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#14 (Jan 26, 2017, 6:25:32 AM)

  1. Work on *.core.profile.esfsafetyconcepts. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail

#13 (Jan 5, 2017, 8:27:52 AM)

  1. Fix category name. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail

#10 (Jan 5, 2017, 5:35:37 AM)

  1. Work on *.core.releng. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail
  2. Edit of *.core.releng. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail
  3. Edit category label of ESF Core. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail
  4. Edit category.xml and of ESF Core releng. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail

#9 (Dec 15, 2016, 9:06:35 AM)

  1. Edit category.xml and of ESF Core releng. — Yupanqui Munoz / detail