Started by upstream project "eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node/main" build number 48 originally caused by: Push event to branch main [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] echo [WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option. [Pipeline] podTemplate [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] node Still waiting to schedule task Waiting for next available executor on ‘emfcloud-agent-podCreated Pod: kubernetes emfcloud/emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-hqml1 Agent emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-hqml1 is provisioned from template emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8 --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: annotations: buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.emfcloud.svc.cluster.local/emfcloud/job/deploy-modelserver-node-npm/61/" runUrl: "job/deploy-modelserver-node-npm/61/" labels: jenkins: "slave" jenkins/label-digest: "23a4fbf7d1361c867cb556a885761746132d4a82" jenkins/label: "emfcloud-agent-pod" name: "emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-hqml1" namespace: "emfcloud" spec: containers: - command: - "cat" image: "eclipsetheia/theia-blueprint:latest" name: "node" resources: limits: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1" requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1" tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" name: "jenkins-home" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/.yarn" name: "yarn-global" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.emfcloud.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-hqml1" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-hqml1" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.emfcloud.svc.cluster.local/emfcloud/" image: "" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: {} requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false nodeSelector: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - emptyDir: {} name: "yarn-global" - emptyDir: {} name: "jenkins-home" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" Running on emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-hqml1 in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/deploy-modelserver-node-npm [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Checkout main) [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] git Created Pod: kubernetes emfcloud/emfcloud-agent-pod-q44v8-70m32 Selected Git installation does not exist. Using Default The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential github-bot Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/deploy-modelserver-node-npm # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub bot (username/token) > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch Checking out Revision 5f3a7a1e42f42b435f48ceababd78891ae686d31 (refs/remotes/origin/main) > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/main^{commit} # timeout=10 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 5f3a7a1e42f42b435f48ceababd78891ae686d31 # timeout=10 > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10 > git checkout -b main 5f3a7a1e42f42b435f48ceababd78891ae686d31 # timeout=10 Commit message: "#193 Add Community Health files to repositories (#68)" > git rev-list --no-walk 5df3bacdb0d30c8e7742e73e60f9d5159fc4351e # timeout=10 [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Build and Deploy) [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 30 min [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] dir Running in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/deploy-modelserver-node-npm/modelserver-node [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] withCredentials Masking supported pattern matches of $NPM_AUTH_TOKEN [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + printf //**** [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withCredentials [Pipeline] sh + git config [Pipeline] sh + git config eclipse-emfcloud-bot [Pipeline] sh + yarn install yarn install v1.22.19 warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". [1/5] Validating package.json... [2/5] Resolving packages... [3/5] Fetching packages... [4/5] Linking dependencies... warning " > ts-node@10.9.1" has unmet peer dependency "@types/node@*". [5/5] Building fresh packages... $ lerna run prepare lerna notice cli v6.1.0 lerna info ci enabled lerna info Executing command in 8 packages: "yarn run prepare" @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: $ tsc && yarn lint @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext: Done in 18.73s. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: $ tsc @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: $ tsc && yarn lint @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: $ tsc @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: $ tsc @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: $ tsc @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: $ tsc @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example: Done in 47.70s. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example: Done in 48.31s. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example: Done in 48.61s. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example: Done in 48.40s. