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Failed (from xml-ws-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #99 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.


test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:38:40 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JAXWS\:SPEC\:2044  Conformance (Fault equivalence)\: An implementation MUST map all equivalent faults within a service to a single Java exception class.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:2048  Conformance (Duplicate headers in binding)\: During mapping, an implementionMUST report an error if the binding of an operation includes two or more soap\:header elements that would result in SOAP headers with the same qualified name.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:2049  Conformance (Duplicate headers in Message)\: During unmarshalling, an implementation MUST generate a runtime error if there is more than one instance of a header whose qualified name is mapped to a method parameter.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:3028  A service specific Java exception is mapped to a wsdl\:fault element, a wsdl\:message element with a single child wsdl\:part element and an XML Schema global element declaration. The wsdl\:fault element appears as a child of the wsdl\:operation element that corresponds to the Java method that throws the exception and refers to the wsdl\:message element. The wsdl\:part element refers to an XML Schema global element declaration that describes the fault.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:10008  SOAP mustUnderstand Processing\: The SOAP protocol binding performs the following additional processing on inbound SOAP messages prior to the start of normal handler invocation processing (see section 9.3.2). Refer to the SOAP specification[2, 3, 6 4] for a normative description of the SOAP processing model. This section is not intended to supercede any requirement stated within the SOAP specification, but rather to outline how the configuration information described above is combined to satisfy the SOAP requirements\: 1. Obtain the set of SOAP roles for the current binding instance. This is returned by SOAPBinding.getRoles. 2. Obtain the set of Handlers deployed on the current binding instance. This is obtained via Binding.getHandlerChain. 3. Identify the set of header qualified names (QNames) that the binding instance understands. This is the set of all header QNames\: (a) that are mapped to method parameters in the service endpoint interface, and (b) obtained from Handler.getHeaders() for each Handler in the set obtained in step 2. 4. Identify the set of must understand headers in the inbound message that are targeted at this node. This is the set of all headers with a mustUnderstand attribute whose value is 1 or true and an actor or role attribute whose value is in the set obtained in step 1. 5. For each header in the set obtained in step 4, the header is understood if its QName is in the set identified in step 3. 6. If every header in the set obtained in step 4 is understood, then the node understands how to process the message. Otherwise the node does not understand how to process the message. 7. If the node does not understand how to process the message, then neither handlers nor the endpoint are invoked and instead the binding generates a SOAPmust understand exception. Subsequent actions depend on whether the message exchange pattern (MEP) in use requires a response to the message currently being processed or not\: Response The message direction is reversed and the binding dispatches the SOAP must understand exception (see section 10.2.2). No response The binding dispatches the SOAP must understand exception (see section 10.2.2).\nWSI\:SPEC\:R2209  See assertion html documents.\nWSI\:SPEC\:R9802  See assertion html documents.\nWSI\:SPEC\:R1032  See assertion html documents.\nWSI\:SPEC\:R1034  See assertion html documents.\nWSI\:SPEC\:R1013  See assertion html documents.
keywords=all SoapFaultTest standalone_vehicle reverse
testArgs=-ap jaxws-url-props.dat
testProps=\ webServerHost  webServerPort  platform.mode


end=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:40 UTC 2021
execStatus=Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:40 UTC 2021


TEST NOT RUN:  This test cannot be run until you
rebuild the test classes and/or archives associated with it.
Please see the TCK documentation for more
information on rebuildable tests.
result: Not run. Test running...

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.