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#49 (Aug 3, 2023, 2:18:31 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.26.1 (commit: 8379294) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: c50615a) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. XInclude cannot be activated with binary mode # (commit: 75091d1) — David Thompson / githubweb
  4. Bump junit.version from 5.9.3 to 5.10.0 (commit: d808ae7) — Mickael Istria / githubweb
  5. Add alignWithFirstAttr option to xml.format.splitAttributes (commit: 2b0fe29) — David Thompson / githubweb
  6. Provide a Progress support API for lemminx extension (commit: acab0cf) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Implement itemDefaults for completionList (commit: fd32765) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. Changelog for 0.27.0 (commit: cbe1dc5) — Jessica He / githubweb

#47 (Jun 22, 2023, 2:25:22 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.26.0 (commit: a5ab3c7) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 5cea225) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Lemminx prepareRename/Rename Server Capabilities are not supported by LSP4E #1551 (commit: ee62aa2) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Bump native-maven-plugin from 0.9.22 to 0.9.23 (commit: 04caa0b) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  5. Changelog for 0.26.1 (commit: 28261d6) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb

#46 (Jun 15, 2023, 5:39:30 PM)

  1. Revert "Bump tycho-eclipserun-plugin from 1.3.0 to 3.0.4" (commit: 48e17c3) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  2. Adjust Changelog for 0.26.0 (commit: ecdd57b) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb

#45 (Jun 15, 2023, 5:04:28 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.25.0 (commit: 765874d) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 7f66820) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Allow code actions to be created if no Diagnostic is provided #1516 (commit: 13099ea) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Make ICodeActionParticipant members default (commit: 92210e6) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. TextDocument to expose an API for getting a document line number by offset #1519 (commit: 7c2c591) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. xml.foldings.includeClosingTagInFold has no effect in binary mode (commit: c7f50b8) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  7. IRenameParticipant.doRename() is not conform with LSP-defined rename result #1521 (commit: 63c9a75) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. [nobug] Increase the maximum number of dependabot PRs (commit: 93e26ff) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  9. Bump maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0-M6 to 3.0.1 (commit: d364405) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  10. Bump maven-bundle-plugin from 5.1.8 to 5.1.9 (commit: 3d91911) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. Bump junit.version from 5.9.2 to 5.9.3 (commit: fefef3e) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Bump build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 (commit: 1f45417) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  13. Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 (commit: 9e8ad73) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  14. Bump maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 (commit: f0cce24) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  15. Bump native-maven-plugin from 0.9.16 to 0.9.22 (commit: 75f1321) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  16. Bump maven-assembly-plugin from 3.4.2 to 3.6.0 (commit: 8bce301) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  17. Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 (commit: 6dcddad) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  18. [nobug] Enable Dependabot for GitHub Actions update (commit: 6f21a4f) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  19. Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.1.2 (commit: 081c8b6) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  20. Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (commit: 894494f) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  21. Bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 (commit: 90b6c5c) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  22. Bump os-maven-plugin from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (commit: 38f8335) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  23. Bump xml-apis from 1.4.01 to 2.0.2 (commit: cd0c177) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  24. Bump jetty-server in /org.eclipse.lemminx (commit: 86b3ab9) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  25. Bump guava from 31.1-jre to 32.0.1-jre (commit: 5ed7ce9) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  26. Bump tycho-eclipserun-plugin from 1.3.0 to 3.0.4 (commit: cb815cc) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb
  27. Changelog for 0.26.0 (commit: 163364c) — Victor Rubezhny / githubweb

#44 (Apr 18, 2023, 10:52:20 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.24.0 (commit: 8d9dcc5) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 5cf4a9c) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. XML attribute associated to wrong type from XSD (commit: c51f2cf) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Multiple xml(DownloadProblem) errors when referencing missing schema in (commit: e49bef6) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. Fix bug with selection formatting outside of range (commit: d30d667) — David Thompson / githubweb
  6. RNG attribute completion doesn't generate the proper prefix if the (commit: 0436a41) — Jessica He / githubweb
  7. Comments throws off diagnostic (cvc-complex-type.2.3) mark onto the (commit: fe8beb4) — David Thompson / githubweb
  8. bump LSP4J version 0.14.0 to 0.20.1 (#1498) (commit: d764495) — noreply / githubweb
  9. Send (aggregated) events at fixed periods. (commit: fb9eabd) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. Adjust error range for RelaxNG element-not-allow-yet error (commit: 705f1cf) — David Thompson / githubweb
  11. NullPointerException in documentColor (commit: 7feb246) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Do not record number of file.identifier, file.extension instances. (commit: f1e5297) — David Thompson / githubweb
  13. Removed some unused imports (commit: c09d7f9) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  14. Fixed potential NPE in (commit: 43cf664) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  15. XML language server should report select range capability in non (commit: 9bb4dd2) — David Thompson / githubweb
  16. Provide cancel support for hover (commit: b34a847) — David Thompson / githubweb
  17. ci: use actions/setup-java temurin distribution (commit: 6ed5b0e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  18. Return `null` on `shutdown` request (commit: b55d804) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  19. Upversion to 0.25.0 (commit: ff8dcde) — David Thompson / githubweb
  20. Changelog for 0.25.0 (commit: 624f0d0) — David Thompson / githubweb

