All Classes and Interfaces

A partial implementation of IContainmentAdapter for Handly-based models.
A partial implementation of Handly-based search result.
An abstract base implementation of a preference.
A subclass of AbstractTextSearchViewPage that extends the base implementation with a bit more functionality.
A partial implementation of ISearchContentProvider for the tree viewer.
A partial implementation of IWorkingSetElementAdapter.
A partial implementation of IWorkingSetPage.
An almost complete implementation of IWorkingSetUpdater for Handly-based models.
Utility class used to help process element change events.
Provides constants for API levels as defined by major and minor releases of Handly.
Provides static utility methods for manipulating arrays.
A base implementation of a label provider for an AbstractTextSearchViewPage.
Provides a skeletal implementation of ISourceFileImplExtension for source files that can have an underlying file in the workspace or outside the workspace.
Holds cached structure and properties for an IElement.
Implements a boolean-valued preference.
An LRU cache with a fixed maximum size (the bound).
A simple IBuffer implementation.
Default implementation of IBufferChange.
Applies a given change to a given IBuffer.
Default implementation of ICallHierarchy.
Default implementation of a tree content provider for a call hierarchy.
Enumeration of the call hierarchy kinds.
Default implementation of a label provider for call hierarchy nodes.
An abstract base implementation for ICallHierarchyNode.
A manager for instances of CallHierarchyViewPart.
A helper class for opening a call hierarchy view.
An abstract base implementation of a call hierarchy view.
Represents an entry of the call hierarchy view history list.
Default implementation of ICallLocation.
Holds information about the text of a call, including the text range.
A child buffer is created on top of a parent IBuffer and inherits the parent's contents initially, but is modified independently.
Contributes collapse-all action.
Combines a ColumnLayoutData with a header for a table column.
An abstract base implementation of ICommonOutlinePage.
Composes multiple action groups into one.
Composes multiple label decorators into one.
Composes multiple reconciling strategies into one.
Implementation of IContext that is based on explicit bindings and does not allow re-binding.
Provides static utility methods for creating and operating on IContexts.
A content adapter that is based on IAdaptable mechanism.
The default EditorUtility.
Default implementation of IWorkingCopyCallback.
A deferred content provider for IElements.
In contrast to SourceFileDocumentProvider, which acquires a working copy in the calling thread, this class defers working copy acquisition to a worker thread.
Subclass of FileInfo that can retain a reference to a source file.
An abstract base class for a tree content provider that supports asynchronous fetching of children.
An implementation of IPostSelectionProvider that delegates to another selection provider, which can be replaced dynamically.
Default implementation of IDocumentChange.
Applies a given change to a given IDocument.
A snapshot of an IDocument.
Implements a double-valued preference.
A preference store that delegates reads and writes to separate stores.
An abstract base class for outline contributions listening to the outline page's editor input change.
A helper class for opening a model element in an editor.
An editor-based outline popup host.
Provides common methods for working with model elements in editors (such as finding an editor reference for an element and revealing an element in an editor).
An abstract base class of a working copy reconciler that is activated on editor activation and forces reconciling on a significant change in the underlying model.
Provides a skeletal implementation of IElementImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
A bounded LRU cache of element handle/body relationships that is intended to be used in advanced implementations of IBodyCache.
Default implementation of IElementChangeEvent.
An abstract base class for outline contributions listening to IElementChangeEvents.
A thread safe list of element change listeners.
An entry of the element change listener list.
Records changes in the state of an element tree between two discrete points in time and produces a delta tree representing the changes.
A complete implementation of IElementDeltaImpl.
Builds a tree of ElementDelta objects based on elementary changes.
Represents a factory for creating instances of ElementDelta.
Provides static methods for generic access to IElementDeltas.
A basic label provider for IElements.
Manages element handle/body relationships for a Handly-based model.
Provides static methods for generic access to IElements.
A basic content provider for IElements.
Instructs the outline page's tree viewer to consult filters to more accurately determine if an item can be expanded.
Contributes expand-all action.
An abstract implementation of an outline popup that supports filtering based on a pattern inputed by the user.
A string pattern matcher that supports '*' and '?' wildcards.
Implements a float-valued preference.
A preference store that flushes the delegate after each write operation.
Provides a skeletal implementation of ISourceFileImplExtension for source files that have an underlying IFileStore.
Implementation of IContext backed by a Guice injector.
Extends DirtyStateEditorSupport for Handly reconciling story.
Adaptation of JvmTypesAwareDirtyStateEditorSupport for Handly reconciling story.
A partial implementation of Handly-based outline page pre-wired with contributions that are common to a typical outline.
A partial implementation of Handly-based outline popup.
