Push event to branch master Connecting to https://api.github.com using 116316/****** (GitHub app GLSP) Obtained Jenkinsfile from d53e2e2ab356951621fb85eea3d0a32541ff9b23 [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] echo [WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option. [Pipeline] podTemplate [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] node Created Pod: kubernetes glsp/glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8 Still waiting to schedule task ‘glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8’ is offline Agent glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8 is provisioned from template glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0 --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: annotations: buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.glsp.svc.cluster.local/glsp/job/eclipse-glsp/job/glsp-client/job/master/230/" runUrl: "job/eclipse-glsp/job/glsp-client/job/master/230/" labels: jenkins: "slave" jenkins/label-digest: "ada02baee263c1a03329f0354abad8439fdbe91c" jenkins/label: "glsp-agent-pod" name: "glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8" namespace: "glsp" spec: containers: - command: - "cat" image: "node:18" name: "node" resources: limits: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1" requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1" tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" name: "jenkins-home" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/.yarn" name: "yarn-global" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.glsp.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.glsp.svc.cluster.local/glsp/" image: "docker.io/eclipsecbi/jiro-agent-basic:remoting-3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc" name: "jnlp" resources: requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - emptyDir: {} name: "yarn-global" - emptyDir: {} name: "jenkins-home" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" Running on glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-xrtc8 in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM) [Pipeline] checkout The recommended git tool is: git using credential github-app-glsp Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags Cloning repository https://github.com/eclipse-glsp/glsp-client.git > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/eclipse-glsp/glsp-client.git > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub app GLSP > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- https://github.com/eclipse-glsp/glsp-client.git +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/eclipse-glsp/glsp-client.git # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch Checking out Revision d53e2e2ab356951621fb85eea3d0a32541ff9b23 (master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f d53e2e2ab356951621fb85eea3d0a32541ff9b23 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Provide Geometry utility classes (#341)" > git rev-list --no-walk c2ca34551f9d9268eae3be66de23e3782e880af1 # timeout=10 [GitHub Checks] GitHub check (name: CI Jenkins Build, status: in_progress) has been published. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Build) [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + yarn install yarn install v1.22.19 [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages... [3/5] Fetching packages... warning Pattern ["wrap-ansi@^7.0.0"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/yarn-cache/v6/npm-wrap-ansi-cjs-7.0.0-67e145cff510a6a6984bdf1152911d69d2eb9e43-integrity/node_modules/wrap-ansi-cjs" as pattern ["wrap-ansi-cjs@npm:wrap-ansi@^7.0.0"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping. [4/5] Linking dependencies... warning " > @eclipse-glsp/client@2.2.0-next" has unmet peer dependency "inversify@^6.0.1". warning " > @eclipse-glsp/sprotty@2.2.0-next" has unmet peer dependency "inversify@^6.0.1". warning " > @eclipse-glsp/protocol@2.2.0-next" has unmet peer dependency "inversify@^6.0.1". warning "workspace-aggregator-807fc08e-9743-4b7a-adf3-2602754c5ca1 > @eclipse-glsp/sprotty > sprotty@1.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "inversify@^6.0.1". [5/5] Building fresh packages... $ yarn build yarn run v1.22.19 $ yarn compile && yarn bundle $ tsc -b $ yarn standalone bundle $ yarn --cwd ./examples/workflow-standalone bundle $ webpack asset bundle.js 3.87 MiB [emitted] (name: main) 1 related asset asset aeb98e0beefa59d80a39.ttf?7cea6a135a6c0359d1f6d18e6b2c5c42 66.3 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: ../../node_modules/@vscode/codicons/dist/codicon.ttf?7cea6a135a6c0359d1f6d18e6b2c5c42] (auxiliary name: main) runtime modules 2.63 KiB 9 modules orphan modules 11 bytes [orphan] 1 module modules by path ../../ 3.22 MiB (javascript) 66.3 KiB (asset) modules by path ../../packages/ 1.32 MiB 361 modules modules by path ../../node_modules/ 1.9 MiB (javascript) 66.3 KiB (asset) 312 modules modules by path ../workflow-glsp/ 34.8 KiB modules by path ../workflow-glsp/lib/ 27.2 KiB 7 modules modules by path ../workflow-glsp/css/*.css 7.57 KiB 2 modules modules by path ./ 12.9 KiB modules by path ./lib/*.js 7.12 KiB 3 modules modules by path ./css/*.css 5.78 KiB 2 modules modules by mime type image/svg+xml 1.57 KiB data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3.. 396 bytes [built] [code generated] data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3.. 406 bytes [built] [code generated] + 2 modules webpack 5.91.0 compiled successfully in 9604 ms Done in 34.15s. Done in 81.94s. [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + git diff --name-only + grep --quiet ^yarn.lock [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Codechecks (ESLint)) [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + yarn lint:ci yarn run v1.22.19 $ yarn lint --output-file eslint_report.json --format json $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx . --output-file eslint_report.json --format json Created Pod: kubernetes glsp/glsp-agent-pod-nv9w0-r6lpj Done in 48.26s. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container Post stage [Pipeline] recordIssues [ESLint] [-ERROR-] Errors during parsing [ESLint] [-ERROR-] No files found for pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml'. Configuration error? [ESLint] Searching for all files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master' that match the pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml' [ESLint] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled [ESLint] Skipping post processing [ESLint] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues [ESLint] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining [ESLint] Searching for all files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master' that match the pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml' [ESLint] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled [ESLint] Skipping post processing [ESLint] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues [ESLint] Ignoring 'aggregatingResults' and ID 'null' since only a single tool is defined. [ESLint] Searching for all files in '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master' that match the pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml' [ESLint] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled [ESLint] Skipping post processing [ESLint] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues [ESLint] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining [ESLint] [-ERROR-] Errors during parsing [ESLint] [-ERROR-] No files found for pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml'. Configuration error? [ESLint] [-ERROR-] Errors during parsing [ESLint] [-ERROR-] No files found for pattern 'node_modules/**/*/eslint.xml'. Configuration error? [ESLint] Reference build recorder is not configured [ESLint] No valid reference build found [ESLint] All reported issues will be considered outstanding [ESLint] Evaluating quality gates [ESLint] -> All quality gates have been passed [ESLint] -> Details for each quality gate: [ESLint] - [Total (any severity)]: ≪Success≫ - (Actual value: 0, Quality gate: 1.00) [ESLint] Health report is disabled - skipping [ESLint] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues) [ESLint] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'eslint' to build 'eclipse-glsp/glsp-client/master #230'. [GitHub Checks] GitHub check (name: ESLint, status: completed) has been published. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Tests (Mocha)) [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + yarn test:ci yarn run v1.22.19 $ lerna run test:ci --no-bail lerna notice cli v7.4.2 lerna info ci enabled > Lerna (powered by Nx) Running target test:ci for 2 projects: - @eclipse-glsp/client - @eclipse-glsp/protocol > @eclipse-glsp/protocol:"test:ci" @eclipse-glsp/protocol: @eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ export JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=./report.xml && yarn test --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter @eclipse-glsp/protocol: @eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ mocha --config ../../.mocharc "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)" --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions Action is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having a `kind` property with string type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having a `kind` property with incorrect type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions Action hasKind @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having a `kind` property that matches the given value: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having a "kind" property that does not match the given value: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object not having a `kind` property: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions ActionMessage is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has all required interface properties an `action` property that passes the typeguard check: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has all required interface properties but does not have an `action` property that passes the typeguard check : 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions RequestAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions RequestAction hasKind @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a `kind` property that matches the given value: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties but having a `kind` property that does not match the given value: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return for an object not having the correct type and value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions ResponseAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions ResponseAction hasValidResponseId @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a non-empty value for `requestId`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and an empty value for `requestId`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions RejectAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions RejectAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions Operation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions Operation hasKind @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a `kind` property that matches the given value: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties but having a `kind` property that does not match the given value: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object not having the correct type and value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions CompoundOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base Protocol Actions CompoundOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions StatusAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions StatusAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions MessageAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions MessageAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions StartProgressAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions StartProgressAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions UpdateProgressAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions UpdateProgressAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions EndProgressAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Client notification actions EndProgressAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions RequestClipboardDataAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions RequestClipboardDataAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions SetClipboardDataAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions SetClipboardDataAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions CutOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions CutOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions PasteOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Clipboard actions PasteOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Context Actions RequestContextActions is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Context Actions RequestContextActions create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Context Actions SetContextActions is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Context Actions SetContextActions create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Edge modification operations ReconnectEdgeOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Edge modification operations ReconnectEdgeOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Edge