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User Service.Find user with id and scope id that doesn't exist (from org.eclipse.kapua.service.user.test.RunUserUnitTest)

Took 1.2 sec.

Standard Output

@user @env_none
Scenario: Find user with id and scope id that doesn't exist # features/UserService.feature:270
14:16:00.545 [main] WARN - ########################### Called DBHelper ###########################
14:16:00.546 [main] INFO  o.e.k.c.l.KapuaLiquibaseClient - =================== KapuaLiquibaseClient Configuration ===================
14:16:00.546 [main] INFO  o.e.k.c.l.KapuaLiquibaseClient - |  Liquibase Version: 3.6.3
14:16:00.546 [main] INFO  o.e.
...[truncated 3787 chars]...
ibaseClient - Running Liquibase scripts... DONE!
  When I search for user with id 123 in scope with id 456   # org.eclipse.kapua.service.user.steps.UserServiceSteps.searchUserWithIdAndScopeId(int,int)
  Then I find no user                                       # org.eclipse.kapua.service.user.steps.UserServiceSteps.noUserFound()
14:16:01.780 [main] INFO - Database drop...
14:16:01.786 [main] INFO - Database drop... DONE