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  1. Bug 501157  - [GenDoc] Support for new document types - reuse of the UI (details)
Commit db0e1621d0c152673686a680e25b864409ecf2c4 by Antonio Campesino
Bug 501157  - [GenDoc] Support for new document types - reuse of the UI
Change-Id: I548b035fbfeb809b92f5b5de6ea25f92c9db163b
The file was modified plugins/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.gendoc.wizard.papyrus/src/org/eclipse/gendoc/wizard/papyrus/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.gendoc.wizard/src/org/eclipse/gendoc/wizard/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.gendoc.wizard.papyrus/src/org/eclipse/gendoc/bundle/acceleo/papyrus/utils/
The file was modified plugins/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.gendoc.wizard/plugin.xml
The file was modified plugins/
The file was modified plugins/
The file was modified plugins/org.eclipse.gendoc.ui/plugin.xml