#43 (Jan 31, 2023, 4:38:17 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.23.3 (commit: 70bce78) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 94be44a) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Update pom.xml to 0.24.0 (commit: 22845e7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#42 (Jan 31, 2023, 4:27:14 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.23.2 (commit: b699556) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 41d6309) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Add WTP XML format tests (commit: 62772fd) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Fix range formatting when root element has mixed content (commit: 990bffe) — David Thompson / githubweb
  5. Refactor "Register catalog" code lens to be in catalog package (commit: 486955a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. RelaxNG validation with XInclude / File association report DOCTYPE error (commit: 131090f) — Jessica He / githubweb
  7. Add document link for xi:include (commit: 5db338d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. RNG validator (commit: 23c94c5) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  9. Add code action to generate RelaxNG grammar (commit: 5eed8d7) — Jessica He / githubweb
  10. Completion, definition, highlight support for attributes which have (commit: f4b33cf) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. References support for text node (commit: 3a25dad) — David Thompson / githubweb
  12. Fix bug in comment formatting with xml.format.maxLineWidth (commit: 84a5962) — David Thompson / githubweb
  13. Support for textDocument/documentColor (commit: 771ce44) — Jessica He / githubweb
  14. Fix `textDocument/colorPresentation` in binary (commit: 2d5ebad) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  15. Bind to a schema from an empty document (commit: 1663001) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  16. Fix max line width wrapping with attributes (commit: 6c4bd39) — David Thompson / githubweb
  17. Fix CodeQL badge (commit: 91be7cb) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  18. Add code action to add missing required elements for RelaxNG (commit: 26ccccc) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  19. CodeLens, References, Rename, Diagnostics support for XML references (commit: 8948c15) — David Thompson / githubweb
  20. SAXParseException in the language server trace when editing an .rng file (commit: 0775aa4) — David Thompson / githubweb
  21. Fix binary with PrepareSupportDefaultBehavior (commit: 1656689) — David Thompson / githubweb
  22. XML references linked editing range should not work with DOM document (commit: a9473d4) — David Thompson / githubweb
  23. Ignore linked editing range when there are no referenced node to update (commit: b19068b) — David Thompson / githubweb
  24. Support references in included files for codelens + diagnostics. (commit: d1aee14) — David Thompson / githubweb
  25. Stop linked editing when '>' is encountered. (commit: 3091f09) — David Thompson / githubweb
  26. Add missing bundle to GraalVM config for RelaxNG (commit: 5e7cda6) — David Thompson / githubweb
  27. Generate end tag with xml.completion.autoCloseTags set to false (commit: 1d51ef6) — David Thompson / githubweb
  28. Improve CodeAction to insert expected elements to support choice (commit: 5759686) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  29. Changelog for 0.24.0 (commit: 1289797) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#41 (Dec 15, 2022, 2:53:34 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.23.1 (commit: d4e0302) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 3098c72) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Add explicit no-arg constructor for ConfigurationItemEdit. (commit: 5873946) — David Thompson / githubweb

#40 (Dec 15, 2022, 1:10:35 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.23.0 (commit: 25c9a09) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 13fce87) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fix "Surround with ..." when using the binary server (commit: 06cf067) — David Thompson / githubweb
  4. Fix "Register catalog" code lens when using binary server (commit: 2647625) — David Thompson / githubweb

