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Started 4 mo 25 days ago
Took 15 sec on basic-qnbn8

Nucleus Parent (Feb 8, 2024, 11:58:56 AM)

Build Artifacts
nucleus-parent-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT-resources.zip13.29 KiB view
nucleus-parent-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.pom69.67 KiB view
  1. Bump parent from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 (details)
  2. Integrate Shoal 3.0.1 (details)
  3. Update various versions (details)
  4. Prepare release 7.0.0 (details)
  5. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.1-SNAPSHOT (details)
  6. Restore version of osgi.enterprise (details)
  7. Fail on command-security failures, but excuse current violations (details)
  8. Update Jakarta Mail to 2.1.1 (details)
  9. Integrate Angus Mail 1.1.0 (details)
  10. Integrate Jettison 1.5.3 (details)
  11. Use command security 1.0.16 (details)
  12. Integrate Angus 2.0.0 (details)
  13. Several small tooling updates (details)
  14. Prepare release 7.0.1 (details)
  15. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT (details)
  16. Integrate Jersey 3.1.1 (details)
  17. Integrate Web Services 4.0.2 (SOAP) (details)
  18. Integrate Angus Mail 2.0.1 (details)
  19. Setup config for the versions plug-in to ignore OLDER versions. (details)
  20. Integrate checkstyle 10.7.0 (details)
  21. Prepare release 7.0.2 (details)
  22. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.3-SNAPSHOT (details)
  23. Issue #24284 Fixed (details)
  24. Updated maven plugins (details)
  25. Revisited and Version class (details)
  26. Revered update of glassfishbuild-maven-plugin (details)
  27. Integrate Jettison 1.5.4 (details)
  28. Integrate ASM 9.5 (details)
  29. Integrate hk2 3.0.4 (#24362) (details)
  30. Prepare release 7.0.3 (details)
  31. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.4-SNAPSHOT (details)
  32. enable reproducible builds (details)
  33. disable date in hk2 generated files (details)
  34. Integrate Jackson 2.15.0 (details)
  35. Prepare release 7.0.4 (details)
  36. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.5-SNAPSHOT (details)
  37. Transformation of the maven plugin to the annotation processor (details)
  38. Renamed two nucleus poms (details)
  39. Removed glassfishbuild-maven-plugin:echo - duplicated maven output (details)
  40. Integrate Jakarta Mail 2.1.2 (details)
  41. Integrate Jline 3.23 (details)
  42. Integrate Jersey 3.1.2 (details)
  43. Integrate Jackson 2151 (details)
  44. Integrate commons-io 2.12.0 (details)
  45. Prepare release 7.0.5 (details)
  46. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.6-SNAPSHOT (details)
  47. Fix accidentally updated Felix version (details)
  48. Integrate Jackson 2.15.2 (details)
  49. Updated maven test plugins + JaCoCo (details)
  50. Updated jboss-logging to 3.5.1 (details)
  51. Switch to a fork of jsch (com.github.mwiede) and upgrade to 0.2.9 (details)
  52. improve reproducible builds (details)
  53. restore git.branch as its impact remains low (details)
  54. Drop branch from version string/product id info (details)
  55. Do not populate unused properties (details)
  56. Integrate jaxb-impl 4.0.3 (details)
  57. Drop timestamp from version string/product id info (details)
  58. In fastest mode (-Pfastest) we don't need to build the docs (details)
  59. Fix for botched #24472 (details)
  60. Prepare release 7.0.6 (details)
  61. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.7-SNAPSHOT (details)
  62. Integate JBoss Logging 3.5.2 (details)
  63. Integrate Hibernate Validator 8.0.1 (details)
  64. Integrate Commons IO 2.13.0 (details)
  65. Integrate Webconsole 4.8.8 (details)
  66. Integrate Weld 5.1.1.SP1 (details)
  67. Integrate command-security 1.0.17 (details)