An IElementChangeListener that updates the content of the managed AbstractHandlySearchResults on element change events.
Extends XtextDocument for Handly reconciling story.
Integrates Xtext editor with Handly working copy management facility.
A partial implementation of Handly-based outline page for Xtext editor.
A partial implementation of Handly-based outline popup for Xtext editor.
A simple handler that opens Handly-based outline popup for Xtext editor.
Adaptation of XtextReconciler for Handly reconciling story.
Shows a history list in a drop-down.
Represents the underlying history for the HistoryDropDownAction.
Represents a cache of element handle/body relationships.
Represents a boolean-valued preference.
Represents a potentially shared buffer that contains text contents of a resource.
Describes a text change to be applied to an IBuffer.
Interface for listeners to buffer state changes.
Represents a call hierarchy.
Represents a call hierarchy node.
Represents a call and the associated location.
A common protocol for collecting elements.
Represents a common outline page.
Defines a one-to-one correspondence (bijection) between elements of a Handly-based model and elements of some other model.
An object capable of providing an IContentAdapter.
A context supplies values associated with keys; keys are instances of Property or Class.
An object capable of providing ITextFileBuffer for an underlying file.
Defines a one-to-one mapping (injection) of elements from a Handly-based model to elements in some other model.
Describes a change to be applied to an IDocument.
Represents a double-valued preference.
A marker interface for all elements of a Handly-based model.
Describes a change to the structure or contents of one or more trees of elements of a Handly-based model.
An element change listener is notified of changes to elements of a Handly-based model.
A marker interface for delta objects which describe changes in an IElement between two discrete points in time.
Builds an IElementDelta tree based on elementary changes.
Provides constants which define element delta kinds and describe element changes.
Model implementors may opt to extend this interface, which extends IElementDelta with a number of default methods.
All IElementDeltas must implement this interface.
Model implementors may opt to extend this interface, which extends IElement with a number of default methods.
Provides a generic way to create IElement handles.
All IElements must implement this interface.
Extension of IElementImpl that introduces the notion of element's cached body.
Indicates reason for element closing.
A "trait-like" interface providing a skeletal implementation of IElementImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
Represents a float-valued preference.
Handly extension interface for IXtextDocument.
Represents an undoable unit of work.
Given an IEditorInput, provides an appropriate IElement.
Represents an integer-valued preference.
Represents a long-valued preference.
A marker interface for Handly-based models.
Model implementors may opt to extend this interface, which extends IModel with a number of default methods.
All IModels must implement this interface.
The central point for an element to access information and services related to the model as a whole.
Provides access to the model manager.
Encapsulates an indentation policy such as the indentation unit and line separator used.
Notifies registered listeners about an element change event.
Implements an integer-valued preference.
Represents a contribution to the common outline page.
A listener that is notified when the input of a common outline page changes.
Represents the host of an outline popup.
Represents an abstract preference.
A listener that is notified when the value of a preference changes.
Reconciles a model based on text of a particular content type.
A common protocol for reference countable objects.
Represents a content provider for an AbstractSearchResultPage.
A snapshot of the character contents of a resource or buffer.
An object capable of providing snapshots of the underlying resource or buffer.
A marker interface for elements in a source file or, more generally, elements inside a "resource" that may have associated source (an example of such "resource" might be a class file in a jar).
All ISourceConstructs must implement this interface.
Extension of ISourceConstructImpl that introduces the notion of element's occurrence count.
A "trait-like" interface providing a skeletal implementation of ISourceConstructImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
A marker interface for elements that may have associated source code.
Model implementors may opt to extend this interface, which extends ISourceElement with a number of default methods.
All ISourceElements must implement this interface.
A "trait-like" interface providing a skeletal implementation of ISourceElementImpl to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
Holds cached structure and properties for an ISourceElement.
A marker interface for elements that represent a source file.
Model implementors may opt to extend this interface, which extends ISourceFile with a number of default methods.
All ISourceFiles must implement this interface.
Extension of ISourceFileImpl that introduces the notion of working copy.
A "trait-like" interface providing a skeletal implementation of ISourceFileImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
Reconciles a working copy and sends out a delta notification indicating the nature of the change of the working copy since the last time it was reconciled.
Reconciles a working copy.
Accepts IStatus objects.
Represents a string-valued preference.
Receives notifications related to the lifecycle of a working copy and intercepts calls related to reconciling of the working copy.
Groups objects related to a working copy.
Manages the life-cycle of and provides access to working copies of source files.
Compares elements based on the strings obtained from the content viewer's label provider.
Contributes lexical sort action, if the outline page supports lexical sorting.