#39 (Dec 14, 2022, 1:29:38 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.22.0 (commit: 36acd60) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 0e41326) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fix unexpected behavior of xml.format.preservedNewlines with experimental formatter (commit: 8ddf246) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Verify pull requests on windows with github actions (commit: 24ff745) — Jessica He / githubweb
  5. Bump junit.version from 5.6.1 to 5.9.1 (commit: 2594803) — David Thompson / githubweb
  6. Improve text formatting for experimental formatter (commit: 719bf9d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Bump maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0-M1 to 3.0.0-M6 (commit: 5546047) — David Thompson / githubweb
  8. Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.8.0 to 3.10.1 (commit: c736833) — David Thompson / githubweb
  9. Bump native-maven-plugin from 0.9.10 to 0.9.16 (commit: ab5921b) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. Bump gson from 2.8.9 to 2.10 (commit: 496cf39) — David Thompson / githubweb
  11. Bump os-maven-plugin from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 (commit: c8d84c7) — David Thompson / githubweb
  12. Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M4 to 3.0.0-M7 (commit: ce7797e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  13. Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.4.1 (commit: 6d5371f) — David Thompson / githubweb
  14. Bump maven-jar-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.3.0 (commit: 3660f93) — David Thompson / githubweb
  15. Support trimTrailingWhitespace setting with experimental formatter (commit: 6a49548) — David Thompson / githubweb
  16. Prevent exception in DomElementFormatter.formatEndTagElement()? #1361 (commit: 0499926) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  17. Extend maxLineWidth setting to support attributes and tag elements (commit: 299e648) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  18. Support maxLineWidth with invalid attribute values (commit: e4292ef) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  19. Add tests for grammarAwareFormatting setting (commit: 09b3f49) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  20. Generate and bind schema doesn't work (commit: d505e7e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  21. Improve full support for max line width (commit: f6c8d9a) — David Thompson / githubweb
  22. Referenced RelaxNG schema not found via XML catalog (commit: b11ed6b) — David Thompson / githubweb
  23. Improve performance with grammar aware formatting (commit: c26c2df) — David Thompson / githubweb
  24. Autoclose tag generates an unexpected > (commit: 8bf597b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  25. Remove preserveEmptyContent setting from experimental formatter (commit: 267551a) — David Thompson / githubweb
  26. Bump git-commit-id-plugin from 4.0.0 to 4.9.10 (commit: a91522a) — David Thompson / githubweb
  27. Bump guava from 30.1.1-jre to 31.1-jre (commit: cc21968) — David Thompson / githubweb
  28. XSD based Autocompletion for substitutionGroup (commit: df8eb88) — David Thompson / githubweb
  29. Use experimental formatter for grammar generation tests (commit: 52e48fe) — David Thompson / githubweb
  30. XML Completion element apply generate invalid XML content (commit: 40afeaf) — David Thompson / githubweb
  31. Set experimental formatter to default (commit: e5bfd0a) — David Thompson / githubweb
  32. Add validation support for xi:include (commit: 3606094) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  33. Wrap element (commit: 3f43451) — David Thompson / githubweb
  34. Relax NG schema validation not working when DOCTYPE declaration missing (commit: 13f2fb4) — David Thompson / githubweb
  35. Adjust selection range for wrap element when empty selection is in start (commit: 743ec19) — David Thompson / githubweb
  36. Fix surround tag in empty document (commit: c1d2714) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  37. Fix NPE in CodeLens that displays grammar (commit: 74689af) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  38. Add codelens and command to register/unregister catalog (commit: 03a811e) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  39. Codelens, completion, definition, documentLink, highlighting, (commit: 0fd1c08) — David Thompson / githubweb
  40. Surround with tags with adjust don't show the allowed elements in (commit: 71f9a00) — David Thompson / githubweb
  41. Update CHANGELOG for 0.23.0 (commit: 75eaf24) — David Thompson / githubweb

