Started by an SCM change Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Still waiting to schedule task Waiting for next available executor Agent default-agent-5bb2t is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: annotations: {} labels: jenkins: "slave" name: "default-agent-5bb2t" spec: containers: - env: - name: "MAVEN_OPTS" value: "" - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.jstl.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "default-agent-5bb2t" - name: "MAVEN_CONFIG" value: "-B -e" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "default-agent-5bb2t" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.jstl.svc.cluster.local/jstl/" - name: "HOME" value: "/home/jenkins" image: "eclipsecbijenkins/jenkins-agent:3.35@sha256:5d06ebec6e9dffc44fb41009a51d085a83944a23f651416531b960143d186340" imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: memory: "4096Mi" cpu: "2000m" requests: memory: "4096Mi" cpu: "1000m" securityContext: privileged: false tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/toolchains.xml" name: "toolchains-xml" readOnly: true subPath: "toolchains.xml" - mountPath: "/opt/tools" name: "volume-0" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" name: "volume-2" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" name: "volume-3" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings-security.xml" name: "settings-security-xml" readOnly: true subPath: "settings-security.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" name: "settings-xml" readOnly: true subPath: "settings.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.ssh" name: "volume-1" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false workingDir: "/home/jenkins/agent" nodeSelector: {} restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - name: "settings-security-xml" secret: items: - key: "settings-security.xml" path: "settings-security.xml" secretName: "m2-secret-dir" - name: "volume-0" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "tools-claim-jiro-jstl" readOnly: true - configMap: items: - key: "toolchains.xml" path: "toolchains.xml" name: "m2-dir" name: "toolchains-xml" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-2" - configMap: name: "known-hosts" name: "volume-1" - name: "settings-xml" secret: items: - key: "settings.xml" path: "settings.xml" secretName: "m2-secret-dir" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-3" Running on default-agent-5bb2t in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jstl_master_build [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Tool Install) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Fetch from git) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] git using credential github-bot-ssh Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jstl_master_build # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials GitHub bot SSH > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* Checking out Revision 523f1672b54dc068890bffc069033e775455beac (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from using GIT_SSH to set credentials GitHub bot SSH > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 523f1672b54dc068890bffc069033e775455beac > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10 > git checkout -b master 523f1672b54dc068890bffc069033e775455beac Commit message: "Merge pull request #61 from pnicolucci/Chapter7InitialSpecUpdates" > git rev-list --no-walk c4a3bdc88c7736856f4ff82e8b82ed852a957443 # timeout=10 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Nightly Build) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $KEYRING [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + gpg --batch --import **** gpg: directory '/home/jenkins/.gnupg' created gpg: keybox '/home/jenkins/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created gpg: key 296863EC7506AB74: 1 signature not checked due to a missing key gpg: /home/jenkins/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created gpg: key 296863EC7506AB74: public key "Eclipse Project for JSTL " imported gpg: To migrate 'secring.gpg', with each smartcard, run: gpg --card-status gpg: key 296863EC7506AB74: secret key imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 gpg: secret keys read: 1 gpg: secret keys imported: 1 gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found [Pipeline] sh + gpg --list-keys --with-colons + awk -F: '/fpr:/ {print $10}' + sort -u + echo -e '5 y ' + gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key 36E1F5E7FF8824BA809BE239E8CAE3F985718751 trust Secret subkeys are available. pub rsa4096/296863EC7506AB74 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: SCEA trust: unknown validity: unknown ssb rsa4096/E8CAE3F985718751 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: S [ unknown] (1). Eclipse Project for JSTL pub rsa4096/296863EC7506AB74 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: SCEA trust: unknown validity: unknown ssb rsa4096/E8CAE3F985718751 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: S [ unknown] (1). Eclipse Project for JSTL Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys (by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.) 1 = I don't know or won't say 2 = I do NOT trust 3 = I trust marginally 4 = I trust fully 5 = I trust ultimately m = back to the main menu pub rsa4096/296863EC7506AB74 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: SCEA trust: ultimate validity: unknown ssb rsa4096/E8CAE3F985718751 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: S [ unknown] (1). Eclipse Project for JSTL Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct unless you restart the program. + echo -e '5 y ' + gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key 7BE1BB0B4DE4CFB872E90E51296863EC7506AB74 trust Secret subkeys are available. gpg: checking the trustdb gpg: marginals needed: 3 completes needed: 1 trust model: pgp gpg: depth: 0 valid: 1 signed: 0 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u gpg: next trustdb check due at 2023-10-02 pub rsa4096/296863EC7506AB74 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: SCEA trust: ultimate validity: ultimate ssb rsa4096/E8CAE3F985718751 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: S [ultimate] (1). Eclipse Project for JSTL pub rsa4096/296863EC7506AB74 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: SCEA trust: ultimate validity: ultimate ssb rsa4096/E8CAE3F985718751 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: S [ultimate] (1). Eclipse Project for JSTL Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys (by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.) 1 = I don't know or won't say 2 = I do NOT trust 3 = I trust marginally 4 = I trust fully 5 = I trust ultimately m = back to the main menu pub rsa4096/296863EC7506AB74 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: SCEA trust: ultimate validity: ultimate ssb rsa4096/E8CAE3F985718751 created: 2018-10-03 expires: 2023-10-02 usage: S [ultimate] (1). Eclipse Project for JSTL [Pipeline] sh + mvn -B -q '' clean install Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+UseContainerSupport -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=64.0 Error: File/directory not found: src/main/resources/META-INF/sql.tld Tag Library Documentation Generator 1.3 by Mark Roth, Sun Microsystems, Inc. Usage: tlddoc [options] taglib1 [taglib2 [taglib3 ...]] Options: -help Displays this help message -xslt Use the XSLT files in the given directory instead of the defaults. -d Destination directory for output files (defaults to new dir called 'out') -doctitle Include title for the TLD index (first) page -windowtitle Browser window title -q Quiet Mode taglib{1,2,3,...}: * If the path is a file that ends in .tld, process an individual TLD file. * If the path is a file that ends in .jar, process a tag library JAR file. * If the path is a file that ends in .war, process all tag libraries in this web application. * If the path is a directory that includes /WEB-INF/tags process the implicit tag library for the given directory of tag files. * If the path is a directory containing a WEB-INF subdirectory, process all tag libraries in this web application. * Otherwise, error. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS