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#20 (Sep 11, 2019, 7:50:09 AM)

  1. Issue 3828 (#3841) (commit: 065d212) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  2. javassist version ajustment (#3895) (commit: 741e1ab) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  3. fix for issue 3872 (#3898) (commit: 01d3f49) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  4. JerseySseEventSource#register throws IllegalStateException (#3891) (commit: ff7183d) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  5. EE4J superpom (#3896) (commit: 3d3b5ca) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  6. Fix copyright check using new plugin version (#3900) (commit: 2c65619) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  7. Using JAX-RS 2.1.1 (commit: 1cc165b) — Markus Karg / githubweb
  8. Fix license information (commit: 2ed7b9c) — noreply / githubweb
  9. Removed EPL license from W3C org documents (commit: ed7474b) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  10. Issue #3846: Skip comment lines in service files in OSGi (#3935) (commit: 5d427ff) — noreply / githubweb
  11. Replace CDI servlet uber jar with CDI servlet-core jar (#3939) (commit: 165d319) — noreply / githubweb
  12. Test issue related to JRE version (commit: fa1ed98) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  13. Travis CI build script (commit: d68b8c8) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  14. Travis CI parallel script and code style fix (commit: 5244df7) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  15. condition which excludes JsonbTestProvider removed (#3902) (commit: 80bff93) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  16. Version of JMockit updated to 1.41 (commit: d280321) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  17. JAX-RS 2.1.1 test fix (commit: 8574564) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  18. osgi tests fix (commit: 0a7e3ff) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  19. Removed reference to JavaFX class javax.util.Pair (commit: 75abe1c) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  20. fixes for Eclipse Jenkins environment (adaptopenjdk, shell etc) (commit: d46c324) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  21. Unified Jersey modules versions for release (commit: 7ad68ff) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  22. Jersey dependencies version upgrade (part I) (commit: a3ece89) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  23. Update to Bean Validation 2.0 (Hibernate 6) (#3908) (commit: 7ec7605) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  24. license and organization sections fix (commit: 33b0ffd) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  25. version fix (commit: c265904) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  26. Upgrade versions to what we have CQs on (#3945) (commit: ab91c97) — noreply / githubweb
  27. asynchronous timeout (commit: 8f75003) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  28. SSE tests fixed (#3870) (commit: 88dc9ea) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  29. Inherit BSD 2-clause license from Stapler project in bookstore-webapp (commit: 46efc00) — noreply / githubweb
  30. exclude travis related configuration scripts from copyright check (commit: b8b7b47) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  31. Updated versions to align with CQs (commit: eb5ea8c) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  32. Update pom.xml (commit: 91ca3d6) — noreply / githubweb
  33. JAXB-* version update (commit: 41faccf) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  34. Using Apache HTML/Java API version 1.5.1 to perform the message (commit: ee452d9) — Jaroslav Tulach / githubweb
  35. Enabling html-json module in the parent again (commit: 356b8e6) — Jaroslav Tulach / githubweb
  36. Allow JDK12 in repackaged ASM (commit: 08bf5ea) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  37. JAX-RS 2.1.3 (Jakarta Maven Coordinates and OSGi fixes) [EE4J_8] (#3994) (commit: 2b59416) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  38. Uptake Jakarta dependencies, Part I. (#4001) (commit: 7aebbcf) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  39. Uptake Jakarta Dependencies: istack commons, GF, Copyright plugin & (commit: 100db13) — maiden168 / githubweb
  40. Update versions, do not depend on GF 5.1.0 to prevent cyclic dependency (commit: 8545fd2) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  41. Have hk2-config provided (#4012) (commit: 49bd93a) — noreply / githubweb
  42. Pom fixes (#4013) (commit: 180f1be) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  43. Prepare 2.28 rc3 (commit: ec01a02) — noreply / githubweb
  44. fix for #4022 (commit: 2ec4e06) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  45. Add legal info to all source and distribution jars (#4031) (commit: ff1472b) — noreply / githubweb
  46. Updated versions of dependencies (#4032) (commit: cf9bd22) — noreply / githubweb
  47. Integrate EJB-API 3.2.5 (commit: 6bf598d) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  48. RCx versions update (up to new staging/central artifacts) (#4036) (commit: 875f40e) — Tomas Kraus / githubweb
  49. Updated versions of dependencies to just released GF 5.1.0-RC2 (#4037) (commit: bda83c9) — noreply / githubweb