#36 (Jun 29, 2022, 11:00:40 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.20.0 (commit: 6e1aecb) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: d175a3c) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Adopt linkedEditingRanges wordPattern property #1187 (commit: 6113791) — Mickael Istria / githubweb
  4. Upversion to 0.21.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 1abb589) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. Remove native-image action from repository. (commit: 1bb8cdd) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. A test file contains "private non-commercial use" clause (commit: e77594e) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Wait a bit after change before sending diagnostics (commit: 420076e) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. Improve XML scanner memory (commit: 65dc7dc) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  9. Move to LSP4j 0.13.0 (commit: 73b2f01) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  10. Resolve uri as system with XML catalog (commit: 3ed05cb) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. added folding setting to keep displaying the closing tag after folding (commit: d14f13f) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. completed suggested changes and added tests (commit: c74b7e2) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  13. updated according to suggestions (commit: 3ed3054) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  14. Improve DOM parser memory (commit: c0eec05) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  15. DOCTYPE entities interfering with hover annotation display of tags / (commit: 3d10a3a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  16. Fixed error range for duplicate unique values (commit: 310c9ef) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  17. Added support for folding Doctype (commit: d7750a7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  18. Parse of DOM document should be not done in a Thread (commit: 974099d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  19. Added code action for SemicolonRequiredInReference (commit: 2955a96) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  20. added tests and fixed comments (commit: 392268b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  21. Cancel process of code action (commit: 5da9e48) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  22. Added code action to fix cvc-elt.1.a (commit: 6284279) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  23. added test with no end tag (commit: 85a2e05) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  24. Improve CodeAction performance with CodeAction#data & resolveCodeAction (commit: 82abfce) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  25. Fix code action title by adding closing quotation mark (commit: 9e879e3) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  26. Add ConfigurationItem and ConfigurationParams to reflect-config.json (commit: 00c3373) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  27. Update lsp4j to 0.14.0 (commit: 3411391) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  28. Provide basic experimental formatter which supports invalid XML (commit: 4cd0a54) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  29. Add test for TreeLineTracker.getLineInformation (commit: b8e4813) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  30. address review feedback (commit: 22d0cff) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  31. completionItem/resolve support (commit: 91da404) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  32. Add code action support to fix error cvc_complex_type_2_4_b (commit: c819dc3) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  33. Add invalid content test with experimental formatter. (commit: 6dd638d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  34. Update CHANGELOG for 0.21.0 (commit: 8ba644c) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#35 (Mar 29, 2022, 4:09:10 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.19.1 (commit: 6059965) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 3ae1f16) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Include closing tags in XML tag folding range (commit: 1a70ccf) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Updated GraalVM version used in binary verification builds to (commit: 402f590) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  5. Tests: Assertion is added for additional text edits of a completion item. (commit: acbc29b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. Completion for prefix of attribute name (commit: 4a176d5) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. NPE on xsd datatype autocompletion in binary mode (commit: f0daed7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. Improve DTD/XSD security with regard to remote resources (commit: c646073) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  9. CHANGELOG for 0.20.0 (commit: 5389612) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#34 (Feb 15, 2022, 11:29:07 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.19.0 (commit: 4150c96) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 953af82) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fix endless diagnostic publishing when validation is disabled (commit: 2342c60) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  4. Update changelog for 0.19.1 (commit: 3c3ebe0) — Fred Bricon / githubweb

#33 (Feb 14, 2022, 9:45:01 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.18.4 (commit: cc2f692) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: ba438fe) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Basic support for parameter entities (commit: e4ed8e1) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Support for document link DTD entity SYSTEM (commit: 4a1b529) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  5. Bad SYSTEM for DTD DocType and Entity breaks the XML validation (commit: b46cb1f) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  6. Prevent suspicious directory traversal (commit: 48f23ab) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. CHANGELOG 0.18.5 (commit: ab4275a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. Upversion to 0.19.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 55a4dd1) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  9. Fix typo in native-image.yaml (commit: 7cab4ac) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  10. Limit resource downloads and redirects to http, https and ftp (commit: 076b880) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. Update changelog for 0.19.0 (commit: a4f7417) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#32 (Feb 1, 2022, 12:22:06 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.18.3 (commit: 6c4c3df) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 8129712) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Add XMLDownloadExternalResourcesSettings for native. (commit: c3b2ee8) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. CHANGELOG 0.18.4 (commit: bd9ab3d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#31 (Jan 31, 2022, 4:28:03 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.18.2 (commit: 7d0b2f7) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 46fd04d) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fixed NPE when renaming namespace tage with no corresponding end tag (commit: f9a795d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. 'No definition found' when using 'Go to Definition' for types defined in (commit: 29530bc) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  5. End Tag completion should be given higher priority than <!-- and (commit: f02d335) — Mickael Istria / githubweb
  6. implementation of formatting for element attributes (#1151) (commit: c93941b) — noreply / githubweb
  7. Updated Xerces to 2.12.2 (commit: 1159498) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  8. Download external resources preference (commit: c6c90b8) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  9. Update gson to 2.8.9 (commit: 78a740a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  10. Changelog for 0.18.3 (commit: d649b8e) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#29 (Dec 14, 2021, 4:06:12 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.18.1 (commit: 9d2570f) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 261ebed) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Transmit document telemetry in aggregate instead of on document open. (commit: fceb4c3) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Shutdown raises exception (commit: ce526f8) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. Fixed tag rename for XML tags containing colons (commit: e41b18c) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. Improved accuracy of attribute value quick fix suggestions (commit: d70604b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Changelog for 0.18.2 (commit: 15865df) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#28 (Nov 2, 2021, 9:42:07 AM)

