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Failed (from xml-ws-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #99 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.


test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:38:42 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JAXWS\:SPEC\:9002  All binding implementations MUST support logical handlers being deployed in their handler chains.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9007  The handler chain for a binding is constructed by starting with the handler chain as returned by the HandlerResolver for the service in use and sorting its elements so that all logical handlers precede all protocol handlers.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9014  For outbound messages handler processing starts with the first handler in the chain and proceeds in the same order as the handler chain. For inbound messages the order of processing is reversed\: processing starts with the last handler in the chain and proceeds in the reverse order of the handler chain.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015  handleMessage\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015.3  Throw ProtocolException or a subclass This indicates that normal message processing should cease.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015.3.2  No response Normal message processing stops, close is called on each previously invoked handler in the chain, the exception is dispatched.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9017  Invoking close\: At the conclusion of an MEP, an implementation MUST call the close method of each handler that was previously invoked during that MEP via either handleMessage or handleFault.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9018  Conformance (Order of close invocations)\: Handlers are invoked in the reverse order in which they were first invoked to handle a message according to the rules for normal message processing
keywords=all ClientSOAPOutboundHandleMessageThrowsSOAPFaultTest standalone_vehicle reverse
testArgs=-ap jaxws-url-props.dat
testProps=\ webServerHost  webServerPort  platform.mode  client.delay


end=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:42 UTC 2021
execStatus=Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:42 UTC 2021


TEST NOT RUN:  This test cannot be run until you
rebuild the test classes and/or archives associated with it.
Please see the TCK documentation for more
information on rebuildable tests.
result: Not run. Test running...

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.