Contributes a lexical sorter, if the outline page supports lexical sorting.
A language-specific lexical sort preference for the outline.
A partial implementation of ILinkHelper for Handly-based models.
Contributes link-with-editor action, if the outline page supports linking with editor.
An abstract base class for link-with-editor contributions.
A language-specific link-with-editor preference for the outline.
Default implementation of a label provider for the call location table.
Enumeration of the columns in the call location table.
Implements a long-valued preference.
An LRU cache.
An LRU cache entry.
Provides static methods for generic access to IModels.
A WorkspaceTestCase that suspends execution of all jobs in its NoJobsWorkspaceTestCase.setUp() method and resumes execution of jobs in its NoJobsWorkspaceTestCase.tearDown() method.
A snapshot that never expires.
Default implementation of INotificationManager.
Thrown when a method expects Xtext resource to be present in a containing XtextDocument but it is missing.
A content adapter that does nothing in terms of actual adaptation: it merely defines identity transformation between all IElements.
Opens an editor on an applicable element.
Provides 'Open' action and 'Open With' submenu.
Opens the search preferences dialog.
An abstract base class for outline action contributions.
A base class for outline context menu contributions.
A basic implementation of IOutlineContribution.
An abstract base class for outline drag-and-drop contributions.
An abstract base class for outline filter contributions.
An abstract base class for outline linking helpers.
An abstract base implementation of an outline popup.
An abstract implementation of a handler that opens an outline popup.
An abstract base class for outline sorter contributions.
Provides default implementations for the methods of IPartListener.
Describes a change in the value of a preference.
An abstract base class for decorating an element's image with error and warning overlays.
Indicates problem severity.
Decorates an element's image with error and warning overlays that represent the severity of markers attached to the element's corresponding resource.
Refreshes the outline when problem markers attached to the underlying resource change.
Represents a named property of a given type.
Provides default implementations for the methods of IQueryListener.
An abstract base class for outline contributions listening to IResourceChangeEvents.
A workspace job to process notification of resource changes that might have happened while a given plug-in was not active.
Indicates whether a buffer is to be saved after a change has been applied to it.
This class is forked from org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore to fix the memory leak issue described in Bug 239033.
A helper class for opening a search match in an editor.
A default implementation of ISearchContentProvider for the table viewer.
A scheduling rule that does not allow nesting and conflicts only with a SerialPerObjectRule pertaining to the same (i.e., equal) lock object.
Abstract superclass of all snapshots.
Provides a skeletal implementation of ISourceConstructImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
Holds cached structure and properties for a source element.
Implements linking logic for outlines of ISourceElements.
Provides a skeletal implementation of ISourceFileImplExtension to minimize the effort required to implement that interface.
A TextEditBasedChange that operates on a ISourceFile.
Subclass of TextFileDocumentProvider specialized for working copy management of source files.
Subclass of FileInfo that can retain a reference to a working copy of a source file.
Thrown to indicate that a stale snapshot is detected.
Implements a string-valued preference.
A helper class that is typically used when building the inner structure of a source file.
Implementation of IBuffer backed by a text editor document.
Implementation of IBuffer backed by an ITextFileBuffer.
A snapshot of an ITextFileBuffer.
A snapshot of a text IFile.
Specifies whether the snapshot is to be taken directly from the file system, bypassing the workspace.
A snapshot of a text IFileStore.
Describes a certain range in an indexed text store.
An action that toggles a boolean-valued preference.
An abstract base class for outline action contributions that toggle a boolean-valued preference.
Provides common hints for a textual representation of an object.
Enumeration of the style of textual representation of an object.
Enumeration of the type hierarchy kinds.
An abstract base implementation of a type hierarchy view.
Represents an entry of the type hierarchy view history list.
Executes a BufferChangeOperation in the UI thread.
Executes a DocumentChangeOperation in the UI thread.
Allows to execute runnables in the user-interface thread.
Support for dragging items out of a structured viewer.
Support for dropping items into a structured viewer.
Tracks focus of the given viewers.
A partial implementation of IWorkingCopyCallback, which clients may opt to extend instead of implementing the interface directly.
An abstract base class of a working copy reconciler that is activated on viewer activation and forces reconciling on a significant change in the underlying model.
Reconciles a working copy.
Provides a skeletal implementation of ISourceFileImplExtension for source files residing in the workspace.
Convenient base class for test cases that operate on the Eclipse workspace.
A partial implementation for ICallHierarchyNode based on Xtext.
Serves as a basis for the implementation of XtextCallHierarchyNode by providing API and default implementation to find the call references and obtain the call text info.
Xtext-specific implementation of IWorkingCopyCallback.