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Started 4 yr 9 mo ago
Took 49 sec on default-agent-f2g2g

#4 (Jul 11, 2019, 2:56:48 PM)

  1. Adding support for abstract types (commit: 7004e2f) (details)
  2. Reformat (commit: f830142) (details)
  3. Only depend on oslc4j-jena-provider in oslc-trs for tests (#70) (commit: 9be0d6d) (details)
  4. Fix javac warnings (#75) (commit: 729b19d) (details)
  5. Update Lyo Core to use Jax-rs 2.0, and be independent of Wink (#63) (commit: 3ca51d9) (details)
  6. Add support for text/xml media type (commit: 495a949) (details)
  7. Update (commit: dd371dd) (details)
  8. Bug 531986 - Change isQueryResult logic (#88) (commit: 631c78a) (details)
  9. Remove any logic from isWriteable (#22) (commit: adad011) (details)
  10. Replace WebApplicationException w/ IllegalStateException (#93) (commit: b1ade8b) (details)
  11. Reviewer comments addressed (commit: a272e3b) (details)
  12. Reviewer comments addressed (commit: 3d86d26) (details)
  13. Missing pom change (commit: 95743af) (details)
  14. Support for preferred types (commit: d0ee6a1) (details)
  15. Update (commit: 201d3fd) (details)
  16. Reviewer comments addressded. (commit: b573739) (details)
  17. RDFTypes renaming (commit: 6abb6c9) (details)
  18. Extract isWritable/isReadable checks from the abstract provider (#97) (commit: c65e91f) (details)
  19. Disable Oracle JDK from the build matrix (commit: 518a9b9) (details)
  20. Ignore a failing test (commit: fff1d8c) (details)

Started by user Andrii Berezovskyi

Revision: fff1d8c1c544f4d30e7c45fb26743f921a652357
  • detached