Interface IElementImplSupport

All Superinterfaces:
IElement, IElementImpl, IElementImplExtension, IModelManager.Provider
All Known Subinterfaces:
ISourceConstructImplSupport, ISourceElementImplSupport, ISourceFileImplSupport
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseSourceFile, Element, FsSourceFile, SourceConstruct, SourceFile, WorkspaceSourceFile

public interface IElementImplSupport extends IElementImplExtension, IModelManager.Provider
A "trait-like" interface providing a skeletal implementation of IElementImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface. Clients may implement ("mix in") this interface directly or extend Element.

In general, the members first defined in this interface are not intended to be referenced outside the subtype hierarchy.

This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • defaultHashCode_

      default int defaultHashCode_()
      A default implementation of IElement.hashCode() cannot be provided in an interface, but clients can implement hashCode by delegating to this default method.

      By default, the hash code for an element is a combination of hash codes for its name and its parent element. This method is specialized in ISourceConstructImplSupport to include the element's occurrence count, and in ISourceFileImplSupport to return the hash code for the underlying file object, if there is one. This method is not intended to be replaced by clients; if necessary, clients should override hashCode directly.

      a hash code value
    • defaultEquals_

      default boolean defaultEquals_(Object obj)
      A default implementation of IElement.equals(Object) cannot be provided in an interface, but clients can implement equals by delegating to this default method.

      By default, two elements that implement this interface are equal if they are identical or if they can equal each other and do have equal names and equal parents. This method is specialized in ISourceConstructImplSupport and ISourceFileImplSupport to also compare occurrence counts and underlying file objects respectively. This method is not intended to be replaced by clients; if necessary, clients should override equals directly.

      obj - the object with which to compare
      true if this element is equal to the given object, and false otherwise
    • canEqual_

      default boolean canEqual_(Object obj)
      Returns whether this element can equal the given object. If this method returns false, the equals method must also return false for the same argument object.

      This implementation compares run-time classes of the objects for equality; as such, it does not allow creating a subclass whose instances can equal superclass instances. Clients may provide their own implementation for this method and use a less discriminating technique such as instanceof check.

      For details, see, Pitfall #4.

      obj - not null
      true if this element can equal the given object, and false otherwise
    • getModel_

      default IModel getModel_()
      Returns the model that owns this element. This is a handle-only method.

      This implementation returns getModelManager_().getModel().

      Specified by:
      getModel_ in interface IElementImpl
      the element's model (never null)
    • getElementManager_

      default ElementManager getElementManager_()
      Returns the element manager for this element. The manager must be shared between all elements of a Handly-based model. Typical implementations would answer a model-specific singleton. This is a handle-only method.

      This implementation returns getModelManager_().getElementManager().

      the element manager for this element (never null)
    • getChildrenFromBody_

      default IElement[] getChildrenFromBody_(Object body)
      Given a body for this element, returns the immediate children.

      This implementation returns ((Body)body).getChildren().

      Specified by:
      getChildrenFromBody_ in interface IElementImplExtension
      body - a body for this element (not null)
      the immediate children (never null). Clients must not modify the returned array.
    • findBody_

      default Object findBody_()
      Description copied from interface: IElementImplExtension
      Returns the cached body for this element, or null if none.
      Specified by:
      findBody_ in interface IElementImplExtension
      the cached body for this element, or null if none
    • peekAtBody_

      default Object peekAtBody_()
      Description copied from interface: IElementImplExtension
      Returns the cached body for this element without disturbing cache ordering, or null if none.
      Specified by:
      peekAtBody_ in interface IElementImplExtension
      the cached body for this element, or null if none
    • exists_

      default boolean exists_()
      Returns whether this element exists in the model.

      Handles may or may not be backed by an actual element. Handles that are backed by an actual element are said to "exist".

      This implementation returns true if there is a cached body for this element, and false if this element has a parent and the parent does not exist; otherwise, it invokes validateExistence_ to determine the result.

      Specified by:
      exists_ in interface IElementImpl
      true if this element exists in the model, and false if this element does not exist
    • validateExistence_

      void validateExistence_(IContext context) throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
      Validates that this element may be "opened", i.e., begin existence in the model. For example, a necessary condition for element existence might be that the underlying resource exists.

      Note that ancestor elements may or may not exist; this method need not explicitly verify their existence.

      context - the operation context (not null)
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if this element shall not exist
      See Also:
    • newDoesNotExistException_

      default org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException newDoesNotExistException_()
      Returns a new instance of generic "element does not exist" exception. The exception's message identifies the non-existing element without giving any details about the reason for nonexistence.
      a new "element does not exist" exception (never null)
    • open_

      default Object open_(IContext context, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
      Ensures that this element is open, i.e., it exists and is present in the body cache. Returns the cached body for this element.