modification operations ChangeRoutingPointsOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Edge modification operations ChangeRoutingPointsOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required args: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations CreateOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations CreateNodeOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations CreateNodeOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations CreateEdgeOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations CreateEdgeOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations DeleteElementOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.034 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element creation operations DeleteElementOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element hover actions RequestPopupModelAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element hover actions RequestPopupModelAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element hover actions SetPopupModelAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element hover actions SetPopupModelAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget hasArguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a defined `args` property: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and an undefined `args property: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget addArgument @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should assign a new `args` property to the given target and add the given key-value pair to the args object: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget getElementIds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the value for the ELEMENT_IDS key of the args object of the given target as a string array: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an empty array for the given target with an undefined args property: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget setElementIds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ (should store the given element id array as a joined string value for the ELEMENT_IDS key: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget setTextPosition @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ (should store the given text position in the args property of the given target with separate keys for column and line.: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigationTarget getTextPosition @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the text position composed of its correspond keys in the args object of the given target: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return undefined for the given target with an undefined args property: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions RequestNavigationTargetsAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions RequestNavigationTargetsAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions SetNavigationTargetsAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions SetNavigationTargetsAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigateToTargetAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigateToTargetAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigateToTargetAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions ResolveNavigationTargetAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions ResolveNavigationTargetAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions SetResolvedNavigationTargetAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions SetResolvedNavigationTargetAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigateToExternalTargetAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element navigation actions NavigateToExternalTargetAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: deselectAll: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAction addSelection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAction removeSelection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAction setSelection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAllAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element selection actions SelectAllAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element text editing actions RequestEditValidationAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element text editing actions RequestEditValidationAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element text editing actions SetEditValidationResultAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element text editing actions SetEditValidationResultAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element text editing actions ApplyLabelEditOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element text editing actions ApplyLabelEditOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions RequestTypeHintsAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions RequestTypeHintsAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions SetTypeHintsAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions SetTypeHintsAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions RequestCheckEdgeAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface & optional properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions RequestCheckEdgeAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions CheckEdgeResultAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface & optional properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element type hints actions CheckEdgeResultAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element validation actions RequestMarkersAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element validation actions RequestMarkersAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element validation actions SetMarkersAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element validation actions SetMarkersAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element validation actions DeleteMarkersAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Element validation actions DeleteMarkersAction is create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.065 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions RequestModelAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions RequestModelAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions SetModelAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions SetModelAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions UpdateModelAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions UpdateModelAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions SourceModelChangedAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model data actions SourceModelChangedAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: SetEditModeAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: SetEditModeAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model layout actions RequestBoundsAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model layout actions RequestBoundsAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model layout actions ComputedBoundsAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model layout actions ComputedBoundsAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model layout actions LayoutOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model layout actions LayoutOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions SaveModelAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions SaveModelAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions SetDirtyStateAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions SetDirtyStateAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions RequestExportSvgAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions RequestExportSvgAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions ExportSvgAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Model saving actions ExportSvgAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node modification actions is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node modification actions create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: ChangeContainerOperation is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: ChangeContainerOperation create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Tool palette Actions TriggerNodeCreationAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Tool palette Actions TriggerNodeCreationAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Tool palette Actions TriggerEdgeCreationAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Tool palette Actions TriggerEdgeCreationAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Undo & Redo Actions UndoAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Undo & Redo Actions UndoAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Undo & Redo Actions RedoAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Undo & Redo Actions RedoAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Viewport Actions CenterAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Viewport Actions CenterAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Viewport Actions FitToScreenAction is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Viewport Actions FitToScreenAction create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should be in initial state after construction: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client start @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if no server is configured: 6ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should resolve when server is configured: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.007 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client stop & onStop @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ onStop should not resolve if stop has not been called: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be in stopped state and onStop should resolve: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client initialize @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return cached result on consecutive invocation: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fire event on first invocation: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client initializeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client disposeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client shutdownServer @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client sendActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Node GLSP Client onActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be properly registered if server is not configured: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be properly registered if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should unregister global handler if dispose is invoked: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should unregister client id handler if dispose is invoked: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke global handler when the an action message is sent via proxy: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke client id handler when the an action message is sent via proxy: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 6 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client start @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should successfully start & activate the connection: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client stop @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should successfully stop if the client was not running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should successfully stop if the client was running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client initialize @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should forward the corresponding initialize request and cache result: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return cached result on consecutive invocation: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fire event on first invocation: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client initializeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client disposeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client shutdownServer @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client sendActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client onActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be registered to message emitter if client is not running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be registered to message emitter if client is running: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should unregister lister if dispose is invoked: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.038 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client Connection events @eclipse-glsp/protocol: [JsonrpcGLSPClient] Connection to server is erroring. Shutting down server. [ undefined ] @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should be in error state after connection error: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: [JsonrpcGLSPClient] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted. [] @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should be in error state after connection close while running: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Container configuration initializeContainer @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the given container modules: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the same