  68. Update Maven plugins (details)
  69. Remove jacoco.version property (details)
  70. Integrate Jersey 3.1.3 (details)
  71. Prepare release 7.0.7 (details)
  72. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.8-SNAPSHOT (details)
  73. Update test dependencies (junit, jmh, checkstyle) (details)
  74. Integrate commons-lang3 3.13.0 (details)
  75. Integrate jsch 0.2.11 (details)
  76. Integrate Felix webconsole 4.8.12 (details)
  77. Prepare release 7.0.8 (details)
  78. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.9-SNAPSHOT (details)
  79. Enabled almost all of GF Embedded Maven plugin tests (details)
  80. Integrate Jakarta XML Bind API 4.0.1 (details)
  81. Revert formatting done by my IDE (details)
  82. Update several maven plugins (details)
  83. Update comment for glassfishbuild-maven-plugin (details)
  84. Update maven-bundle-plugin to 5.1.9 (details)
  85. Integrate ORB 4.2.5 (details)
  86. Prepare release 7.0.9 (details)
  87. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.10 (details)
  88. Correct new version by adding -SNAPSHOT (details)
  89. Integrate Grizzly 4.0.1-M1 (details)
  90. Integrate Grizzly 4.0.1 (details)
  91. Using glassfishbuild-maven-plugin 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT + fixes (details)
  92. Fixed build on Windows - bat file suffix (details)
  93. Set build plug-in to 4.0.0-M1 (details)
  94. Increased minimal maven version to 3.9.0 (details)
  95. Fixed AS_JAVA and JAVA_HOME env properties for exec-maven-plugin (details)
  96. Integrate HK 3.0.5-M1 and ASM 9.6 (details)
  97. Update HK2 to final version (details)
  98. Using wsit/metro snapshot version with updated dependency on xmlsec (details)
  99. Temporary OmniFish snapshot repository (details)
  100. Using released Metro Webservices 4.0.3 (details)
  101. Update pom.xml (details)
  102. Integrate Jakarta SOAP (XMLWSAPI) 4.0.1 and JAXB implementation 4.0.4 (details)
  103. Integrate Commons IO 2.14.0 (details)
  104. Integrate Classmate 1.6.0 (details)
  105. Update test tools checkstyle, jacoco and htmlunit (details)
  106. Integrate JLine 3.23 (details)
  107. Integrate Commons IO 2.15 (details)
  108. Integrate JSCH 0.2.12 (details)
  109. Use GlassFish Build Maven plugin 4.0.0 (details)
  110. Prepare release 7.0.10 (details)
  111. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.11-SNAPSHOT (details)
  112. Update various build-plugins to latest version (details)
  113. Start with integrate Authorization 3.0 API and Exousia 3.0 (details)
  114. Initial support for (details)
  115. Integrate Jersey 3.1.4 (details)
  116. Prepare release 7.0.11 (details)
  117. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.12-SNAPSHOT (details)
  118. Add initial support for several Jakarta EE 11 M1 APIs (details)
  119. Expressly finally as M1 instead of SNAPSHOT (details)
  120. Integrate Jersey 3.1.5 (details)
  121. Add Jakarta Validation 3.1.0-M1 (details)
  122. Integrate Jackson 2.16.0 (details)
  123. Next version is 8.0.0 (details)
  124. Integrate Grizzly 4.0.2 (details)
  125. Update MP to Jakarta EE 11 M1 compatible versions. (details)
  126. Integrate Javassist 3.30.2 (details)
  127. Integrate JLine 3.25.0 (details)
  128. Integrate commons-lang3 3.14.0 (details)
  129. Integrate commons-io 2.15.1 (details)
  130. Integrate ClassMate 1.7.0 (details)
  131. Fixes license year (details)
  132. Integrate JSch 0.2.16 (details)
  133. Integrate early build of Jersey 4. (details)
  134. Remove all JMockit occurrences (details)
  135. Integrate EasyMock 5.2.0 (details)
  136. Update JaCoCo to 0.8.11 (details)
  137. Integrate GlassFish Shoal 3.1.0 (details)
  138. Integrate HK2 3.0.6 (details)
  139. Prepare release 7.0.12 (details)
  140. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.13-SNAPSHOT (details)