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Took 1.8 sec.

Standard Output

		<h2>Hello World!</h2>
Hello World!
		<h2>Hello World!</h2>
		<h2>Hello World!</h2>
		<h2>Hello World!</h2>
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!

Standard Error

Aug 15, 2019 9:56:49 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost setAppBase
WARNING: Using an empty string for appBase on host [localhost] will set it to CATALINA_BASE, which is a bad idea
Aug 15, 2019 9:56:49 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
INFO: Server version:        Apache Tomcat/8.5.35
Aug 15, 2019 9:56:49 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener log
INFO: Server built:          Nov 3 2018 17:39:20 UTC
Aug 15, 2019 9:56:49 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Ver
...[truncated 13605 chars]...
INFO: Stopping service [Catalina]
Aug 15, 2019 9:57:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
Aug 15, 2019 9:57:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler ["ajp-nio-8009"]
Aug 15, 2019 9:57:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol destroy
INFO: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
Aug 15, 2019 9:57:01 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol destroy
INFO: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["ajp-nio-8009"]