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#552 (Jul 24, 2021, 2:00:26 AM)

  1. Enable diagram post processor for GMF 1.10 and above — Laurent Goubet / detail
  2. Bump version to 3.3.15 — Laurent Goubet / detail
  3. change visibility of the resolution context — Laurent Goubet / detail

#551 (Jul 17, 2021, 2:00:26 AM)

  1. Switch to 2021-06 tp and latest EGit version — Laurent Goubet / detail
  2. Prevent NPE from the title builder job if run during/after disposal — Laurent Goubet / detail
  3. Fix delete-change conflict detection (at file level) — Laurent Goubet / detail
  4. Add script to publish releases for JIRO — Laurent Goubet / detail
  5. fix release publication script — Laurent Goubet / detail
  6. Fix release script — Laurent Goubet / detail

#550 (Feb 27, 2021, 2:01:38 AM)

  1. Open ranges to accept Guava 30.1 — Laurent Goubet / detail
  2. Add nightly publication script for JIRO — Laurent Goubet / detail
  3. Add script to publish milestones for JIRO — Laurent Goubet / detail
  4. Use Unix line delimiters for shell scripts — Laurent Goubet / detail

#549 (Feb 13, 2021, 2:00:31 AM)

  1. Do not close the repository when creating the EMF merge tool — Laurent Goubet / detail
  2. Bump version to 3.3.14 — Laurent Goubet / detail

#548 (Jan 30, 2021, 2:00:26 AM)

  1. [570625] Provide overridable isTransient(EStructuralFeature) method in FeatureFilter — Eike Stepper / detail

#546 (Nov 28, 2020, 2:00:09 AM)

  1. Make sure folders are created when extracting input files — Laurent Goubet / detail

#545 (Nov 21, 2020, 2:00:11 AM)

  1. Do not close the repository, getRepositoryCache().clear() will do it — Laurent Goubet / detail
  2. Bump versions to 3.3.13 — Laurent Goubet / detail

#544 (Oct 31, 2020, 2:00:10 AM)

  1. Compatibility recent mockito — Laurent Goubet / detail
  2. Allow loading of models using ID attributes for comparison — Laurent Goubet / detail

#543 (Oct 10, 2020, 2:00:06 AM)

  1. Only consider files we've extracted as potential test projects — Laurent Goubet / detail

#518 (Jun 1, 2019, 2:00:10 AM)

  1. Enable users to merge all conflicts at once through right-click action — Laurent Goubet / detail