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com.sun.ts.tests.jaxws.api.jakarta_xml_ws_handler_soap.SOAPHandler.Client.ServerSOAPOutboundHandleMessageThrowsSOAPFaultExceptionTest_from_standalone_reverse (from xml-ws-tck)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #99 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.


test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.

Standard Output

#Test Results (version 2)
#Fri Mar 26 03:38:29 UTC 2021
assertion_ids=JAXWS\:JAVADOC\:87  Called at the conclusion of a message exchange pattern just prior to the JAX-WS runtime disptaching a message, fault or exception. Refer to the description of the handler framework in the JAX-WS specification for full details.\nJAXWS\:JAVADOC\:88  The handleFault method is invoked for fault message processing. Refer to the description of the handler framework in the JAX-WS specification for full details.\nJAXWS\:JAVADOC\:89  The handleMessage method is invoked for normal processing of inbound and outbound messages. Refer to the description of the handler framework in the JAX-WS specification for full details.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015  handleMessage\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015.3  Throw ProtocolException or a subclass This indicates that normal message processing should cease.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015.3.1  Response Normal message processing stops, fault message processing starts. The message direction is reversed, if the message is not already a fault message then it is replaced with a fault message, and the runtime invokes handleFault on the next handler or dispatches the message if there are no further handlers.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015.4  Throw any other runtime exception This indicates that normal message processing should cease.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9015.4.2  No response Normal message processing stops, close is called on each previously invoked handler in the chain, the exception is dispatched.\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9016  handleFault Called for fault message processing\nJAXWS\:SPEC\:9016.1  Return true This indicates that fault message processing should continue. The runtime invokes handle Fault on the next handler or dispatches the fault message if there are no further handlers.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:6005  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:6008  See assertion html documents.\nWS4EE\:SPEC\:6028  See assertion html documents.
keywords=all ServerSOAPOutboundHandleMessageThrowsSOAPFaultExceptionTest standalone_vehicle reverse
testArgs=-ap jaxws-url-props.dat
testProps=\ webServerHost  webServerPort  platform.mode  harness.log.traceflag


end=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:29 UTC 2021
execStatus=Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.
harnessLoaderMode=Classpath Loader
harnessVariety=Full Bundle
javatestOS=Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
sections=script_messages TestRun
start=Fri Mar 26 03\:38\:29 UTC 2021


TEST NOT RUN:  This test cannot be run until you
rebuild the test classes and/or archives associated with it.
Please see the TCK documentation for more
information on rebuildable tests.
result: Not run. Test running...

test result: Error. VI classes and/or archives have not been built.