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Test Result

121 failures (+32) , 448 skipped (+149)
2,403 tests (+202)
Took 20 min.

All Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
 Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios3.5 sec1
 Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios0.54 sec1
 Scenario: Positive scenario without stealing link.And topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-1/MQTT/BIRTH" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-1"0 ms1
 Scenario: Positive scenario without stealing link.Scenario: Positive scenario without stealing link0 ms1
 Scenario: Stealing link scenario.And topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-1/MQTT/BIRTH" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-1"0 ms1
 Scenario: Stealing link scenario.Scenario: Stealing link scenario0 ms1
 Scenario: Negative scenario when client connects twice with same client id.And topic "$EDC/kapua-sys/client-1/MQTT/BIRTH" content "src/test/resources/mqtt/rpione3_MQTT_BIRTH.mqtt" is published by client named "client-1-1"0 ms1
 Scenario: Negative scenario when client connects twice with same client id.Scenario: Negative scenario when client connects twice with same client id0 ms1
 Scenario: Start event broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start event broker for all scenarios1.6 sec1
 Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios1 sec1
 Scenario: Connect to the system and publish some data.Then Device sim-1 for account kapua-sys is registered after 5 seconds30 ms1
 Scenario: Connect to the system and publish some data.Scenario: Connect to the system and publish some data30 ms1
 Scenario: Start event broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start event broker for all scenarios3.5 sec1
 Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios0.85 sec1
 Scenario: Birth message handling from a new device.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"2 ms1
 Scenario: Birth message handling from a new device.Scenario: Birth message handling from a new device2 ms1
 Scenario: Birth message handling from an existing device.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 ms1
 Scenario: Birth message handling from an existing device.Scenario: Birth message handling from an existing device1 ms1
 Scenario: Handling of 2 birth messages.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 ms1
 Scenario: Handling of 2 birth messages.Scenario: Handling of 2 birth messages0 ms1
 Scenario: Handling of a disconnect message from a non existing device.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"1 ms1
 Scenario: Handling of a disconnect message from a non existing device.Scenario: Handling of a disconnect message from a non existing device1 ms1
 Scenario: Birth and death message handling.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"1 ms1
 Scenario: Birth and death message handling.Scenario: Birth and death message handling1 ms1
 Scenario: Birth and missing event handling.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 ms1
 Scenario: Birth and missing event handling.Scenario: Birth and missing event handling0 ms1
 Scenario: Birth and applications event handling.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 ms1
 Scenario: Birth and applications event handling.Scenario: Birth and applications event handling0 ms1
 Scenario: Creating new device and tagging it with specific Tag.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"1 ms1
 Scenario: Creating new device and tagging it with specific Tag.Scenario: Creating new device and tagging it with specific Tag1 ms1
 Scenario: Creating new device, tagging it with specific Tag and then deleting this Tag.When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 ms1
 Scenario: Creating new device, tagging it with specific Tag and then deleting this Tag.Scenario: Creating new device, tagging it with specific Tag and then deleting this Tag0 ms1
 Scenario: Start event broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start event broker for all scenarios3.9 sec6
 Scenario: B4 Broker subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account.Scenario: B4 Broker subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account4 ms6
 Scenario: B15 Broker subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed.Scenario: B15 Broker subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed3 ms6
 Scenario: DV1 Data view publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: DV1 Data view publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY4 ms6
 Scenario: DV4 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account.Scenario: DV4 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account2 ms6
 Scenario: DV7 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: DV7 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed4 ms6
 Scenario: Send BIRTH message and then DC message while broker ip is NOT set.And Device birth message is sent0 ms6
 Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios0.64 sec7
 Scenario: A1 User with admin rights publishes arbitrary message to arbitrary topic.Given Mqtt Device is started5 ms7
 Scenario: A1 User with admin rights publishes arbitrary message to arbitrary topic.Scenario: A1 User with admin rights publishes arbitrary message to arbitrary topic6 ms7
 Scenario: B1 Broker publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: B1 Broker publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: B1 Broker publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY5 ms7
 Scenario: B2 Broker create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: B2 Broker create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: B2 Broker create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY4 ms7
 Scenario: B3 Broker subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: B3 Broker subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: B3 Broker subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY4 ms7
 Scenario: B4 Broker subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: B5 Broker publish to CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: B5 Broker publish to CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: B5 Broker publish to CTRL_ACC is not allowed6 ms7
 Scenario: B6 Broker create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: B6 Broker create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: B6 Broker create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC is not allowed5 ms7
 Scenario: B7 Broker subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started0 ms7
 Scenario: B7 Broker subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: B7 Broker subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed1 ms7
 Scenario: B8 Broker subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: B8 Broker subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI.Scenario: B8 Broker subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI16 ms7
 Scenario: B9 Broker publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started6 ms7
 Scenario: B9 Broker publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: B9 Broker publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed8 ms7
 Scenario: B10 Broker create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: B10 Broker create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: B10 Broker create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed5 ms7
 Scenario: B11 Broker subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started4 ms7
 Scenario: B11 Broker subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: B11 Broker subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed6 ms7
 Scenario: B12 Broker subscribe - publish - admin on ACL_DATA_ACC_CLI.Given Mqtt Device is started1 ms7
 Scenario: B12 Broker subscribe - publish - admin on ACL_DATA_ACC_CLI.Scenario: B12 Broker subscribe - publish - admin on ACL_DATA_ACC_CLI2 ms7
 Scenario: B13 Broker publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started4 ms7
 Scenario: B13 Broker publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed.Scenario: B13 Broker publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed5 ms7
 Scenario: B15 Broker subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D1 Device publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started4 ms7
 Scenario: D1 Device publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: D1 Device publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY6 ms7
 Scenario: D2 Device create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D2 Device create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: D2 Device create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY4 ms7
 Scenario: D3 Device subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D3 Device subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: D3 Device subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY3 ms7
 Scenario: D4 Device subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D4 Device subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account.Scenario: D4 Device subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account4 ms7
 Scenario: D5 Device subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D5 Device subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC.Scenario: D5 Device subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC4 ms7
 Scenario: D6 Device subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D6 Device subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI.Scenario: D6 Device subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI4 ms7
 Scenario: D7 Device publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: D7 Device publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: D7 Device publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed5 ms7
 Scenario: D8 Device create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started1 ms7
 Scenario: D8 Device create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: D8 Device create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed1 ms7
 Scenario: D9 Device subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started1 ms7
 Scenario: D9 Device subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: D9 Device subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed2 ms7
 Scenario: D10 Device subscribe - publish - admin on ACL_DATA_ACC_CLI.Given Mqtt Device is started4 ms7
 Scenario: D10 Device subscribe - publish - admin on ACL_DATA_ACC_CLI.Scenario: D10 Device subscribe - publish - admin on ACL_DATA_ACC_CLI6 ms7
 Scenario: D11 Device publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: D11 Device publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed.Scenario: D11 Device publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: D13 Device subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: D13 Device subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed.Scenario: D13 Device subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: DV1 Data view publish to CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: DV2 Data view create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started4 ms7
 Scenario: DV2 Data view create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: DV2 Data view create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC_REPLY6 ms7
 Scenario: DV3 Data view subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Given Mqtt Device is started1 ms7
 Scenario: DV3 Data view subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY.Scenario: DV3 Data view subscribe on personal CTRL_ACC_REPLY1 ms7
 Scenario: DV4 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC_REPLY of another account.Given Mqtt Device is started1 ms7
 Scenario: DV5 Data view publish to CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: DV5 Data view publish to CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: DV5 Data view publish to CTRL_ACC is not allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: DV6 Data view create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: DV6 Data view create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: DV6 Data view create sub-topic on CTRL_ACC is not allowed5 ms7
 Scenario: DV7 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: DV8 Data view subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: DV8 Data view subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI.Scenario: DV8 Data view subscribe - publish - admin on CTRL_ACC_CLI4 ms7
 Scenario: DV9 Data view publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: DV9 Data view publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed.Scenario: DV9 Data view publish to ACL_DATA_ACC is not allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: DV10 Data view create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started1 ms7
 Scenario: DV10 Data view create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is allowed.Scenario: DV10 Data view create sub-topic on ACL_DATA_ACC is allowed3 ms7
 Scenario: DV11 Data view subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started4 ms7
 Scenario: DV11 Data view subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is allowed.Scenario: DV11 Data view subscribe on ACL_DATA_ACC is allowed6 ms7
 Scenario: DV12 Data view publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_CLI is allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: DV12 Data view publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_CLI is allowed.Scenario: DV12 Data view publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_CLI is allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: DV13 Data view create sub-topic on ACL_CTRL_ACC_CLI is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started2 ms7
 Scenario: DV13 Data view create sub-topic on ACL_CTRL_ACC_CLI is not allowed.Scenario: DV13 Data view create sub-topic on ACL_CTRL_ACC_CLI is not allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: DV15 Data view publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started3 ms7
 Scenario: DV15 Data view publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed.Scenario: DV15 Data view publish to ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is allowed4 ms7
 Scenario: DV17 Data view subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed.Given Mqtt Device is started0 ms7
 Scenario: DV17 Data view subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed.Scenario: DV17 Data view subscribe on ACL_CTRL_ACC_NOTIFY is not allowed0 ms7
 Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios.Scenario: Start broker for all scenarios10 sec7
 Scenario: Send BIRTH message and then DC message while broker ip is NOT set.Scenario: Send BIRTH message and then DC message while broker ip is NOT set0 ms7