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example: Done in 49.03s. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: $ eslint --ext .ts,.tsx ./src @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node: Done in 77.58s. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: yarn run v1.22.19 @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: $ yarn clean && yarn build @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: $ rimraf lib @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: $ tsc @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example: Done in 6.15s. lerna success run Ran npm script 'prepare' in 8 packages in 105.0s: lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node lerna success - @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext Done in 157.41s. [Pipeline] sh + yarn publish:next yarn run v1.22.19 warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable. warning Selected the next writable cache folder in the list, will be "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1002880000". $ SHA=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) && lerna publish preminor --exact --canary --preid next.${SHA} --dist-tag next --no-git-reset --no-git-tag-version --no-push --ignore-scripts --yes --no-verify-access lerna notice cli v6.1.0 lerna info ci enabled lerna WARN verify-access --verify-access=false and --no-verify-access are no longer needed, because the legacy preemptive access verification is now disabled by default. Requests will fail with appropriate errors when not authorized correctly. lerna info canary enabled lerna WARN force-publish all packages lerna info Assuming all packages changed Found 8 packages to publish: - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-commands-example => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-server-example => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-triggers-example => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 - @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext => 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna info auto-confirmed lerna info publish Publishing packages to npm... lerna success published @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice lerna notice package: @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext@0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice === Tarball Contents === lerna notice 15.5kB LICENSE lerna notice 643B lib/command-provider.js lerna notice 635B lib/executor.js lerna notice 1.8kB lib/index.js lerna notice 1.4kB lib/util/index.js lerna notice 693B lib/logger.js lerna notice 226B lib/model-server-client.js lerna notice 809B lib/model-service.js lerna notice 832B lib/plugin.js lerna notice 639B lib/util/promise-util.js lerna notice 288B lib/route-provider.js lerna notice 643B lib/trigger-provider.js lerna notice 646B lib/validation-provider.js lerna notice 1.6kB package.json lerna notice 524B lib/ lerna notice 144B lib/ lerna notice 588B lib/ lerna notice 128B lib/ lerna notice 345B lib/ lerna notice 154B lib/util/ lerna notice 267B lib/ lerna notice 158B lib/util/ lerna notice 244B lib/ lerna notice 172B lib/ lerna notice 270B lib/ lerna notice 181B lib/ lerna notice 1.9kB lib/ lerna notice 236B lib/ lerna notice 1.2kB lib/ lerna notice 228B lib/ lerna notice 216B lib/util/ lerna notice 144B lib/util/ lerna notice 904B lib/ lerna notice 218B lib/ lerna notice 560B lib/ lerna notice 144B lib/ lerna notice 506B lib/ lerna notice 150B lib/ lerna notice 229B lerna notice 2.1kB lib/command-provider.d.ts lerna notice 2.1kB src/command-provider.ts lerna notice 2.2kB lib/executor.d.ts lerna notice 2.2kB src/executor.ts lerna notice 878B lib/index.d.ts lerna notice 589B lib/util/index.d.ts lerna notice 844B src/index.ts lerna notice 555B src/util/index.ts lerna notice 677B lib/logger.d.ts lerna notice 640B src/logger.ts lerna notice 767B lib/model-server-client.d.ts lerna notice 729B src/model-server-client.ts lerna notice 8.1kB lib/model-service.d.ts lerna notice 8.1kB src/model-service.ts lerna notice 4.0kB lib/plugin.d.ts lerna notice 4.0kB src/plugin.ts lerna notice 610B lib/util/promise-util.d.ts lerna notice 569B src/util/promise-util.ts lerna notice 3.5kB lib/route-provider.d.ts lerna notice 3.5kB src/route-provider.ts lerna notice 2.7kB lib/trigger-provider.d.ts lerna notice 2.7kB src/trigger-provider.ts lerna notice 1.7kB lib/validation-provider.d.ts lerna notice 1.6kB src/validation-provider.ts lerna notice === Tarball Details === lerna notice name: @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-plugin-ext lerna notice version: 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice filename: eclipse-emfcloud-modelserver-plugin-ext-0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1.tgz lerna notice package size: 17.1 kB lerna notice unpacked size: 91.5 kB lerna notice shasum: 249f102794cf51508f5a9ff12dd55c369abbb2f1 lerna notice integrity: sha512-XQX0xi+W4MkIq[...]lA/rW6LiT1y1A== lerna notice total files: 63 lerna notice lerna success published @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice lerna notice package: @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example@0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice === Tarball Contents === lerna notice 