  50. added one more git merge conflict fix (commit: 5533dba) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  51. Update release profile to be used with oss-release profile from parent (commit: df7479f) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  52. Update maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.0.0-M2 (commit: 4e1d9dc) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  53. 2.28 (commit: c77e3c5) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  54. 2.29-SNAPSHOT (commit: 6f425d9) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  55. jersey-3992 CDI Bean created (but fails) when interface has @Path (commit: 310db2c) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  56. 2.29 development version preparation (commit: a13ab9b) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  57. Enable @ConstrainedTo on Features (commit: e0369be) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  58. Apply @ConstrainedTo even before Feature class is instantiated (commit: 1e93ba9) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  59. Updated copyright year (commit: 61e6399) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  60. Add dependency on jakarta.activation-api to core-common (commit: 551b857) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  61. Update copyright year (commit: 72b1a8c) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  62. Cleanup old JDK collection compatibility classes (commit: 4ae3004) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  63. CSS stylesheet configuration for DocBook (commit: 08c5fa2) — jerseyrobot / githubweb
  64. Issue 4068 Empty Encoding fix (commit: 0aacf79) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  65. Test/example for Date object QueryParam (commit: 59fe75f) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  66. Build core-common module on JDK 11. (commit: b84e826) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  67. Replaced import used for javadoc with full name in the javadoc (commit: da7c5c5) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  68. Fix for the issue 3796 (commit: b84ec48) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  69. 2.29 for integration test (commit: 9eaa859) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  70. Issue #3670 (commit: aa8020a) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  71. Allow for injecting HttpHeaders on a Client (#4078) (commit: 9cfc243) — noreply / githubweb
  72. fix for #4082 (commit: 682f66c) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  73. Allow for determining media type for RequestContext#abortWith (#4087) (commit: e4fbf49) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  74. Break from looping over FormDataBodyParts once first match is found. (commit: 0ee0533) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  75. Upgrade Netty and expose Netty Context (#3983) (commit: e2ee2e2) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  76. Update JMockit version to 1.44 to support JDK 11 (#4094) (commit: 776ab17) — noreply / githubweb
  77. Update ASM to 7.1 (#4095) (commit: afd16f9) — noreply / githubweb
  78. Update hk2 osgi-resource-locator to latest 1.0.3 version (#4079) (commit: 38c1c6d) — noreply / githubweb
  79. Put Parameter class in core-common, to be used by both client and server (commit: 895c293) — noreply / githubweb
  80. Fix priority ordering (#4103) (commit: a62d1ff) — noreply / githubweb
  81. Separate Payara's inserters from PR 3844 (#4098) (commit: 470c19b) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  82. Added integration test to reproduce JERSEY-4099 (#4101) (commit: cbd9040) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  83. Separate tests using jmockit from jersey core (#4125) (commit: 8c60fd2) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  84. Allow for registering HK2 AbstractBinder (#4122) (commit: 46c0863) — noreply / githubweb
  85. Filter synthetic methods from the resource - bug #4005 fix (#4112) (commit: 85a4977) — noreply / githubweb
  86. Change SpringComponentProvider to look for beans in current and parent (commit: a41590e) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  87. Fix ValidationErrorMessageBodyWriter (#4136) (commit: 4787e76) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  88. Support for Spring 5 (#4062) (commit: 3dca77c) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  89. Allow for matching multiple resources with equal paths as in 4119 (commit: c9260df) — noreply / githubweb
  90. SPI Config API for Jersey (#4116) (commit: 5dec448) — noreply / githubweb
  91. Jersey is buildable on JDK 11 (#4135) (commit: ac5feef) — noreply / githubweb
  92. Allow for providing Jetty HttpClient to Jetty Connector (#4089) (commit: 6291543) — noreply / githubweb
  93. fix for JAX-RS SPI resource finder (#4143) (commit: 44c05a5) — noreply / githubweb
  94. PAYARA-2956 - Fix warnings when checking CDI bean is JAX-RS resource (commit: 599a54d) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  95. update Jackson to 2.9.9 (#4144) (commit: de1238d) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  96. Rest client implementation (commit: 00f804c) — David Kral / githubweb
  97. Add MP Rest Client to jersey-bom Simplify CDI Extension The default (commit: 7b4cfa2) — David Kral / githubweb
  98. MP rest client review comments implemented (commit: 122b5a3) — David Kral / githubweb
  99. Fix test exclusion for JDK 8 (#4158) (#4159) (commit: 4cbcb02) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  100. Created a profile for creating multirelease jar for when built by JDK 11 (commit: 7d19233) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  101. Remove JDK 11 classes from the standard jar classes folder Keep JDK 11 (commit: 104f8dd) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  102. Do not use javax.annotation from JDK. (#4164) (commit: d0d0594) — noreply / githubweb
  103. Implements ASM ClassVisitor for ASM7 in (commit: 420ae28) — noreply / githubweb
  104. remove redundant IF/ELSE (#4151) (commit: 6ed5a4a) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  105. Test for PR 3905 (#4153) (commit: 571b767) — noreply / githubweb
  106. Fix typo (commit: 007f574) — Issam El-atif / githubweb
