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Test Result : Scenario: Connect to the system and publish some data

2 failures , 13 skipped
20 tests
Took 40 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
And I expect the device to report the applications0 msSkipped
And I expect the latest captured message on channel "my-app-1/my-topic-5/data" to have the metrics0 msSkipped
And I have a mock data application named "my-app-1"0 msFixed
And I publish on the topic "my-topic-2/data" timestamped now0 msSkipped
And I publish on the topic "my-topic-3/data" timestamped now0 msSkipped
And I publish on the topic "my-topic-4/data" timestamped now0 msSkipped
And I publish on the topic "my-topic-5/data" timestamped now0 msSkipped
And I refresh all indices0 msSkipped
And I wait 5 seconds for the broker to process its data0 msSkipped
And My credentials are username "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 msFixed
And The broker URI is tcp://kapua-broker:kapua-password@localhost:18830 msFixed
Given I publish for the application "my-app-1"0 msSkipped
Given The account name is kapua-sys and the client ID is sim-10 msFixed
Scenario: Connect to the system and publish some data20 msFailed
Then Device sim-1 for account kapua-sys is not registered after 5 seconds0 msSkipped
Then Device sim-1 for account kapua-sys is registered after 5 seconds20 msFailed
Then I expect the number of messages for this device to be 50 msSkipped
When I publish on the topic "my-topic-1/data" timestamped now0 msSkipped
When I start the simulator0 msFixed
When I stop the simulator0 msSkipped