container module only once: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the given container modules and add configurations: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the given container modules/add configurations and not load modules from remove configurations: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load a module from a remove configuration if it is added later again: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: FeatureModule @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module with missing required modules: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module with partially loaded required modules: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: FeatureModule No or single required module @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should load a feature module with no required module: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should load a feature module with met required module: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module if required module is loaded afterwards: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module with missing required module: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: FeatureModule Multiple required modules @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should load feature module with loaded required modules: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: LazyInjector get @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the service for a bound id: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should throw an error if the service id is not bound: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should throw an error if multiple services are bound to the given id: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the same service instance for a bound id on subsequent calls: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: LazyInjector getOptional @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the service for a bound id: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return undefined if the service id is not bound: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should throw an error if multiple services are bound to the given id: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the same service instance for a bound id on subsequent calls: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return undefined if the service id was initially not bound but is bound on subsequent calls: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: LazyInjector getAll @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return all services for a multi bound id: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the service for a single bound id: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an empty array if the service id is not bound: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an empty array if the service id was initially not bound but is bound on subsequent calls: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds encompasses @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the outer bounds completely encompass the inner bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the outer bounds do not completely encompass the inner bounds: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds overlap @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the two bounds overlap: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the two bounds touch at the right edge of the left bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the two bounds touch at the right edge of the left bounds and the touch flag is set: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the two bounds are equal: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the two bounds are not equal: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds left @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the x-coordinate of the left edge of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds centerX @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the x-coordinate of the center of the bounds: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds right @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the x-coordinate of the right edge of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds top @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the top edge of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds middle @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the middle of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds centerY @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the center of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds bottom @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds topLeft @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the top left corner of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds topCenter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the top center point of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds topRight @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the top right corner of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds middleLeft @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the middle left point of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds middleCenter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the middle center point of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds middleRight @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the middle right point of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds bottomLeft @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the bottom left corner of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds bottomCenter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the bottom center point of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds bottomRight @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the bottom right corner of the bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds isAbove @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are above the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not above the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds isBelow @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are below the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not below the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds isBefore @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are before the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not before the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds isAfter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are after the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not after the right bounds: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds from @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should create a bounds from the given top left and bottom right points: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Bounds sortBy @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should sort the bounds based on the rank function: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension map @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should apply the given function to width and height: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension center @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the center point of the dimension: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension add @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the sum of two dimensions: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension subtract @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the difference of two dimensions: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension multiplyMeasure @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the product of a dimension and a measure: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension divideMeasure @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the quotient of a dimension and a measure: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Dimension equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if two dimensions are equal: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if two dimensions are not equal: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns true for a valid point: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns false for an invalid point: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point isOrigin @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns true for the origin: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns false for a non-origin point: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point isValid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns true for a valid point: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns false for an invalid point: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point abs @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns the absolute point: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point divideScalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ divides both coordinates by the scalar: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point multiplyScalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ multiplies both coordinates by the scalar: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point map @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ applies the function to the coordinates: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point snapToGrid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ snaps the point to the grid: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ snaps the point to the grid with a given origin: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns the vector from the origin to the point: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point move @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ computes the movement from the starting point to the end point: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Point moveTowards @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ computes the movement from the starting point in the given vector direction: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Disposable is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for a primitive: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for unknown function: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for the return value of Disposable.create(): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for the return value of Disposable.empty(): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object with conflicting `dispose` property: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ disposable object: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 6 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Disposable DisposableCollection push @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should add one disposable to the collection and remove it again: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should add multiple disposable to the collection and remove them again: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should add one disposable function to the collection and remove it again: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Movement is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is a movement: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is not a movement: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Movement isStationary @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is stationary: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is not stationary: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Movement isZero @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is zero: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is not zero: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Movement equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if two movements are equal: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if two movements are not equal: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector abs @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the absolute value of the vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector add @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the sum of two vectors: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if two vectors are equal: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector isValid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if a vector is valid: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector magnitude @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the magnitude of a vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector map @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should map each component of the vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector normalize @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the normalized vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the zero vector if the vector is the zero vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector isZero @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if a vector is the zero vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is a vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is not a vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector divide @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should divide each component