  1. Changelog for 0.18.1 (commit: 03f8922) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#26 (Oct 29, 2021, 11:14:03 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.18.0 (commit: 61ac768) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: f831037) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Disable external entities when using SAX parser. (commit: d9ba63a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Report grammar identifier to didOpen telemetry events. (commit: a3058b7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. Register a command "xml.check.file.pattern" (commit: 173c6eb) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. Issue #1110 - workspaceFolder server capability (commit: 4e22991) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Cache ~/.m2/ to speed up GH actions (commit: 950b68b) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  8. Create codeql-analysis.yml (commit: 71b2047) — noreply / githubweb
  9. Bump jsoup from 1.9.2 to 1.14.2 in /org.eclipse.lemminx (commit: 4233e9b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  10. Aggregate errors in xsd:import|include@schemaLocation for referenced (commit: f70a0f8) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. Fix typo in readme (commit: 12e1c1a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Update maven wrapper to 3.8.3 (commit: a49dce1) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  13. Organize imports (commit: 4179391) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  14. Changelog for 0.18.1 (commit: cb85d32) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#25 (Aug 10, 2021, 11:13:37 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.17.1 (commit: 899a539) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 7fc384f) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. fixed schema_reference_4 XSD error highlighting (commit: 7e82d90) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. fix stackoverflow and ressource leak in folding (commit: 45e8874) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. let scanner check for whitespace (commit: a5c533c) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. Bump jetty-server in /org.eclipse.lemminx (commit: 3a4bab3) — David Thompson / githubweb
  7. Do not attempt to auto close tags in attribute values (commit: c09eed8) — David Thompson / githubweb
  8. changed closingBracketNewLine indent to match splitAttributeIndentSize (commit: 69720e8) — David Thompson / githubweb
  9. fixed src-import.3.1 xsd error code highlighting (commit: 33c8672) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. added src-import.3.2 XSD error highlighting support (commit: 0007ad4) — David Thompson / githubweb
  11. added request for 'canBindGrammar' for vscode-xml command (commit: d633fbc) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. added CodeAction for opening XML binding wizard and added client capabilities dependency (commit: afe0257) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  13. Upversion to 0.18.0 (commit: d5569b9) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  14. Provide Document Lifecycle Participant for tracking didOpen, did* (commit: 3a9d691) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  15. Codelens for referenced grammars (commit: 03147b3) — David Thompson / githubweb
  16. Update eclipse-jarsigner-plugin to 1.3.2 (commit: cd73f31) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  17. Simplify referenced grammars API (commit: d96343f) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  18. Report telemetry events for text document services. (commit: 1883423) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  19. Changelog for 0.18.0 (commit: 90b1d87) — David Thompson / githubweb
  20. Fix associated grammar CodeLens for file association (commit: 698f94d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  21. Updated 0.18.0 release date (commit: f1c3170) — David Thompson / githubweb

#24 (Jun 25, 2021, 2:55:29 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.17.0 (commit: d2f11de) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 36bab63) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Add support for exiting immediately from a shutdown() request. (commit: d13564a) — David Thompson / githubweb

#23 (Jun 22, 2021, 2:52:20 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.16.2 (commit: 544a8d4) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 2f82212) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Add brackets to control statement (commit: 88797bc) — David Thompson / githubweb
  4. All in one method rather than for loop (commit: 7ce8901) — David Thompson / githubweb
  5. Use String.contains instead of indexOf (commit: a309a17) — David Thompson / githubweb
  6. Use diamond operator (commit: dd749cf) — David Thompson / githubweb
  7. Use lazy logical statement rather than eager (commit: ac30a39) — David Thompson / githubweb
  8. Proper usage of StringBuilders (commit: 8ca69a1) — David Thompson / githubweb
  9. Use String.replace instead of replaceAll when possible (commit: db84e94) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. Refactored findLine() Implementation (commit: 24569e0) — David Thompson / githubweb
  11. Some Refactoring (commit: 5789a8e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  12. Few More Changes (commit: c2c6b2e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  13. Rebasing Changes. (commit: 6359bd3) — David Thompson / githubweb
  14. Implement `textDocument/selectionRange` (commit: 4497ae5) — David Thompson / githubweb
  15. Add support for `textDocument/linkedEditingRange` (commit: 4d1b436) — David Thompson / githubweb
  16. Add reflection config for CodeLens and References (commit: bdfda9b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  17. Bind XSD, DTD with CodeLens (commit: eb0121a) — David Thompson / githubweb
  18. Don't attempt to make file non-executable under Windows (commit: 0b3d375) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  19. Don't generate Bind codelens inside XSD, DTD file. (commit: 637ff76) — David Thompson / githubweb
  20. Generate one Codelens to associate a grammar/schema (commit: 9b67968) — David Thompson / githubweb
  21. Fix Go To References in binary (commit: 13a9508) — David Thompson / githubweb
  22. added closingBracketNewLine option (commit: ec4a7ae) — David Thompson / githubweb
  23. Added reflection config for `textDocument/selectionRange` (commit: 6984e0f) — David Thompson / githubweb
  24. Upversion to 0.17.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 85bd82b) — David Thompson / githubweb
  25. updated CHANGELOG for 0.17.0 (commit: a39eda8) — David Thompson / githubweb

