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org.hibernate.beanvalidation.tck.tests.xmlconfiguration.ConstraintValidatorFactorySpecifiedInValidationXmlTest.testConstraintValidatorFactorySpecifiedInValidationXml (from beanvalidation-3.0)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Unstable #79 )
Took 0.29 sec.

Error Message

The factory should have been called at least once if it was properly picked up by xml configuration. expected [true] but found [false]


java.lang.AssertionError: The factory should have been called at least once if it was properly picked up by xml configuration. expected [true] but found [false]
	at org.hibernate.beanvalidation.tck.tests.xmlconfiguration.ConstraintValidatorFactorySpecifiedInValidationXmlTest.testConstraintValidatorFactorySpecifiedInValidationXml(