15.5kB LICENSE lerna notice 3.8kB lib/example-validator.js lerna notice 1.0kB lib/example-validators-module.js lerna notice 1.4kB package.json lerna notice 431B lib/ lerna notice 1.2kB lib/ lerna notice 217B lib/ lerna notice 326B lib/ lerna notice 3.0kB lerna notice 1.0kB lib/example-validator.d.ts lerna notice 688B lib/example-validators-module.d.ts lerna notice === Tarball Details === lerna notice name: @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-validators-example lerna notice version: 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice filename: eclipse-emfcloud-coffee-custom-validators-example-0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1.tgz lerna notice package size: 9.8 kB lerna notice unpacked size: 28.6 kB lerna notice shasum: 3d61d8e1a2ab1c60134b8f146398f9034f15829f lerna notice integrity: sha512-5+gmvOBXfg7Iu[...]8D6n3nISIL59w== lerna notice total files: 11 lerna notice lerna success published @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice lerna notice package: @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example@0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice === Tarball Contents === lerna notice 15.5kB LICENSE lerna notice 1.0kB lib/example-middleware-module.js lerna notice 3.3kB lib/example-middleware.js lerna notice 1.5kB package.json lerna notice 217B lib/ lerna notice 326B lib/ lerna notice 436B lib/ lerna notice 816B lib/ lerna notice 5.7kB lerna notice 688B lib/example-middleware-module.d.ts lerna notice 1.3kB lib/example-middleware.d.ts lerna notice === Tarball Details === lerna notice name: @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-middleware-example lerna notice version: 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice filename: eclipse-emfcloud-coffee-custom-middleware-example-0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1.tgz lerna notice package size: 10.4 kB lerna notice unpacked size: 30.7 kB lerna notice shasum: 0bee521587e8b96d03184bbdcabcd15c8a34779f lerna notice integrity: sha512-/71FfUnqyxeG9[...]KXDNrt7nuK7Mw== lerna notice total files: 11 lerna notice lerna success published @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice lerna notice package: @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example@0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice === Tarball Contents === lerna notice 15.5kB LICENSE lerna notice 3.3kB lib/example-route.js lerna notice 989B lib/example-routes-module.js lerna notice 1.4kB package.json lerna notice 464B lib/ lerna notice 1.4kB lib/ lerna notice 209B lib/ lerna notice 317B lib/ lerna notice 5.7kB lerna notice 1.2kB lib/example-route.d.ts lerna notice 684B lib/example-routes-module.d.ts lerna notice === Tarball Details === lerna notice name: @eclipse-emfcloud/coffee-custom-routes-example lerna notice version: 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice filename: eclipse-emfcloud-coffee-custom-routes-example-0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1.tgz lerna notice package size: 10.6 kB lerna notice unpacked size: 31.1 kB lerna notice shasum: f74705c8453fb36fe0ad945bf53369497a22a567 lerna notice integrity: sha512-sihOQ+CMpmIMb[...]1f7dxkfZsDd3w== lerna notice total files: 11 lerna notice lerna success published @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node 0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice lerna notice package: @eclipse-emfcloud/modelserver-node@0.2.0-next.5f3a7a1.52+5f3a7a1 lerna notice === Tarball Contents === lerna notice 15.5kB LICENSE lerna notice 5.6kB lib/command-provider-registry.js lerna notice 1.9kB lib/di.js lerna notice 1.5kB lib/client/disposable.js lerna notice 7.8kB lib/services/edit-service.js lerna notice 1.5kB lib/index.js lerna notice 1.4kB lib/routes/index.js lerna notice 2.5kB lib/logging-module.js lerna notice 22.9kB lib/client/model-server-client.js lerna notice 5.0kB lib/services/model-service.js lerna notice 3.0kB lib/routes/modelelement.js lerna notice 8.5kB lib/routes/models.js lerna notice 5.4kB lib/plugin-context.js lerna notice 1.5kB lib/client/promise-utils.js lerna notice 5.9kB lib/routes/route-utils.js lerna notice 1.5kB lib/routes/routing-module.js lerna notice 3.1kB lib/server-module.js lerna notice 13.6kB lib/server.js lerna notice 9.0kB lib/services/subscription-manager.js lerna notice 6.1kB lib/routes/subscription.js lerna notice 6.2kB lib/test/test-helpers.js lerna notice 1.2kB lib/test/test-model-helper.js lerna notice 3.8kB lib/test/test-server-fixture.js lerna notice 6.1kB lib/trigger-provider-registry.js lerna notice 3.8kB lib/routes/undo-redo.js lerna notice 1.9kB lib/client/uri-utils.js lerna notice 6.4kB lib/services/validation-manager.js lerna notice 6.0kB lib/validation-provider-registry.js lerna notice 4.1kB lib/routes/validation.js lerna notice 10.3kB lib/client/web-socket-utils.js lerna notice 2.0kB package.json lerna notice 1.0kB lib/ lerna notice 2.4kB lib/ lerna notice 383B lib/ lerna notice 1.1kB lib/ lerna notice 377B lib/client/ lerna notice 524B lib/client/ lerna notice 1.3kB lib/services/ lerna notice 3.9kB lib/services/ lerna 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[Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // podTemplate [Pipeline] End of Pipeline [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. Finished: SUCCESS