#22 (May 18, 2021, 1:52:34 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.16.1 (commit: 9fe2124) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 28c994d) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fix range formatting in binary server (commit: 3e3bfc1) — David Thompson / githubweb
  4. Mitigate Billion Laughs vulnerability (commit: 8c4f23f) — David Thompson / githubweb
  5. CHANGELOG for 0.16.2 (commit: 9699847) — David Thompson / githubweb

#21 (May 17, 2021, 10:45:17 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.16.0 (commit: 1dd148f) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 6c8162e) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Change name of telemetry events to use `.` (commit: 4c7c713) — David Thompson / githubweb
  4. Print errors to standard error if flag set (commit: ba5afc0) — David Thompson / githubweb
  5. Modify reflection-config.json so that binary works in coc.nvim (commit: c2d1f58) — David Thompson / githubweb
  6. Update Xerces to 2.12.1 (commit: 51191a4) — David Thompson / githubweb
  7. Use related information for unclosed elements (commit: 8aa1653) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. New setting to prevent auto self close destroying content (commit: bbe8fb0) — David Thompson / githubweb
  9. Fix ability to disable "no grammar" message (commit: 74cfa7a) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. Add XML 1.1 class to reflection config (commit: 41ebe79) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. Return null for requests on non-opened documents (commit: e21da64) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Bump Guava to 30.1.1 (commit: e8a2a45) — David Thompson / githubweb
  13. Register `org.eclipse.lsp4j.ExecuteCommandParams` for reflection (commit: aa42a10) — David Thompson / githubweb
  14. Add changelog for 0.16.1 (commit: c54ea9f) — David Thompson / githubweb

#20 (Apr 13, 2021, 10:11:16 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.15.1 (commit: 9f90472) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 12d5e48) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Update the version to 0.16.0 (commit: 23b54e1) — Fred Bricon / githubweb

#19 (Apr 13, 2021, 9:43:09 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.15.0 (commit: cb5fba5) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: e09077b) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fix build with Java 15 (commit: 4f2ed3d) — David Thompson / githubweb
  4. Rename not completing with binary (commit: d621eaa) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. Add CancelChecker as parameter to ICompletionParticipant methods. (commit: a54317a) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. Use User-Agent "LemMinX" when downloading schemas (commit: d27272d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Add eclipse/dash-licenses for tracking IP metadata. (commit: 8f95172) — David Thompson / githubweb
  8. Add a (commit: fc1ed31) — David Thompson / githubweb
  9. Fix trimFinalNewlines (commit: 1b7f5c9) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. Server emits a telemetry event for initialization (commit: 3e0a56e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  11. Hotfix for test failures (commit: 612db11) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Add project name to pom.xml (commit: b707a8e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  13. Bump jetty-server in /org.eclipse.lemminx (commit: a62c858) — David Thompson / githubweb
  14. NPE on hover of malformed document (commit: 81298da) — David Thompson / githubweb
  15. Allow proxy configuration to be passed as environment variables (commit: c253b96) — David Thompson / githubweb
  16. Changelog for 0.16.0 (commit: f10ff91) — David Thompson / githubweb

#18 (Feb 2, 2021, 12:40:15 PM)

