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Started 11 yr ago
Took 1 min 27 sec on hudson-slave2

#62 (Aug 29, 2012, 3:01:17 AM)

  1. Fix for bug 384323 - Missing persistence descriptor causes infinite loop (details)
  2. Added support for config admin service. (details)
  3. Updated EclipseLink bundle deps to 2.4.0 (details)
  4. Clean up git from config admin feature (details)
  5. Renamed existing sample to basic and added config admin sample (details)
  6. Updated config admin support to not refresh incremental config bundles (details)
  7. Config file changes for 1.1 M2 milestone (details)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: 52ca77d139da3bcf559756b24fb1c7ba550be87e
  • origin/trunk