of the vector by a scalar: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector multiply @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should multiply each component of the vector by a scalar: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector subtract @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should subtract the subtrahend from the vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector reverse @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should reverse the direction of a vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector direction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return right-up for a vector with positive x and negative y: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return left-down for a vector with negative x and positive y: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector min @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the minimum vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector max @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the maximum vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Vector avg @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the average vector: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the zero vector if no vectors are given: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil AnyObject is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an empty object: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object with arbitrary properties: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `null`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for unknown object of primitive type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil hasStringProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil hasBooleanProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil hasNumberProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil hasObjectProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.049 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil hasFunctionProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/protocol: TypeUtil hasArrayProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/protocol:   541 passing (383ms) > @eclipse-glsp/client:"test:ci" @eclipse-glsp/client: @eclipse-glsp/client: $ export JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=./report.xml && yarn test --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter @eclipse-glsp/client: @eclipse-glsp/client: $ mocha --config ../../.mocharc "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)" --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter @eclipse-glsp/client: GLSPActionDispatcher requestUntil @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should resolve successfully if response dispatched within timeout: 16ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should resolve to `undefined` if no response dispatched within timeout & `rejectOnTimeout` flag is false: 6ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be rejected if no response dispatched within timeout & `rejectOnTimeout` flag is true: 5ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.032 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: GLSPActionDispatcher request & re-dispatch @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be possible to re-dispatch the response of a `request` call: 30ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.032 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/client: DefaultModelInitializationConstraint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should complete after dispatching non empty SetModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction`: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should complete after dispatching non empty UpdateModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction`: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should note complete after dispatching empty SetModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction` : 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should note complete after dispatching empty UpdateModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction : 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: DefaultModelInitializationConstraint onInitialized @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ returned promise should resolve once the constraint is initialized: 6ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ registered listener should be invoked once the constraint is initialized: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ registered listener should be invoked directly on registration if the constraint is already initialized: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Disposed listener should not be invoked once the constraint is initialized: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.008 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: SelectionService Initial State @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ On creation nothing should be selected and no feedback should be dispatched.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/client: SelectionService Single Selection @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting a single element should be tracked correctly and trigger feedback.: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting the same element twice in one operation should not make a difference.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and then deselecting the same element should result in an empty selection.: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and deselecting the same element in the same operation should have no effect.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and deselecting not-existing nodes should have no effect.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.009 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/client: SelectionService Multi Selection @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting multiple elements should be tracked correctly and trigger feedback.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting multiple elements should have the selection order in the dispatched feedback.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting the same elements twice in one operation should not make a difference.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and then deselecting the same elements should result in an empty selection.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and deselecting the same elements in one operation should have no effect.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting three elements and deselecting one should result in two selected and one deselected element.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A series of selection and deselection operations should be tracked correctly.: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.015 s, Tests: 7 @eclipse-glsp/client: SelectionService Changing Root @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Changing root deselects all selected elements if there are no matching elements.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Changing root keeps selected elements if there are matching elements.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Changing root with new selection correctly selects matching elements and deselects not matching elements.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.006 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: SelectionService Listeners @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should be notified of a single selection change.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should be notified of a multi-selection change.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should be notified of series of selection changes.: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should NOT be notified of root changes.: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting the same elements consecutively should not trigger a listener update.: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting a not-existing elements should not trigger a listener update.: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.008 s, Tests: 6 @eclipse-glsp/client: FreeFormLayouter issue-610 @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ recursive hGrab/vGrab: 4ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/client: FreeFormLayouter issue-694 @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true), Left-aligned label (hGrab=true), right-aligned label (hGrab=false): 2ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true, padding*=10): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: HBoxLayouter @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ defaultParams: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignTop: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignCenter: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignBottom: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ padding: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ hGap: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ paddingFactor: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minWidth: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minHeight: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefWidth: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefHeight: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.006 s, Tests: 11 @eclipse-glsp/client: VBoxLayouter @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ defaultParams: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignLeft: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignCenter: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignRight: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ padding: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ vGap: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ paddingFactor: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minWidth: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minHeight: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefWidth: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefHeight: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.007 s, Tests: 11 @eclipse-glsp/client: GridSnapper @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ snap: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 1 @eclipse-glsp/client: PointPositionUpdater @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ updatePosition with no last drag position: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ update last position and reset: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ updatePosition with no snapper: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ updatePosition with snapper: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: TypeHintProvider getShapeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no `SetTypeHintsAction` has been handled yet: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no hint is registered for the given type (exact type match): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (exact type match): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (sub type match): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: TypeHintProvider getEdgeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no `SetTypeHintsAction` has been handled yet: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no hint is registered for the given type (exact type match): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (exact type match): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (sub type match): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: ApplyTypeHintCommand test hints to model feature translation (after command execution)` ShapeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should not modify feature set of model element with no applicable type hint: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should add all enabled (`true`) features, derived from the applied type hint, to the model: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should remove all disabled (`false`) features, derived from the applied type hint, from the model: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: ApplyTypeHintCommand test hints to model feature translation (after command execution)` ShapeTypeHint `isConnectable` (after hint has been applied to element) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if source/target elements are not defined in edge hint: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `false` if element type is not in source/target elements of edge hint: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if element type is in source/target elements of edge hint (exact type): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if element super type is in source/target elements of edge hint (super type): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should fallback to class-level `canConnect` implementation if no edge hint is applicable to routable: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/client: ApplyTypeHintCommand test hints to model feature translation (after command execution)` ShapeTypeHint `isContainable` (after hint has been applied to element) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `false` if corresponding hint has no containable elements defined: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if corresponding hint has containable element with matching type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if corresponding hint as