  1. Bump version to 0.15.0 (commit: fa51bed) — Fred Bricon / githubweb

#17 (Feb 2, 2021, 12:02:59 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.14.1 (commit: 67a2463) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 51b6d6b) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Avoid trailing space in processing instructions (commit: 3bf5229) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  4. Replace 'ps -p' with 'kill -0' in ParentProcessWatcher (commit: 8fe6908) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  5. Fix Single `<` has code action to close with `/>` (commit: db71cb9) — David Thompson / githubweb
  6. xml catalog definition should be built-in (commit: 31e88e1) — David Thompson / githubweb
  7. ClassCastException: with documentLink in catalog (commit: fdccc76) — David Thompson / githubweb
  8. Bump jetty-server in /org.eclipse.lemminx (commit: e2f31b8) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  9. Generate native binary (commit: b469ec5) — David Thompson / githubweb
  10. Wrap extensions with try/catch and log exceptions (commit: 5908306) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. Add new formatting setting `xml.format.splitAttributesIndentSize` (commit: 200a7aa) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Fix duplicate client/registerCapability for workspace/executeCommand (commit: c1f855c) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  13. Don't catch the cancellation exception (commit: 0d812fb) — David Thompson / githubweb
  14. Update graalvm version to 20.3.0 (commit: 30a6111) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  15. Display if server is a native binary in init message (commit: a2cb245) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  16. Update GraalVM version in GH Actions (commit: ee4950e) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  17. Disable XSD validation when xsi:schemaLocation doesn't declare the (commit: 6e5a906) — David Thompson / githubweb
  18. Manage namespaces / prefix validation with a settings (commit: 5488280) — David Thompson / githubweb
  19. Allow extensions to contribute to WorkspaceService (commit: 97ea507) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  20. LemMinX crashes if one extension class cannot be created (commit: 4e58859) — David Thompson / githubweb
  21. Wrap JSON reading in try/catch to avoid crashes (commit: cf4c526) — David Thompson / githubweb
  22. Organize imports (commit: 45bfb57) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  23. Register org.eclipse.lsp4j.FileEvent for reflection (commit: 158c8ad) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  24. Wrap catalog DocumentLink path resolving in try/catch (commit: 42c17dd) — David Thompson / githubweb
  25. Changelog for 0.15.0 (commit: f4a8380) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#16 (Nov 10, 2020, 12:01:34 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.14.0 (commit: d9bbb61) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 28685d8) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Prevent from NPE when there's a validation error (commit: b5c24a5) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  4. Fix Symbols are not computed when ResultLimitExceededException is thrown (commit: 5d9d22f) — David Thompson / githubweb
  5. CHANGELOG for 0.14.1 (commit: f75f778) — Fred Bricon / githubweb

