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#41 (Apr 14, 2023, 7:30:11 AM)

  1. Prepare release com.sun.istack:istack-commons:4.1.2 (commit: 685bd78) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  2. Prepare next development cycle for 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 4f63e8e) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  3. remove securitymanager (commit: d80a798) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb

#40 (Apr 11, 2023, 11:04:13 AM)

  1. Prepare release com.sun.istack:istack-commons:4.1.1 (commit: 3a81d48) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  2. Prepare next development cycle for 4.1.2-SNAPSHOT (commit: e2e64a8) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  3. fix cpright (commit: 2625e8c) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  4. update gh action build (commit: 527fe11) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  5. Bump testng from 7.5 to 7.7.0 in /istack-commons (commit: c96196f) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  6. A mojo to generate implementations of jaxb Quick (commit: 3bf4720) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  7. Update dependencies, build plugins (commit: b9357cc) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  8. update gh buld (commit: e4626a6) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  9. Minor code cleanup (commit: 1ee5fc6) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb

#39 (Mar 28, 2022, 7:10:26 AM)

  1. Prepare release com.sun.istack:istack-commons:4.1.0 (commit: 0280e00) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  2. Prepare next development cycle for 4.1.1-SNAPSHOT (commit: 39492d6) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  3. generate private constructor in localization class (commit: b039f7d) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb
  4. update dependencies, (commit: 81ebad8) — Lukas Jungmann / githubweb