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Console Output

Started by timer
Started by timer
Building on master
Checkout:workspace / /home/hudson/genie.gef/.hudson/jobs/promote-gef4-maintenance/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@584e3e51
Using strategy: Default
Git Exe: git
Checkout:workspace / /home/hudson/genie.gef/.hudson/jobs/promote-gef4-maintenance/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@584e3e51
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository origin
Fetching upstream changes from /gitroot/gef/org.eclipse.gef4.git
Commencing build of Revision f9f61d38e9cb66822d325280c06bd1e61da371f4 (origin/R4_0_maintenance)
Checking out Revision f9f61d38e9cb66822d325280c06bd1e61da371f4 (origin/R4_0_maintenance)
No change to record in branch origin/R4_0_maintenance
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/genie.gef/
+ sh org.eclipse.gef4.repository/ gef4-maintenance lastStable i y y y 4.1.0
jobName: gef4-maintenance
buildId: lastStable
buildType: i
site: y
merge: y
dropFiles: y
releaseLabel: 4.1.0
Reverse lookup (lastStable/lastSuccessful) yielded buildId: lastStable
The specified buildId does not refer to an existing build: lastStable
Sending e-mails to:
Finished: FAILURE