  107. Arquillian enabled for TCK tests of rest client (#4165) (commit: 487ea98) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  108. Specificaly choose Trusty for the Travis Host (#4168) (commit: b7fbb3e) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  109. Unify microprofile modules structure (#4176) (commit: 9fe5414) — noreply / githubweb
  110. Update bean validation version to 6.0.17.Final (#4172) (commit: 6b04721) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  111. Prevent duplicate lookup of CDI components (#4157) (commit: 61b9fbf) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  112. CDI duplicate lookup fix (commit: 2645eb0) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  113. Consumes and produces value should be now properly changed (#4175) (commit: b4497f5) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  114. PAYARA-3121 Jersey Crashes for EJB Classes of Same Name (#3950) (commit: a843c05) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  115. PAYARA-3119 NullPointerException when starting Jersey/EJB Containers in (commit: 1719b46) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  116. Rename ParameterInserters to ParameterUpdaters (#4170) (commit: 01cb903) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  117. 2.29 (commit: 422ed6b) — jersey-bot / githubweb
  118. 2.30-SNAPSHOT (commit: 491d1f4) — jersey-bot / githubweb
  119. Upgrade jetty to version 9.4.17.v20190418 (#4201) (commit: 92055d3) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  120. EPL license icon for description (#4197) (commit: c20a0d1) — noreply / githubweb
  121. plugin version update for documentation generation (#4198) (commit: 445a541) — noreply / githubweb
  122. Fixed: Various bugs in Helloworld CDI SE Example (#4206) (commit: 35e581f) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  123. Better specify HK2 and Spring dependencies (#4221) (commit: 3dd8549) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  124. Added support for Apache HTTP Client ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy and (commit: 8e04007) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  125. Remove openjdk8 option from Travis build matrix (#4213) (commit: fb846ac) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  126. Update Apache HTTP Client to 4.5.9 (#4212) (commit: cc36c4c) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  127. Removed invalid email addresses (#4203) (commit: 8dcbaf4) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  128. Prevent race condition in entity filtering (#4204) (commit: 0a867e9) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  129. Fix NettyInputStream ByteBuf leak (#4222) (commit: 14e8f18) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  130. Upgrade of MP Rest client to 1.3.3. First refactoring steps to fix (commit: d3b2d63) — tomas.langer / githubweb
  131. Add an option to not register the Jackson's ExceptionMappers by (commit: 068b3b2) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  132. Fixes #3997 : Make SupplierFactoryBridge thread-safe. (commit: 66f5cfa) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  133. Using configured executor service for client. (commit: 38c1957) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  134. Issue 4208 - Fails to inject SecurityContext into Helloworld-CDI2-SE (commit: 8c1d64f) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  135. Enable Spring4 integration test again (commit: ed78313) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  136. Fix issue with OSGi when having package name starting with "class" (commit: 98c4d44) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  137. Updated HK2 version (#4234) (commit: 8c56a39) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  138. Provide an Apache HttpClientBuilder configuration callback (#4238) (commit: 8e01ccc) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  139. Jakarta APIs version upgrade (#4240) (commit: a065740) — noreply / githubweb
  140. Revert JAX-B version as it can be stuck on release review when not being (commit: b99f435) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  141. Fixes #4239 MediaType in method parameter not overridden by annotation (commit: b38e6e8) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  142. Content-type is not set when entity is not present. (#4246) (commit: c7e8476) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  143. Allow HK2 2.5.0 for OSGi (#4250) (commit: 4dbf75c) — 24524084+senivam / githubweb
  144. remove staging repository from Travis build (commit: 6621582) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb

#14 (Dec 5, 2018, 7:04:05 AM)

  1. Properly close the Apache response so that connections can be reused (commit: 52a0dcc) — alessandro.gherardi / githubweb
  2. Modify the SSLConfigurator to get specific system properties. (commit: 6306113) — Shane Argo / githubweb
  3. Revert "Modify the SSLConfigurator to get specific system properties." (commit: 2845eab) — Shane Argo / githubweb
  4. Modify the SSLConfigurator to get specific system properties (commit: e0de9bb) — Shane Argo / githubweb
  5. Jersey dependencies version upgrade (part I) (commit: f31fe14) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  6. ParamConverterFactory should use LinkedHashSet to preserve ordering (commit: 02631b4) — 15908245+jansupol / githubweb
  7. Update pom.xml (commit: beeb2e9) — noreply / githubweb
  8. Update Spring version to latest (commit: 9a67301) — Jan Supol / githubweb
  9. copyright fixes (commit: ff601f7) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  10. CI/CD build and release jobs (commit: d0c5a32) — Maxim Nesen / githubweb
  11. Stop using deprecated CDI API (addAnnotatedType). Continue #3845 (commit: 7ee16ac) — Jan Supol / githubweb