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Started 6 yr 2 mo ago
Took 4 min 6 sec

#5 (Jun 28, 2018, 6:26:15 PM)

  1. Changing clone to copy. (details / githubweb)

Started by upstream project Jaitools-1.15.0 build number 4
originally caused by:

  • Started by upstream project Hatbox build number 5
    originally caused by:
Revision: fc06304df12175fb8bc96cbbc09098718ce2013f
  • origin/jts-1.15.0
Test Result (no failures)

    Module Builds

     GeoSolutions JAI Extensions Library Root Project2.4 sec
     jt-affine50 sec
     jt-algebra2.8 sec
     jt-artifact2.3 sec
     jt-bandcombine3.5 sec
     jt-bandmerge3.3 sec
     jt-bandselect2.4 sec
     jt-binarize2.4 sec
     jt-border2.7 sec
     jt-buffer2.5 sec
     jt-clamp3.9 sec
     jt-classifier3.1 sec
     jt-colorconvert4.5 sec
     jt-colorindexer2.4 sec
     New tile cache implementation supporting concurrency3 sec
     jt-convolve3 sec
     jt-crop2.4 sec
     jt-errordiffusion3.2 sec
     jt-format2.2 sec
     jt-imagefunction2.4 sec
     jt-iterators6.4 sec
     jt-jiffle0.66 sec
     jt-jiffle-demo1.4 sec
     jt-jiffle-docs1.2 sec
     jt-jiffle-language11 sec
     jt-jiffle-op2.5 sec
     jt-lookup4.4 sec
     jt-mosaic3.9 sec
     jt-nullop2.6 sec
     jt-orderdither2.9 sec
     jt-piecewise1.5 sec
     jt-rescale2.9 sec
     jt-rlookup2.2 sec
     jt-scale21 sec
     jt-scale27.7 sec
     jt-shadedrelief4.9 sec
     Square Root Contrast Enhancement jai operation2.7 sec
     jt-stats3.6 sec
     jt-threshold4.9 sec
     jt-translate2.1 sec
     jt-utilities3.8 sec
     jt-vectorbin8 sec
     jt-warp12 sec
     jt-zonal2.8 sec

    Downstream Builds