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Scenario: Delete a job execution item twice.Given I create a job with the name "TestJob" (from org.eclipse.kapua.service.job.RunTest)

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Failure in before hook:JobStepServiceTestSteps.beforeScenario(Scenario)
Message: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to delete directory /tmp/genie.kapua/kapua-liquibase.
	at org.eclipse.kapua.service.liquibase.KapuaLiquibaseClient.update(
	at org.eclipse.kapua.service.job.step.JobStepServiceTestSteps.beforeScenario(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccesso
...[truncated 6815 chars]...
    And A regular job execution item                         # JobExecutionServiceTestSteps.createARegularExecution()
    Then I delete the last job execution in the database     # JobExecutionServiceTestSteps.deleteLastJobExecution()
    When I search for the last job execution in the database # JobExecutionServiceTestSteps.findLastJobExecution()
    Then There is no such job execution item in the database # JobExecutionServiceTestSteps.checkThatNoExecutionWasFound()