      Implementations are encouraged to support the following standard options, which may be specified in the given context:

      This implementation attempts to open the parent element first. Then, if this element is openable and is permitted to open, invokes buildStructure_(IContext, IProgressMonitor) with an appropriately augmented context, acquires the element manager lock, updates the body cache with the built structure, and releases the lock. When this element is already open, the update may involve closing existing children or do nothing at all, depending on the value of FORCE_OPEN. If this element is not openable and the openable parent did not create a body for this element, this implementation throws a newDoesNotExistException_().

      Specified by:
      open_ in interface IElementImplExtension
      context - the operation context (not null)
      monitor - a progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired. The caller must not rely on IProgressMonitor.done() having been called by the receiver
      the cached body for this element (never null)
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if this element does not exist or if an exception occurs while accessing its corresponding resource
    • openParent_

      default void openParent_(IContext context, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
      Opens the parent element if necessary.

      This method is called internally; it is not intended to be invoked by clients.

      This implementation attempts to open the parent element if it supports IElementImplExtension and is not already open.

      context - the operation context (never null)
      monitor - a progress monitor (never null). The caller must not rely on IProgressMonitor.done() having been called by the receiver
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if an exception occurs while opening this element's parent
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException - if this method is canceled
      See Also:
    • isOpenable_

      default boolean isOpenable_()
      Returns whether this element is "openable". Openable elements know how to build their structure and can be opened one by one. In particular, there is no need to open an openable child when opening its parent. Non-openable elements rely on the openable parent to build their structure. Opening of a parent element opens all non-openable children at once.

      This implementation returns true. Non-openable elements must override this method and return false.

      true if this element is openable, and false otherwise
    • buildStructure_

      void buildStructure_(IContext context, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor) throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
      Creates and initializes bodies for this element and for each non-openable child element (and their non-openable children, recursively). Uses the NEW_ELEMENTS map in the given context to associate the created bodies with their respective elements.

      Note that this method does not make sense and must not be called for non-openable elements -- they rely on the openable parent to build their structure.

      context - the operation context (not null)
      monitor - a progress monitor (not null). The caller must not rely on IProgressMonitor.done() having been called by the receiver
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - if the structure could not be determined
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException - if this method is canceled
    • close_

      default void close_(IContext context)
      Closes this element if, and only if, the current state of this element permits closing according to options specified in the given context.

      Closing of an element removes its body from the body cache. In general, closing of a parent element also closes its children. If the current state of an open child element does not permit closing, the child element remains open, which generally does not prevent its parent from closing. Closing of an element which is not open has no effect.

      Implementations are encouraged to support the following standard options, which may be specified in the given context:

      After checking that the current state of this element permits closing, this implementation invokes remove_(IContext) to actually close this element.

      Specified by:
      close_ in interface IElementImplExtension
      context - the operation context (not null)
    • remove_

      default void remove_(IContext context)
      Removes this element from the body cache according to options specified in the given context. In general, not only removes the cached body for this element but also attempts to close this element's children. Does nothing if the cache contained no body for this element.

      This is a low-level operation, which removes this element's body and thus closes this element even if the current state of this element does not permit closing. Consider using a higher-level close_(IContext) method.

      If there is a cached body for this element, this implementation invokes removing_(Object) method to notify this element of the upcoming removal of its body, calls close_(of(CLOSE_HINT, PARENT_CLOSING)) for each of this element's children, then removes the cached body for this element, all while holding the element manager lock.

      context - the operation context (not null)
    • removing_

      default void removing_(Object body)
      Informs this element that its body is going to be removed from the body cache. This method is called under the element manager lock.

      This method is called internally; it is not intended to be invoked by clients.

      body - the cached body for this element (never null)
    • toString_

      default String toString_(IContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IElementImpl
      Returns a string representation of this element in a form suitable for debugging purposes. Clients can influence the result with format options specified in the given context; unrecognized options are ignored and an empty context is permitted.

      Implementations are encouraged to support common options defined in ToStringOptions and interpret the FORMAT_STYLE as follows:

      • FULL - A full representation that lists ancestors and children.
      • LONG - A long representation that lists children but not ancestors.
      • MEDIUM - A compact representation that lists ancestors but not children.
      • SHORT - A minimal representation that does not list ancestors or children.
      Specified by:
      toString_ in interface IElementImpl
      context - not null
      a string representation of this element (never null)
    • toStringAncestors_

      default void toStringAncestors_(StringBuilder builder, IContext context)
    • toStringChildren_

      default void toStringChildren_(StringBuilder builder, Object body, IContext context)
    • toStringBody_

      default void toStringBody_(StringBuilder builder, Object body, IContext context)
    • toStringName_

      default void toStringName_(StringBuilder builder, IContext context)