. 277422: Nice if heap parsing was multi-threaded (details)
  7. 277422: Nice if heap parsing was multi-threaded (details)
  8. 550167: Multi-threaded object marking can give incorrect results on OOME (details)
  9. 547781: UnsupportedOperationException: not a map: (details)
  10. 277422: Nice if heap parsing was multi-threaded (details)

Started by user Krum Tsvetkov

Revision: d09d21ade4a10b797dcb5a045c7876560fa51c6a
  • refs/remotes/origin/master