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Scenario: Update user.When I configure (from org.eclipse.kapua.service.user.internal.RunTest)

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Failure in before hook:UserServiceSteps.beforeScenario(Scenario)
Message: java.lang.RuntimeException: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for change set KapuaDB/changelog-account-0.2.0.xml::changelog-account-0.2.0_createTable::eurotech:
     Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL CREATE TABLE PUBLIC.act_account (scope_id BIGINT(21) unsigned, id BIGINT(21) unsigned NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), crea
...[truncated 22160 chars]...
    Given I expect the exception "KapuaIllegalArgumentException" with the text "An illegal value was provided" # UserServiceSteps.setExpectedExceptionDetails(String,String)
    And I have following user                                                                                  # UserServiceSteps.haveUsers(UserImpl>)
    Then I get Kapua exception                                                                                 # UserServiceSteps.getKapuaException()