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Start of Pipeline - (25 min in block)
node - (25 min in block)centos-latest
node block - (25 min in block)
stage - (5.3 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (5.2 sec in block)
checkout - (5 sec in self)
withEnv block - (25 min in block)
timeout - (25 min in block)
timeout block - (25 min in block)
timestamps - (25 min in block)
timestamps block - (25 min in block)
stage - (0.66 sec in block)Declarative: Tool Install
stage block (Declarative: Tool Install) - (0.33 sec in block)
tool - (0.1 sec in self)apache-maven-3.9.5
envVarsForTool - (0.11 sec in self)
tool - (5 ms in self)openjdk-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (4 ms in self)
withEnv - (25 min in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (25 min in block)
stage - (5.6 sec in block)get m2e-core-tests
stage block (get m2e-core-tests) - (5.6 sec in block)
tool - (5 ms in self)apache-maven-3.9.5
envVarsForTool - (5 ms in self)
tool - (4 ms in self)openjdk-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (5 ms in self)
withEnv - (5.6 sec in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (5.6 sec in block)
sh - (5.6 sec in self)git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
stage - (0.82 sec in block)initialize PGP
stage block (initialize PGP) - (0.81 sec in block)
tool - (46 ms in self)apache-maven-3.9.5
envVarsForTool - (6 ms in self)
tool - (5 ms in self)openjdk-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (38 ms in self)
withEnv - (0.68 sec in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (0.67 sec in block)
withCredentials - (0.66 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.64 sec in block)
sh - (0.29 sec in self)gpg --batch --import "${KEYRING}"
sh - (0.27 sec in self) for fpr in $(gpg --list-keys --with-colons | awk -F: '/fpr:/ {print $10}' | sort -u) do echo -e "5 y " | gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key ${fpr} trust done
stage - (25 min in block)Build
stage block (Build) - (25 min in block)
tool - (4 ms in self)apache-maven-3.9.5
envVarsForTool - (12 ms in self)
tool - (4 ms in self)openjdk-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (5 ms in self)
withEnv - (25 min in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (25 min in block)
withCredentials - (23 min in block)
withCredentials block - (23 min in block)
xvnc - (23 min in block)true
xvnc block - (23 min in block)
sh - (23 min in self) mavenArgs="clean verify --batch-mode -Dmaven.test.error.ignore=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dtycho.p2.baselineMode=failCommon" if [[ ${BRANCH_NAME} == master ]] || [[ ${BRANCH_NAME} =~ m2e-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.x ]]; then mvn ${mavenArgs} -Peclipse-sign,its -Dgpg.passphrase="${KEYRING_PASSPHRASE}" -Dgpg.keyname="011C526F29B2CE79" else # Clear KEYRING_PASSPHRASE environment variable export KEYRING_PASSPHRASE='EMPTY' mvn ${mavenArgs} -Pits fi
archiveArtifacts - (3.7 sec in self)org.eclipse.m2e.repository/target/*.zip, */target/work/data/.metadata/.log, m2e-core-tests/*/target/work/data/.metadata/.log, **/target/artifactcomparison/*
archiveArtifacts - (1 min 22 sec in self)
junit - (0.75 sec in self)*/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml,*/*/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml
stage - (7.5 sec in block)Deploy Snapshot
stage block (Deploy Snapshot) - (7.5 sec in block)
tool - (5 ms in self)apache-maven-3.9.5
envVarsForTool - (0.98 sec in self)
tool - (4 ms in self)openjdk-jdk17-latest
envVarsForTool - (6 ms in self)
withEnv - (6.4 sec in block)M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME, PATH+MAVEN, JAVA_HOME, PATH+JDK
withEnv block - (6.4 sec in block)
sshagent - (6.3 sec in block)
sshagent block - (6.2 sec in block)
sh - (6.2 sec in self) deployM2ERepository() { echo Deploy m2e repo to ${1} ssh " rm -rf ${1}/* && mkdir -p ${1}" scp -r org.eclipse.m2e.repository/target/repository/*${1} } # Read M2E branding version version=$(xmllint --xpath 'string(/feature/@version)' org.eclipse.m2e.sdk.feature/feature.xml) if [[ $version =~ ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.qualifier ]] # backslash itself has to be escaped in Jenkinsfile then M2E_VERSION="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" else echo Failed to read M2E_VERSION. Abort deployment. exit 1 fi deployM2ERepository /home/data/httpd/${M2E_VERSION} deployM2ERepository /home/data/httpd/