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Test Result : Scenario: DV7 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed

2 failures , 6 skipped
8 tests
Took 2 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
And Mqtt Device is stoped0 msSkipped
And clients are disconnected0 msSkipped
And data view account and user are created0 msSkipped
Given I expect the exception "MqttException" with the text "*"0 msSkipped
Given Mqtt Device is started1 msFailed
Scenario: DV7 Data view subscribe on CTRL_ACC is not allowed1 msFailed
Then An exception was thrown0 msSkipped
When broker with clientId "client-1" and user "luise" and password "kapua-password" is listening on topic "$EDC/acme"0 msSkipped