has containable element with matching super type: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: ApplyTypeHintCommand test hints to model feature translation (after command execution)` EdgeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should not modify feature set of model element with no applicable type hint: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should add all enabled (`true`) features, derived from the applied type hint, to the model: 31ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should remove all disabled (`false`) features, derived from the applied type hint, from the model: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.033 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: AlignElementsCommand @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements left: 3ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements right: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements center: 2ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements top: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements bottom: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements middle: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.009 s, Tests: 6 @eclipse-glsp/client: ResizeElementsCommand @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should make same width as last: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should make same height as last: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should make same width and height as last: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 3 @eclipse-glsp/client: NavigationTarget @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be able to set and get element IDs: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be able to set and get textual positions: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be able to set and get custom query arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should specify whether it has arguments: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: MarqueeUtil Node marquee @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch element: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch element (reverse): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire element: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire element (reverse): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 4 @eclipse-glsp/client: MarqueeUtil Edge marquee @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch edge: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch edge (reverse): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire edge: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire edge (reverse): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ edge path should be marked: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 5 @eclipse-glsp/client: MarkerNavigator @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(undefined) without any markers returns undefined: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ previous(undefined) without any markers returns undefined: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(undefined) with one marker returns the one marker: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(firstMarker) with only one marker returns again the first marker: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ previous(firstMarker) with only one marker returns again the first marker: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(firstMarker) with two marker returns second marker then again first marker: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ previous(firstMarker) with two marker returns second marker then again first marker: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ returns markers in the order left-to-right, top-to-bottom with next(): 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ returns markers in the order left-to-right, top-to-bottom with previous(): 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.004 s, Tests: 9 @eclipse-glsp/client: SModel Util calcRoute @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return complete route: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should filter duplicates with same coordinates: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should not filter source and target even if duplicate coordinates: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should filter duplicates with same coordinates but allow tolerance: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should allow filtering based on point type: ROUTE_KINDS: 1ms @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should allow filtering based on point type: ROUTING_POINT_KINDS: 0ms @eclipse-glsp/client: Suite duration: 0.003 s, Tests: 6 @eclipse-glsp/client:   124 passing (213ms) > Lerna (powered by Nx) Successfully ran target test:ci for 2 projects Done in 36.99s. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Test Coverage (master only)) [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + yarn test:coverage:ci yarn run v1.22.19 $ yarn glsp coverageReport . $ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/.bin/glsp coverageReport .  Create individual package coverage reports   Create combined report  $ lerna run test:coverage lerna notice cli v7.4.2 lerna info ci enabled > Lerna (powered by Nx) Running target test:coverage for 2 projects: - @eclipse-glsp/client - @eclipse-glsp/protocol > @eclipse-glsp/protocol:"test:coverage" @eclipse-glsp/protocol: @eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ nyc yarn test @eclipse-glsp/protocol: @eclipse-glsp/protocol: $ mocha --config ../../.mocharc "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)" @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Base Protocol Actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Action @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having a `kind` property with string type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having a `kind` property with incorrect type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasKind @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having a `kind` property that matches the given value @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having a "kind" property that does not match the given value @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object not having a `kind` property @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has all required interface properties an `action` property that passes the typeguard check @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has all required interface properties but does not have an `action` property that passes the typeguard check  @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasKind @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a `kind` property that matches the given value @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties but having a `kind` property that does not match the given value @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return for an object not having the correct type and value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ResponseAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasValidResponseId @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a non-empty value for `requestId` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and an empty value for `requestId` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RejectAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Operation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasKind @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a `kind` property that matches the given value @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties but having a `kind` property that does not match the given value @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object not having the correct type and value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CompoundOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for undefined @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Client notification actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  StatusAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  MessageAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` (45ms) @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  StartProgressAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  UpdateProgressAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  EndProgressAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Clipboard actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestClipboardDataAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetClipboardDataAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CutOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  PasteOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Context Actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestContextActions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetContextActions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Edge modification operations @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ReconnectEdgeOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ChangeRoutingPointsOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required args @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element creation operations @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CreateOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CreateNodeOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CreateEdgeOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  DeleteElementOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element hover actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestPopupModelAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetPopupModelAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element navigation actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  NavigationTarget @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasArguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and a defined `args` property (82ms) @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties and an undefined `args property @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  addArgument @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should assign a new `args` property to the given target and add the given key-value pair to the args object @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  getElementIds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the value for the ELEMENT_IDS key of the args object of the given target as a string array (82ms) @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an empty array for the given target with an undefined args property @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  setElementIds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ (should store the given element id array as a joined string value for the ELEMENT_IDS key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  setTextPosition @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ (should store the given text position in the args property of the given target with separate keys for column and line. @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  getTextPosition @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the text position composed of its correspond keys in the args object of the given target @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return undefined for the given target with an undefined args property @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestNavigationTargetsAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetNavigationTargetsAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  NavigateToTargetAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ResolveNavigationTargetAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetResolvedNavigationTargetAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  NavigateToExternalTargetAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element selection actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SelectAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments: deselectAll @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  addSelection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  removeSelection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  setSelection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SelectAllAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element text editing actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestEditValidationAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetEditValidationResultAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ApplyLabelEditOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element type hints actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestTypeHintsAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetTypeHintsAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestCheckEdgeAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface & optional properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CheckEdgeResultAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface & optional properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Element validation actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestMarkersAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties (75ms) @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetMarkersAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  DeleteMarkersAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Model data actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestModelAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetModelAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  UpdateModelAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SourceModelChangedAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetEditModeAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Model layout actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestBoundsAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ComputedBoundsAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  LayoutOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Model saving actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SaveModelAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  SetDirtyStateAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RequestExportSvgAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ExportSvgAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Node modification actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ChangeContainerOperation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Tool palette Actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  TriggerNodeCreationAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  TriggerEdgeCreationAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Undo & Redo Actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  UndoAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  RedoAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Viewport Actions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  CenterAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  FitToScreenAction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object having the correct type and a value for all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have all required interface properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  create @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required arguments and default values for the optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an object conforming to the interface with matching properties for the given required and optional arguments @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Node GLSP Client @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should be in initial state after construction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  start @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if no server is configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should resolve when server is configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  stop & onStop @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ onStop should not resolve if stop has not been called @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be in stopped state and onStop should resolve @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  initialize @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return cached result on consecutive invocation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fire event on first invocation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  initializeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  disposeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  shutdownServer @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  sendActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if server is not configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  onActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be properly registered if server is not configured @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be properly registered if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should unregister global handler if dispose is invoked @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should unregister client id handler if dispose is invoked @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke global handler when the an action message is sent via proxy @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke client id handler when the an action message is sent via proxy @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Base JSON-RPC GLSP Client @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  start @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should successfully start & activate the connection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  stop @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should successfully stop if the client was not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should successfully stop if the client was running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  initialize @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should forward the corresponding initialize request and cache result @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return cached result on consecutive invocation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fire event on first invocation @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  initializeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method (59ms) @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  disposeClientSession @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  shutdownServer @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  sendActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should fail if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should invoke the corresponding server method @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  onActionMessage @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be registered to message emitter if client is not running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should be registered to message emitter if client is running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should unregister lister if dispose is invoked @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Connection events @eclipse-glsp/protocol: [JsonrpcGLSPClient] Connection to server is erroring. Shutting down server. [ undefined ] @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should be in error state after connection error @eclipse-glsp/protocol: [JsonrpcGLSPClient] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted. [] @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should be in error state after connection close while running @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Container configuration @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  initializeContainer @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the given container modules @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the same container module only once @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the given container modules and add configurations @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load the given container modules/add configurations and not load modules from remove configurations @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should load a module from a remove configuration if it is added later again @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  FeatureModule @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module with missing required modules @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module with partially loaded required modules @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  No or single required module @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should load a feature module with no required module @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should load a feature module with met required module @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module if required module is loaded afterwards @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should not load a feature module with missing required module @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Multiple required modules @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ Should load feature module with loaded required modules @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  LazyInjector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  get @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the service for a bound id @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should throw an error if the service id is not bound @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should throw an error if multiple services are bound to the given id @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the same service instance for a bound id on subsequent calls @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  getOptional @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the service for a bound id @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return undefined if the service id is not bound @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should throw an error if multiple services are bound to the given id @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the same service instance for a bound id on subsequent calls @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return undefined if the service id was initially not bound but is bound on subsequent calls @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  getAll @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return all services for a multi bound id @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the service for a single bound id @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an empty array if the service id is not bound @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return an empty array if the service id was initially not bound but is bound on subsequent calls @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  encompasses @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the outer bounds completely encompass the inner bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the outer bounds do not completely encompass the inner bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  overlap @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the two bounds overlap @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the two bounds touch at the right edge of the left bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the two bounds touch at the right edge of the left bounds and the touch flag is set @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the two bounds are equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the two bounds are not equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  left @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the x-coordinate of the left edge of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  centerX @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the x-coordinate of the center of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  right @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the x-coordinate of the right edge of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  top @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the top edge of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  middle @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the middle of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  centerY @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the center of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  bottom @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  topLeft @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the top left corner of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  topCenter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the top center point of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  topRight @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the top right corner of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  middleLeft @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the middle left point of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  middleCenter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the middle center point of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  middleRight @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the middle right point of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  bottomLeft @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the bottom left corner of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  bottomCenter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the bottom center point of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  bottomRight @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the bottom right corner of the bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isAbove @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are above the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not above the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isBelow @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are below the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not below the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isBefore @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are before the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not before the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isAfter @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if the left bounds are after the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if the left bounds are not after the right bounds @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  