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Test Result : Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id

10 failures , 24 skipped
34 tests
Took 0.26 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
And Account for "kapua-sys"0 msSkipped
And Account for "kapua-sys"0 msSkipped
And All indices are deleted0 msSkipped
And All indices are deleted0 msSkipped
And I refresh all database indices0 msSkipped
And I refresh all database indices0 msSkipped
And I set the database to device timestamp indexing0 msSkipped
And I set the database to device timestamp indexing0 msSkipped
And The channel info items "AccountChannelList" match the prepared messages in "TestMessages"0 msSkipped
And The channel info items "AccountChannelList" match the prepared messages in "TestMessages"0 msSkipped
And The device "test-device-1"0 msSkipped
And The device "test-device-1"0 msSkipped
Given All indices are deleted0 msSkipped
Given All indices are deleted0 msSkipped
Given I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 msSkipped
Given I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 msSkipped
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id42 msFailed
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id51 msRegression
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id0 msFailed
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id28 msFailed
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id14 msRegression
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id10 msFailed
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id1 msRegression
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id38 msRegression
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id24 msRegression
Scenario: ChannelInfo client ID based on the account id57 msFailed
Then I store the messages from list "TestMessages" and remember the IDs as "StoredMessageIDs"0 msSkipped
Then I store the messages from list "TestMessages" and remember the IDs as "StoredMessageIDs"0 msSkipped
Then There are exactly 4 channels in the list "AccountChannelList"0 msSkipped
Then There are exactly 4 channels in the list "AccountChannelList"0 msSkipped
When I prepare a number of messages with the following details and remember the list as "TestMessages"0 msSkipped
When I prepare a number of messages with the following details and remember the list as "TestMessages"0 msSkipped
When I query for the current account channels and store them as "AccountChannelList"0 msSkipped
When I query for the current account channels and store them as "AccountChannelList"0 msSkipped