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Failed (from xml-ws-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #99 )
Took 1 sec.

Error Message

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.


test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:38:43 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JAXWS\:SPEC\:2030  Message parts are either listed or unlisted. If the value of a wsdl\:part elements name attribute is present in the parameterOrder attribute then the part is listed, otherwise it is unlisted.  Parameters that are mapped from message parts are either listed or unlisted. Parameters that are mapped from listed parts are listed; parameters that are mapped from unlisted parts are unlisted. \nParameters that are mapped from wrapper children (wrapper style mapping only) are unlisted.  \nListed parameters appear first in the method signature in the order in which their corresponding parts \nare listed in the parameterOrder attribute.  \nUnlisted parameters either form the return type or follow the listed parameters \nThe return type is determined as follows\:  \nNon-wrapper style mapping Only parameters that are mapped from parts in the abstract output message \nmay form the return type, parts from other messages (see e.g. section do not qualify. If \nthere is a single unlisted out part in the abstract output message then it forms the method \nreturn type, otherwise the return type is void.  \nWrapper style mapping If there is a single out wrapper child then it forms the method return type, \nif there is an out wrapper child with a local name of return then it forms the method return  \ntype, otherwise the return type is void. \nUnlisted parameters that do not form the return type follow the listed parameters in the following  \norder\: \n1. Parameters mapped from in and in/out parts appear in the same order the corresponding parts  \nappear in the input message. \n2. Parameters mapped from in and in/out wrapper children (wrapper style mapping only) appear  \nin the same order as the corresponding elements appear in the wrapper. \n3. Parameters mapped from out parts appear in the same order the corresponding parts appear in  \nthe output message. \n4. Parameters mapped from out wrapper children (wrapper style mapping only) appear in the same  \norder as the corresponding wrapper children appear in the wrapper.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:35  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:36  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:4000  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:4002  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:5000  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:5002  See assertion html documents.
keywords=all InOut2Test standalone_vehicle reverse
testArgs=-ap jaxws-url-props.dat
testProps=\ webServerHost  webServerPort  platform.mode


end=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:43 UTC 2021
execStatus=Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:42 UTC 2021


TEST NOT RUN:  This test cannot be run until you
rebuild the test classes and/or archives associated with it.
Please see the TCK documentation for more
information on rebuildable tests.
result: Not run. Test running...

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.