All Tests

(root)1 min 1 sec121+32436+1491566+212123+202
org.eclipse.kapua26 ms0011 sec001515
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.about0.25 sec0011
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.configuration0.11 sec0011
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.configuration.metatype14 ms001919
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.metric5 ms0022
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.model0.16 sec0088
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.model.id4 ms0011
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.security3 sec0033
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.setting2 ms0044
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.util70 ms003838
org.eclipse.kapua.commons.util.xml0.29 sec0099
org.eclipse.kapua.kura.simulator.main.simulation5.4 sec001313
org.eclipse.kapua.locator.internal0.15 sec021012
org.eclipse.kapua.message.internal0.39 sec022426
org.eclipse.kapua.message.internal.device.data2 ms0044
org.eclipse.kapua.message.internal.device.lifecycle11 ms002525
org.eclipse.kapua.message.internal.xml2.5 sec001111
org.eclipse.kapua.service.authentication.shiro.exceptions22 ms0022
org.eclipse.kapua.service.authorization.shiro12 sec001919
org.eclipse.kapua.service.datastore.client.transport0.33 sec031922
org.eclipse.kapua.service.datastore.internal4 min 56 sec052732
org.eclipse.kapua.service.datastore.internal.client5.1 sec0077
org.eclipse.kapua.service.liquibase2.8 sec0044
org.eclipse.kapua.service.user.internal.setting1 ms0011