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Test Result : Scenario: Modify last child expiration so that it still expires before parent

2 failures , 13 skipped
15 tests
Took 33 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
And Account0 msSkipped
And Account0 msSkipped
And I configure account service0 msSkipped
And I configure account service0 msSkipped
And I configure account service0 msSkipped
And I logout0 msSkipped
Given Account0 msSkipped
Given I select account "account-a"0 msSkipped
Given I select account "account-b"0 msSkipped
Given I select account "account-c"0 msSkipped
Scenario: Modify last child expiration so that it still expires before parent0 msRegression
Scenario: Modify last child expiration so that it still expires before parent33 msRegression
Then No exception was thrown0 msSkipped
When I change the current account expiration date to "15/7/2018"0 msSkipped
When I login as user with name "kapua-sys" and password "kapua-password"0 msSkipped