from @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should create a bounds from the given top left and bottom right points @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  sortBy @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should sort the bounds based on the rank function @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Dimension @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  map @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should apply the given function to width and height @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  center @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the center point of the dimension @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  add @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the sum of two dimensions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  subtract @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the difference of two dimensions @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  multiplyMeasure @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the product of a dimension and a measure @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  divideMeasure @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the quotient of a dimension and a measure @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true if two dimensions are equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false if two dimensions are not equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns true for a valid point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns false for an invalid point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isOrigin @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns true for the origin @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns false for a non-origin point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isValid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns true for a valid point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns false for an invalid point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  abs @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns the absolute point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  divideScalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ divides both coordinates by the scalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  multiplyScalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ multiplies both coordinates by the scalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  map @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ applies the function to the coordinates @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  snapToGrid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ snaps the point to the grid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ snaps the point to the grid with a given origin @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ returns the vector from the origin to the point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  move @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ computes the movement from the starting point to the end point @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  moveTowards @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ computes the movement from the starting point in the given vector direction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Disposable @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for a primitive @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for unknown function @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for the return value of Disposable.create() @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for the return value of Disposable.empty() @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object with conflicting `dispose` property @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ disposable object @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  DisposableCollection @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  push @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should add one disposable to the collection and remove it again @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should add multiple disposable to the collection and remove them again @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should add one disposable function to the collection and remove it again @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Movement @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is a movement @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is not a movement @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isStationary @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is stationary @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is not stationary @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isZero @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is zero @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the movement is not zero @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if two movements are equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if two movements are not equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  Vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  abs @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the absolute value of the vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  add @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the sum of two vectors @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  equals @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if two vectors are equal @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isValid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if a vector is valid @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  magnitude @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the magnitude of a vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  map @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should map each component of the vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  normalize @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the normalized vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the zero vector if the vector is the zero vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  isZero @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if a vector is the zero vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is a vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should check if the given object is not a vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  divide @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should divide each component of the vector by a scalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  multiply @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should multiply each component of the vector by a scalar @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  subtract @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should subtract the subtrahend from the vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  reverse @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should reverse the direction of a vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  direction @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return right-up for a vector with positive x and negative y @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return left-down for a vector with negative x and positive y @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  min @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the minimum vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  max @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the maximum vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  avg @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should compute the average vector @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return the zero vector if no vectors are given @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  TypeUtil @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  AnyObject @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  is @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an empty object @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object with arbitrary properties @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `undefined` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for `null` @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for unknown object of primitive type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasStringProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasBooleanProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasNumberProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasObjectProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasFunctionProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  hasArrayProp @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property that matches the given but not the given type @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that does not have a property that matches the given key @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that does not have a matching key when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return false for an object that has a property with matching name but invalid type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property with matching name but without value when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:  ✔ should return true for an object that has a property that matches the given key and type when using the optional flag @eclipse-glsp/protocol:   541 passing (981ms) @eclipse-glsp/protocol: =============================== Coverage summary =============================== @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Statements : 77.72% ( 942/1212 ) @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Branches : 76.1% ( 532/699 ) @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Functions : 73.96% ( 358/484 ) @eclipse-glsp/protocol: Lines : 80.65% ( 917/1137 ) @eclipse-glsp/protocol: ================================================================================ > @eclipse-glsp/client:"test:coverage" @eclipse-glsp/client: @eclipse-glsp/client: $ nyc yarn test @eclipse-glsp/client: @eclipse-glsp/client: $ mocha --config ../../.mocharc "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)" @eclipse-glsp/client:  @eclipse-glsp/client:  GLSPActionDispatcher @eclipse-glsp/client:  requestUntil @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should resolve successfully if response dispatched within timeout @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should resolve to `undefined` if no response dispatched within timeout & `rejectOnTimeout` flag is false @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be rejected if no response dispatched within timeout & `rejectOnTimeout` flag is true @eclipse-glsp/client:  request & re-dispatch @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be possible to re-dispatch the response of a `request` call @eclipse-glsp/client:  DefaultModelInitializationConstraint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should complete after dispatching non empty SetModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction` @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should complete after dispatching non empty UpdateModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction` @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should note complete after dispatching empty SetModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction`  @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should note complete after dispatching empty UpdateModelAction and `InitializeCanvasBoundsAction  @eclipse-glsp/client:  onInitialized @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ returned promise should resolve once the constraint is initialized @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ registered listener should be invoked once the constraint is initialized @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ registered listener should be invoked directly on registration if the constraint is already initialized @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Disposed listener should not be invoked once the constraint is initialized @eclipse-glsp/client:  SelectionService @eclipse-glsp/client:  Initial State @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ On creation nothing should be selected and no feedback should be dispatched. @eclipse-glsp/client:  Single Selection @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting a single element should be tracked correctly and trigger feedback. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting the same element twice in one operation should not make a difference. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and then deselecting the same element should result in an empty selection. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and deselecting the same element in the same operation should have no effect. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and deselecting not-existing nodes should have no effect. @eclipse-glsp/client:  Multi Selection @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting multiple elements should be tracked correctly and trigger feedback. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting multiple elements should have the selection order in the dispatched feedback. