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Test Result : Device Registry Validation Tests

0 failures (±0)
21 tests (±0)
Took 20 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
Initialize test environment60 msPassed
Reset Security Context for all scenarios19 msPassed
Validate a device client based search with a null client ID1 secPassed
Validate a device client based search with an empty client ID1 secPassed
Validate a device client search with null scope1 secPassed
Validate a device creator with a null client ID1 secPassed
Validate a device creator with a null scope ID1 secPassed
Validate a device query with a null Scope ID1 secPassed
Validate a device search with a null device ID1 secPassed
Validate a device search with a null scope ID1 secPassed
Validate a null creator1 secPassed
Validate a null device1 secPassed
Validate a null device count1 secPassed
Validate a null device query1 secPassed
Validate a regular creator1.1 secPassed
Validate a regular device client search1 secPassed
Validate a regular device count1 secPassed
Validate a regular device query1.1 secPassed
Validate a regular device search1 secPassed
Validate deleting a device with a null device ID1 secPassed
Validate deleting a device with a null scope ID1 secPassed