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Failed (from xml-ws-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed #99 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.


test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:38:36 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JAXWS\:SPEC\:2064  An application MAY customize the name of the generated methods for a port using the jaxws\:method binding declaration defined in section 8.7.8.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:7000  Conformance (Correctness of annotations)\: An implementation MUST check at runtime that the annotations pertaining to a method being invoked, either on the client or on the server, as well as any containing program elements (i.e. classes, packages) is in conformance with the specification for that annotation\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8000  Conformance Requirement (Standard binding declarations)\: The https\:// namespace is reserved for standard JAX-WS binding declarations. Implementations MUST support all standard JAX-WS binding declarations. Implementation-specific binding declaration extensions MUST NOT use the https\:// namespace.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8001  Conformance Requirement (Binding language extensibility)\: Implementations MUST ignore unknown elements and attributes appearing inside a binding declaration whose namespace name is not the one specified in the standard, i.e. https\://\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8003  8.4 External Binding File The jaxws\:bindings element MAY appear as the root element of a XML document. Such a document is called an external binding file.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8004  Conformance (Multiple binding files)\: Implementations MUST support specifying any number of external JAX-WS and JAXB binding files for processing in conjunction with at least one WSDL document.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8005  8.5 Using JAXB Binding Declarations It is possible to use JAXB binding declarations in conjunction with JAX-WS.  The JAXB 2.0 bindings element, henceforth referred to as jaxb\:bindings, MAY appear as an annotation inside a schema document embedded in a WSDL document, i.e. as a descendant of a xs\:schema element whose parent is the wsdl\:types element. It affects the data binding as specified by JAXB 2.0. Additionally, jaxb\:bindings MAY appear inside a JAX-WS external binding file as a child of a jaxws\:bindings element whose node attribute points to a xs\:schema element inside a WSDL document. When the schema is processed, the outcome MUST be as if the jaxb\:bindings element was inlined inside the schema document as an annotation on the schema component. While processing a JAXB binding declaration (i.e. a jaxb\:bindings element) for a schema document embedded inside a WSDL document, all XPath expressions that appear inside it MUST be interpreted as if the containing xs\:schema element was the root of a standalone schema document.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8006  8.7.1 Definitions The following binding declaration MAY appear in the context of a WSDL document, either as an extension to the wsdl\:definitions element or in an external binding file at a place where there is a WSDL document in scope.   < jaxws\:package name\="xs\:string" > ?  < jaxws\:javadoc > xs\:string < /jaxws\:javadoc > ?  < /jaxws\:package >   < jaxws\:enableWrapperStyle > xs\:boolean < /jaxws\:enableWrapperStyle > ? jaxws\:enableAsyncMapping > ? xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableAsyncMapping >   < jaxws\:enableMIMEContent > ? xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableMIMEContent >\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8007  8.7.2 PortType The following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL portType, either as an extension to the wsdl\:portType element or with a node attribute pointing at one.  < jaxws\:class name\="xs\:string" > ?  < jaxws\:javadoc > xs\:string < /jaxws\:javadoc > ?  < /jaxws\:class >   < jaxws\:enableWrapperStyle >  xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableWrapperStyle > ?  < jaxws\:enableAsyncMapping > xs\:boolean < /jaxws\:enableAsyncMapping >   < jaxws\:enableMIMEContent > ? xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableMIMEContent >\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8008  8.7.3 PortType Operation The following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL portType operation, either as an extension to the wsdl\:portType/wsdl\:operation element or with a node attribute pointing at one.  < jaxws\:method name\="xs\:string" > ?  < jaxws\:javadoc > xs\:string < /jaxws\:javadoc > ?  < /jaxws\:method >   < jaxws\:enableWrapperStyle >  xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableWrapperStyle > ?  < jaxws\:enableAsyncMapping >  xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableAsyncMapping > ?  < jaxws\:parameter part\="xs\:string" childElementName\="xs\:QName"? name\="xs\:string"/ > *\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8009  8.7.4 PortType Fault Message\nThe following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL portType operations fault message, either as an extension to the wsdl\:portType/wsdl\:operation/wsdl\:fault element or with a  \nnode attribute pointing at one. \n < jaxws\:class name\="xs\:string" > ?\n < jaxws\:javadoc > xs\:string < /jaxws\:javadoc > ?\n < /jaxws\:class >\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8010  8.7.5 Binding The following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL binding, either as an extension to the wsdl\:binding element or with a node attribute pointing at one.   < jaxws\:enableMIMEContent >  xs\:boolean  < /jaxws\:enableMIMEContent > ?\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8012  8.7.7 Service The following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL service, either as an extension to the wsdl\:service element or with a node attribute pointing at one.  < jaxws\:class name\="xs\:string" > ?  < jaxws\:javadoc > xs\:string < /jaxws\:javadoc > ?  < /jaxws\:class >\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:8013  8.7.8 Port The following binding declarations MAY appear in the context of a WSDL service, either as an extension to the wsdl\:port element or with a node attribute pointing at one.  < jaxws\:method name\="xs\:string" > ?  < jaxws\:javadoc > xs\:string < /jaxws\:javadoc > ?  < /jaxws\:method >   < jaxws\:provider/ >
keywords=all CustomizationExternalTest standalone_vehicle reverse
testArgs=-ap jaxws-url-props.dat
testProps=\ webServerHost  webServerPort  platform.mode


end=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:36 UTC 2021
execStatus=Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:36 UTC 2021


TEST NOT RUN:  This test cannot be run until you
rebuild the test classes and/or archives associated with it.
Please see the TCK documentation for more
information on rebuildable tests.
result: Not run. Test running...

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.