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting the same elements twice in one operation should not make a difference. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and then deselecting the same elements should result in an empty selection. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting and deselecting the same elements in one operation should have no effect. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting three elements and deselecting one should result in two selected and one deselected element. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A series of selection and deselection operations should be tracked correctly. @eclipse-glsp/client:  Changing Root @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Changing root deselects all selected elements if there are no matching elements. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Changing root keeps selected elements if there are matching elements. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Changing root with new selection correctly selects matching elements and deselects not matching elements. @eclipse-glsp/client:  Listeners @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should be notified of a single selection change. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should be notified of a multi-selection change. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should be notified of series of selection changes. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ A registered listener should NOT be notified of root changes. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting the same elements consecutively should not trigger a listener update. @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Selecting a not-existing elements should not trigger a listener update. @eclipse-glsp/client:  FreeFormLayouter @eclipse-glsp/client:  issue-610 @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ recursive hGrab/vGrab @eclipse-glsp/client:  issue-694 @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true), Left-aligned label (hGrab=true), right-aligned label (hGrab=false) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ Structure compartment (hGrab=true, vGrab=true, padding*=10) @eclipse-glsp/client:  HBoxLayouter @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ defaultParams @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignTop @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignCenter @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignBottom @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ padding @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ hGap @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ paddingFactor @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minWidth @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minHeight @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefWidth @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefHeight @eclipse-glsp/client:  VBoxLayouter @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ defaultParams @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignLeft @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignCenter @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ alignRight @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ padding @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ vGap @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ paddingFactor @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minWidth @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ minHeight @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefWidth @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ prefHeight @eclipse-glsp/client:  GridSnapper @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ snap @eclipse-glsp/client:  PointPositionUpdater @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ updatePosition with no last drag position @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ update last position and reset @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ updatePosition with no snapper @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ updatePosition with snapper @eclipse-glsp/client:  TypeHintProvider @eclipse-glsp/client:  getShapeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no `SetTypeHintsAction` has been handled yet @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no hint is registered for the given type (exact type match) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (exact type match) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (sub type match) @eclipse-glsp/client:  getEdgeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no `SetTypeHintsAction` has been handled yet @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `undefined` if no hint is registered for the given type (exact type match) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (exact type match) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return the corresponding type hint for the given type (sub type match) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ApplyTypeHintCommand @eclipse-glsp/client:  test hints to model feature translation (after command execution)` @eclipse-glsp/client:  ShapeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should not modify feature set of model element with no applicable type hint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should add all enabled (`true`) features, derived from the applied type hint, to the model @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should remove all disabled (`false`) features, derived from the applied type hint, from the model @eclipse-glsp/client:  `isConnectable` (after hint has been applied to element) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if source/target elements are not defined in edge hint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `false` if element type is not in source/target elements of edge hint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if element type is in source/target elements of edge hint (exact type) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if element super type is in source/target elements of edge hint (super type) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should fallback to class-level `canConnect` implementation if no edge hint is applicable to routable @eclipse-glsp/client:  `isContainable` (after hint has been applied to element) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `false` if corresponding hint has no containable elements defined @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if corresponding hint has containable element with matching type @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return `true` if corresponding hint as has containable element with matching super type @eclipse-glsp/client:  EdgeTypeHint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should not modify feature set of model element with no applicable type hint @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should add all enabled (`true`) features, derived from the applied type hint, to the model @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should remove all disabled (`false`) features, derived from the applied type hint, from the model @eclipse-glsp/client:  AlignElementsCommand @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements left @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements right @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements center @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements top @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements bottom @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should align all elements middle @eclipse-glsp/client:  ResizeElementsCommand @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should make same width as last @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should make same height as last @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should make same width and height as last @eclipse-glsp/client:  NavigationTarget @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be able to set and get element IDs @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be able to set and get textual positions @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should be able to set and get custom query arguments @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should specify whether it has arguments @eclipse-glsp/client:  MarqueeUtil @eclipse-glsp/client:  Node marquee @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch element @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch element (reverse) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire element @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire element (reverse) @eclipse-glsp/client:  Edge marquee @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch edge @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ touch edge (reverse) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire edge @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ mark entire edge (reverse) @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ edge path should be marked @eclipse-glsp/client:  MarkerNavigator @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(undefined) without any markers returns undefined @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ previous(undefined) without any markers returns undefined @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(undefined) with one marker returns the one marker @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(firstMarker) with only one marker returns again the first marker @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ previous(firstMarker) with only one marker returns again the first marker @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ next(firstMarker) with two marker returns second marker then again first marker @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ previous(firstMarker) with two marker returns second marker then again first marker @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ returns markers in the order left-to-right, top-to-bottom with next() @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ returns markers in the order left-to-right, top-to-bottom with previous() @eclipse-glsp/client:  SModel Util @eclipse-glsp/client:  calcRoute @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should return complete route @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should filter duplicates with same coordinates @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should not filter source and target even if duplicate coordinates @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should filter duplicates with same coordinates but allow tolerance @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should allow filtering based on point type: ROUTE_KINDS @eclipse-glsp/client:  ✔ should allow filtering based on point type: ROUTING_POINT_KINDS @eclipse-glsp/client:   124 passing (266ms) @eclipse-glsp/client: =============================== Coverage summary =============================== @eclipse-glsp/client: Statements : 44.66% ( 2317/5188 ) @eclipse-glsp/client: Branches : 24.11% ( 532/2206 ) @eclipse-glsp/client: Functions : 24.35% ( 319/1310 ) @eclipse-glsp/client: Lines : 43.08% ( 2098/4869 ) @eclipse-glsp/client: ================================================================================ > Lerna (powered by Nx) Successfully ran target test:coverage for 2 projects $ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/eclipse-glsp_glsp-client_master/node_modules/.bin/nyc report --reporter html  Coverage reported generation successful  Done in 63.13s. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Deploy (master only)) [Pipeline] sh + git diff --name-only 'HEAD^' + grep --quiet '^packages\|examples' [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $NPM_AUTH_TOKEN [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + printf //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=**** [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] sh + git config user.email eclipse-glsp-bot@eclipse.org [Pipeline] sh + git config user.name eclipse-glsp-bot [Pipeline] sh + yarn publish:next yarn run v1.22.19 $ lerna publish preminor --exact --canary --preid next --dist-tag next --no-git-reset --no-git-tag-version --no-push --ignore-scripts --yes lerna notice cli v7.4.2 lerna info ci enabled lerna info canary enabled lerna WARN force-publish all packages lerna info Assuming all packages changed Found 4 packages to publish: - @eclipse-glsp-examples/workflow-glsp => 2.2.0-next.329+d53e2e2 - @eclipse-glsp/client => 2.2.0-next.329+d53e2e2 - @eclipse-glsp/sprotty => 2.2.0-next.329+d53e2e2 - @eclipse-glsp/protocol => 2.2.0-next.329+d53e2e2 lerna info auto-confirmed lerna info publish Publishing packages to npm... lerna success published @eclipse-glsp/protocol 2.2.0-next.329+d53e2e2 lerna notice lerna notice package: @eclipse-glsp/protocol@2.2.0-next.329+d53e2e2 lerna notice === Tarball Contents === lerna notice 402B src/.indexignore lerna notice 35.4kB LICENSE lerna notice 7.6kB lib/utils/array-util.js lerna notice 6.6kB lib/client-server-protocol/base-glsp-client.js lerna notice 7.9kB lib/client-server-protocol/jsonrpc/base-jsonrpc-glsp-client.js lerna notice 5.7kB lib/action-protocol/base-protocol.js lerna notice 4.1kB lib/action-protocol/client-notification.js lerna notice 3.6kB lib/action-protocol/clipboard.js lerna notice 3.4kB lib/di/container-configuration.js lerna notice 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