#15 (Nov 6, 2020, 11:39:33 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.13.1 (commit: 3c6c0de) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: d1b199c) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Update CHANGELOG for 0.13.1 release (commit: b1407bb) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  4. Link Liquibase extension in README #662 (commit: 2aad97f) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  5. Document links for catalog (commit: c8d8382) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  6. `xml.catalog` defaults to [] on server side (commit: be993ab) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Don't send invalid catalog notifications for paths with file scheme (commit: 3079293) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. Replace StringBuffers with StringBuilders (commit: 7416ae2) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  9. Remove unused imports (commit: e6fa099) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  10. DTD validation doesn't work with XML catalog and PUBLIC declaration (commit: ebb62a7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. XML completion based on DTD with XML catalog and PUBLIC declaration (commit: f3ab019) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. DTD hyperlink with XML catalog and PUBLIC declaration doesn't work (commit: 1e3f131) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  13. Fix completion & hover based on XSD with (commit: a3a043b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  14. DTD support with xml.fileAssociations (commit: a308a1b) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  15. Add IXMLExtension doSave and ResourceToDeploy documentation (commit: 5bc3ed7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  16. Upversion to 0.14.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: cb4eea0) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  17. Extension completion should use node text range (commit: d2d5bb7) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  18. Fix error range for cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3 (commit: 11478ef) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  19. Publish lemminx tests jar (commit: 6113662) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  20. Remove unnecessary Guava dependencies (commit: 8f19b8e) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  21. Fix error range for cvc-123 on empty content (commit: e617a42) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  22. Format for xsi:schemaLocation (commit: 7ea504d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  23. Redirect stdio streams (commit: 044bef0) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  24. Improve error range for ETagUnterminated (#877) (commit: 3ea8abb) — noreply / githubweb
  25. Add LemMinX Extension docs (#882) (commit: 909482a) — noreply / githubweb
  26. DOM document should store Invalid end tag `</` (commit: bcc8a48) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  27. Fix infinite loop inside LSPMessageFormatter for some cases (commit: 567f598) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  28. Improve LemMinX documentation (commit: 8cc0bd7) — David Thompson / githubweb
  29. Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in (commit: 526e2b0) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  30. Doclink for catalog entries with 'catalog' attr (commit: dbf43f3) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  31. Outline should display referenced DTD / XSD from the current XML (commit: 7fe05f1) — David Thompson / githubweb
  32. Indentation settings for CodeAction (commit: 7ef7e21) — David Thompson / githubweb
  33. Improve ETagRequired error range (commit: 9f5f757) — David Thompson / githubweb
  34. XMLExtensionRegistry: capture initial settings iff it's absent (commit: f0503e2) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  35. Fix bug with custom protocol which doesn't load content model. (commit: 55ad380) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  36. Fix LemMinx maven links (commit: 0520cb6) — noreply / githubweb
  37. Prevent NPE from null url inIsUsecacheFor (commit: 38fb4bf) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  38. Use CompletableFuture in CacheResourceManagerTest (commit: f160854) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  39. Support for 'xml/executeClientCommand` access to server from extension (commit: 11f6f6d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  40. Fix error range for cvc-complex-type-2.3 (commit: af09659) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  41. Reloading remote schema (commit: 3aa5bb7) — David Thompson / githubweb
  42. Fix error range DTD declaration missing space (commit: 8a1ebbd) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  43. XML validation should aggregate XSD errors where is referenced (commit: 6c048fd) — David Thompson / githubweb
  44. No symbols computed if max symbols is zero (commit: 65504b4) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  45. Fix XML catalog with XSD files that have <xs:include /> (commit: 7bd9a45) — David Thompson / githubweb
  46. Format comments which have no end comments should not generate end (commit: 7b52a50) — David Thompson / githubweb
  47. Fix Empty log file string crashes the server (commit: b0aad92) — David Thompson / githubweb
  48. Symbol outline / search: Customizable display text (commit: 744d724) — David Thompson / githubweb
  49. No completion on attributes with xs:union (XSD) (commit: c9c0a42) — David Thompson / githubweb
  50. XSD with targetNamespace cannot be used with xml.fileAssociations (commit: a1c820e) — David Thompson / githubweb
  51. Fix vscode-xml link to the embed doc (commit: a429a16) — noreply / githubweb
  52. Changelog for 0.14.0 (commit: f744aff) — angelo.zerr / githubweb

#14 (Jul 6, 2020, 4:58:06 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.13.0 (commit: 00cf32a) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: 538b96e) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Fix generate schema code action file name (commit: e2886ba) — Fred Bricon / githubweb

#13 (Jul 6, 2020, 12:36:10 PM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.12.0 (commit: 43595c3) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (commit: a389d33) — Lemminx Bot / githubweb
  3. Upversion to 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 3b5242e) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  4. Sort snippet (commit: 022615e) — kwondavid98 / githubweb
  5. Added document links for xsi:schemaLocation (commit: 59c04ef) — kwondavid98 / githubweb
  6. Fix line break being incorrectly added when preserveAttrLineBreaks is (commit: 7973e91) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  7. Implement trim trailing whitespaces formatting setting (commit: 981cddd) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  8. Implement file path completion for DTD systemId (commit: f8a0ab1) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  9. noNamespaceSchemaLocation file missing CodeAction (commit: ce1a2ad) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  10. Grammar generator from XML (commit: c9fa0cc) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  11. Send warning notification when xml.catalogs contains invalid path (commit: 2dafd72) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  12. Fix catalog test on Windows OS (commit: d102a4c) — kwondavid98 / githubweb
  13. Missing xml-model reference generates multiple similar warnings (commit: 875d5b4) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  14. Invalid location hint in xs:schemaLocation (commit: 68f9557) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  15. Bind XML with no grammar constraints to XSD / DTD (commit: da67a76) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  16. Improve schema generation from an xml doc whose name is also an (commit: 1c9d3a3) — Fred Bricon / githubweb
  17. Added catalog snippets (commit: 60fb22d) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  18. Improve attribute generation (commit: e0fe1ab) — kwondavid98 / githubweb
  19. Rename XSD and DTD generation code actions (commit: 0a17893) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  20. Fix documentation "information" typo (commit: e82e480) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  21. Tests fails when basedir has space (commit: 52aa853) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  22. Add snippets for xml-stylesheet processing instruction. (commit: ac0dd05) — angelo.zerr / githubweb
  23. Update changelog for upcoming 0.13.0 release (commit: 2bf255f) — Fred Bricon / githubweb